Whitelist Server GrayCraft Relaunched Whitelist/PvE/Mindcrack/Mature/Survival/Mystcraft Installed

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I updated mine, since it seems the age made you skip over me? I'm not going to spam or bother you anymore though if you still aren't convinced. Thanks!
Hello There,
Your Minecraft Name: Trez1

How long you've played: i've played vanilla since 1.0 i learned rapidly and i started to play with mods soon after. In march i got my own account (Trez1) and started to play Tekkit. I've played it on 3 different servers 1 of which i was a mod and later even admin. Fortunately the players were skilled and thought me so well i got respected and my knowledge increased. By the time i started playing at the third server i had allready learned so much and got bored of Tekkit as soon as FTB came out i started playing it, the servers i found though weren't that good.

Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Yes, on a tekkit server. The server got hacked and if you typed something in chat you would spam allot. I didn't know what was going on because i got kicked for that spam. Eventually one of the mods banned me in the confusion i got unbanned later but my Ban record was ruined. Before i used Trez1 i was banned for breaking a guy's house. it was the first server i've ever played on and i didn't know what griefing meant. It was a Factions PvP Bukkit server so it seemed like breaking someones house was a good payback for killing me.

How old are you: i'm 15. It saddens me that most servers are "[mature]" on FTB. On one hand it's good less griefers,good people to talk with, no whining 8 year olds etc. On the other hand you practically underestimate and undervalue people under the specified age while some of them are mature and refer from doing such acts. I can asure you i can be a funny and mature person, i'm not afraid of any "bad words" and other things that "mature" people trow at me. just because i'm not 18 doesn't mean i'm not mature. Many are surprised by my age when i tell them it.

Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Listening yes. Talking no. it's not that i'm shy of my voice it's just that my accent is really bad on voip and i don't know why. i will talk every now and then.
I will not share my skype though, and for the record skype isn't voip ;)

Do you want to participate in the community build: It is always fun to share knowledge and creativity with other players. I am creative and i'm sure i'll be a good help although i would like to spend most of my time working on my own stuff.

A bit more about myself: I'm Dutch but i live in the Caribbean (GMT -4). I speak fluent Dutch and English. I want to become and architect and so i love designing building technical contraptions and stuff that has to do with computers. The Technical University at delft is my target and hope to go there and my grades aren't saying no ;). i'm a very calm yet agressive person(mainly because i practice kickboxing) i am able to see things trough. I laugh allot. I love technical stuff and technical minecraft has increased my knowlage and interest of the world and it's possibilities. I have tons of time on my hands.

Why do i want to play on this server? Because i'm looking for a quiet server to play on with a good comunity and no griefers. Being griefed makes me very sad and i causes me to leave servers.

I hope you understand that i am not inmature and that i would be a worthy adition to your playerbase. You wouldn't fire a good employe if you found out he didn't finish school.

Your Minecraft Name:Tio_Waldema

How long you've played: It's been some time, really. I started playing Minecraft in early alpha, and got into Feed The Beast with Docm77's and Monkeyfarms's videos some time ago. When the Beta pack got released, I jumped into it and never looked back.

Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Never. I only played in small, home-based servers, so if I really could manage to be banned in any of these I'd be a subject of studies.

How old are you: Twenty two.

Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Of course I am. It'd also help me with my (rusty, I must admit) english.

Do you want to participate in the community build: Yes! I've always admired servers where people managed to build impressive stuff - doing it on SSP seemed kinda pointless to me after a couple of months. I also happen to have some good free time these days, so community building is a top priority right now.
Your Minecraft Name: flxjhnlrssn
How long you've played: August 2010
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: No
How old are you: 21
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes, but am not usually able to talk at the times I'm playing (live with other people).
Do you want to participate in the community build: That depends entirely on what the "project" is. And either way, I want to set up my own little thing first, probably.

Also, the rules section in the OP is a bit too centered. (it's hard to read:()
Your Minecraft Name: mcv333
How long you've played: since beta 1.3 for minecraft whenever that was
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: yes, mining in a quarry
How old are you: 17
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: aye
Do you want to participate in the community build: sure its always nice to work as a team to build something amazing
Your Minecraft Name: ThexCraft (Jake)
How long you've played: 2 years, since before repeaters or lapis lazuli! As for Feed The Beast, a few weeks, i'm learning new things every day, although I've played tekkit for about three months before that.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Nope! I've spent the last year and a half playing minecraft on the same server, buxville.net
How old are you: I'm 16, please don't let this be my fault, I'm a nice kid I don't swear in excess or run around looking where I shouldn't. I'm just looking for a group of nice people to be friends with and play minecraft with.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes, I have a mic, I have skype, etc. I would totally be down for hosting a Team Speak or Vent server on my computer for us too!
Do you want to participate in the community build: Yes, I love building and I love being part of a community, I would love to join a server where I can work together with other members as I enjoy the social part of games just as much as playing them.
more info? (I saw a couple of other people do it, why not!)
I'm a Junior in highschool, I live in the midwest (-6 CST), and I play a lot of minecraft, especially once I get with a group/server I really enjoy.
Your Minecraft Name:Manuel033
How long you've played:2 years
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you:Nope
How old are you:14
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client:No
Do you want to participate in the community build:Yes but i also like to build my own things as well
Your Minecraft Name: jmixmaster
How long you've played: Honestly, I've only been playing Minecraft for maybe 3 months. I found it through someone I watch on YouTube and then- bam! I got sucked in and now there's no way I'm leaving :p For most of that time, I've played another modpack with IC2, BC, RP2 and other mods in it. I consider myself pretty good at IC2 and BC.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: I've never been banned on anything. I treat people nicely and don't purposely destroy anything. And if for some reason I do accidentally destroy something, I will help the person to rebuild it.
How old are you: 16, will be 17 in May
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Very much so. I'm a little shy at first, but once I warm up to people I will talk more.
Do you want to participate in the community build: Oh yes! I love building and am very creative. I plan to become an interior designer, so therefore I have a really large creative eye and a great visual mind. I'm always willing to help people in any way I can so I'd love to participