Whitelist Server GrayCraft Relaunched Whitelist/PvE/Mindcrack/Mature/Survival/Mystcraft Installed

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Your Minecraft Name: silver31377
How long you've played: I have played for only about a year mostly on vanilla.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: I have never been banned only ever played on one server and was made a op for some reason even though I had no knowledge for being an op but luckily was taught just a few commands to help out.
How old are you: 35 and still feel like a big kid (much to some peoples chagrin)
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I actually prefer to use voice chat over manually typing everything so yes I have and several programs I'm willing to use.
Do you want to participate in the community build: I would say yes would love to once i get set up i love them kinda things because it means everyone can share them.
Additional Info: I'm basically looking for a mature server where people get on well together, the only reason im applying to others is that I played some of the modded version of minecraft with tekkit and loved it I love to try to find new ways to do the things I did manually before its so much fun. This game is so much more fun when there are others around you to talk to ask advice or even show off your builds to makes it feel like you have accomplished something. Your server sound like a good community type server that sounds like the place i would fit in nicely the only issues i have is that i work the strangest hours so the times i log in are very sporadic. I might also be doing a lets play as well if thats ok. Well i hope you like my application look forward to hearing from you.
Your Minecraft Name: TigersFangs
How long you've played: Since shortly after the beta release of MC
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Nope. Never been banned. :) Well, unless you count a different game's client locking me out for like 3 hours for forgetting my password and trying to log in with the wrong one too many times. :D
How old are you: I am 26 years old
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes, yes, and yes. :) Voice makes things much easier and a bit more fun in my opinion.
Do you want to participate in the community build: Hmm, possibly. Not so much of a community builder as I am a gatherer. Would that help? I like helping out, but can go off by myself some times. I like to explore, research, gather, and create. I like finding new things to do and new ways of doing familiar things.
Your Minecraft Name:Manuel033
How long you've played:2 years
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you:Nope
How old are you:14
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client:Yes
Do you want to participate in the community build:Yes but i also like to build my own things as well
Your Minecraft Name: ficolas
How long you've played: minecraft 1 year and half with mods 1 year
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Tes but I have never grifed, just in some servers that the admin was a bitch...
How old are you: 16
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes but im spanish so I dont like talking because I think that my pronunciation is not perfect
Do you want to participate in the community build: YEZ :D
Your Minecraft Name: Loresong
How long you've played: Started with Minecraft shortly after the halloween update, tekkit for awhile and FTB for a couple weeks now.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Never banned.
How old are you: 34, looking at these other applicants is starting to make be feel old, haha.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yup, have vent and ts from my raiding days. Could pick up what folks us other than those.
Do you want to participate in the community build: Might be fun, always did solo building in the past, would have to get a better look at the build to have a better idea of it.
Your Minecraft Name: RaId3rZz
How long you've played: (I'm assuming this is Tekkit/FTB); I have played Tekkit for about 4 or 5 months, I have recently decided to migrate towards FTB because the development of Tekkit has stopped as though it seems, I like playing with other people, this is the other reason I quit Tekkit, since there is only 1.2.5 Minecraft and Tekkit is a bit out of date, there have become less and less servers, and when one does pop up, it has tons of people and you have to go out 20 Thousand blocks to find a spot to build, I have played FTB for about 2 weeks so far, I believe I'm pretty good at FTB, although there are still like 3 or 4 mods I have no idea what in the hell I'm doing. I have played Minecraft as a whole since Alpha 1.2
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Yes, inactivity on a Whitelisted server, I was on vacation when my family went on a 3 week cruise.
How old are you: 16, I'm sorry, I know its not the required age limit but, I believe that I am mature for my age.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes infact, I just got the Blue Yeti's headset for Christmas :D
Do you want to participate in the community build: I love community and public building.
Your Minecraft Name:Henryv38
How long you've played: I've played minecraft for 2 years.I started the mods when tekkit came out.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you:I was banned on an FTB server because of "Admittance of guilt" in Everforest I think i was banned for Watching a grief and not talking about it.
How old are you:I'm so young :( 13
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client:Yeah but not willing, I let my brother use it.
Do you want to participate in the community build:Yeah I love participating in anything with the server
Your Minecraft Name: Tugaman
How long you've played: Since Minecraft Alpha Version
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: No
How old are you: 19
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes
Do you want to participate in the community build: Yes
Your Minecraft Name:FaRouZ
How long you've played:2 years
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: No
How old are you:15
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client:yes i do
Do you want to participate in the community build: I would love to
Your Minecraft Name: OxBowTwo
How long you've played:I have played Minecraft since early Beta, and I have also played the FTB modpack since its release. I have also had experience with some of the mods that were in the tekkit mod pack before I switched to FTB.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you:No, I have never been banned from a server before.
How old are you: I am currently 19 years of age
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I have access to a microphone and a VOIP client (skype). Though I have never used it for game chats I would be will to give it a go. (I would also be willing to try other VOIP clients like teamspeak a go.)
Do you want to participate in the community build: Yes I will be willing to work on community builds. I like working on very large scale projects and I often have ideas for designs of builds to do but, I often dont have the man effort or the time to do them by myself.
Sorry there hasn't been a picture update in a few days, our members are working on their own bases for a bit first but it is still in the plans.
Your Minecraft Name: ScatterBlast
How long you've played: I first started playing Minecraft somewhere at the end of Alpha. I always had an interest in creating machines of all sorts since the start, even in vanilla. At some point, about a year and a half ago, I started playing with mods. IC2 was the first. Since then, I tried a lot of them, in singleplayer and in multiplayer, but there are still some in the Mindcrack pack that are elusive to me. But I like learning and I do read a lot, watch videos, and test in singleplayer. My favorite mod is Redpower 2 since it combines technical creating with aesthetic tools. I do like building nice looking things and the microblocks are awesome.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: I have never been banned, but I didn't play on many different Minecraft servers either. My multiplayer experience comes mostly from my own personal server, which I used for me and a few friends. Though, I'm the kind of person that will always follow the rules and is helpful.
How old are you: I am 23 years old.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I do have access to those and would be willing to. I have the ability to speak English yes, but sometimes I might be trying to find the crrect way to say something (especially more when nervous / meeting people / tired / speaking to strangers) and my accent (which is not bad, but I do not pronunce everything correctly) does make some things sound different. I'm from Canada yes, but that ellusive french part of it. Also, I try as much as I can to write correctly, but I know I do a few mistakes here and there.
Do you want to participate in the community build: I always wanted to be part of something like that. I'm good at following instructions, and I do have ideas of my own. And like I said, I know quite a few things about microblocks when it comes to aesthetics.
More information: I'm from Quebec (GTM -5 timezone), I speak two languages, French and English. I like all kind of stuff that requires creativity and some thoughts. That might explain why I go to university in an art major. But, I'm also quite curious and I am interesting in learning from most subjects actually. I'm a shy person, it takes some time for me to warm up but at some point I will. My hobbies are video games and learning stuff. I'm a helpful person, if someone needs help, I shall be there to answer though I'm not the kind of person to give lots of things freely. When it comes to video games, I play everyday, except if I'm away for family stuff or I have a huge overload of stuff to do for school.
Your Minecraft Name: Its_MaGiik (I know about the name, it was made a long time ago)
How long you've played: Since late alpha.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Not that I know of
How old are you: 16
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yeah, sure
Do you want to participate in the community build: I'll try, I have never been a great builder though.
Your Minecraft Name: blairjam
How long you've played: I can remember the original Halloween Update, where the Ghasts screamed in your ears till they bled.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: No, I've never been banned before. I've been a part of many servers over my time, playing on them until they faded away.
How old are you: 18
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I have a mic and skype as well as teamspeak.
Do you want to participate in the community build: Yes, I want to be able to help with the project, though eventually I want to branch out to my own projects.
Your Minecraft Name: mgoldman89
How long you've played: I've played Minecraft for about six months now. Tried out some Tekkit but I am new to FTB and ready to learn the newer system.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: New to playing online. The only experience i have with servers is the LAN one I set up to play with friends at home. Need a more consistent group of people to play with.
How old are you: 23
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I can set up teamspeak or whatever program that will be used at any time. Have a new headset I want to break in.
Do you want to participate in the community build: Im no van gough. I've seen what people can do in these builds and dont know if i have what it takes to be on the creative end. I will however bring any supplies I can spare and help as much as possible.
Your Minecraft Name: Tukimoshi
How long you've played: About 2 1/2 years I believe, initially bought the game during the Alpha Stage sometime in 2010. Used to play it pretty frequently, largely on fairly vanilla servers. I even ran my own server for a few months,
but that later ended when a lack of usage, technical issues, and constant updates sort of brought it to a screeching halt. While I doubt I'd ever want to run a server again, I'm very interested in getting back into minecraft,
and a co-worker recommended I give FTB a try.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Not that I can recall, and hopefully never in the future!
How old are you: 19
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Gladly, I think I have both Teamspeak/Ventrilo set up at the moment, and I'd be willing
to try out other venues as well (Mumble, etc)
Do you want to participate in the community build: I'd definitely be interested, albeit I can't claim to have much 'skill' at building.
A little bit about myself: Hey, my name is Tyler. I'm from the West Coast of Canada. I haven't played Minecraft a lot lately due to the holidays, two jobs, and getting back into school but I'm finally finding some free time that I have to play. I chose this server because it looks like it's run by caring people, and a co-worker recommended it to me. I ran my own server for a few months, but the host company ultimate had some issues with it's staff (BroHoster) and they are no longer running. My free-time is primarily day-time or late-night in Pacific Time, as I usually work night-times at the liquor store I work at. I'm planning to go to school for a Network & Electronics Technician Program, although cooking greatly interests me as well.
Just removed all of the inactive players from the whitelist, down to only 40ish people. We're now far more accepting of applications but the guidelines still count.
Your Minecraft Name: boog75
How long you've played: Minecraft for a couple years and FTB for just a few days due to lack of server, But I played tekkit for a while and have been watching FTB lets plays and exploring the wiki.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: yes, for Xray on a vanilla server. http://www.mcbans.com/player/boog75 if your curious
How old are you: 14
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: yes, though I'm not very talkative... Maybe for the best xD
Do you want to participate in the community build: I think that could be fun, i have never been on a whitelisted server before so it was more play with your friends and watch out for anyone else. So I would do what I can to help, but I don't like relying on community resources I would rather get it myself.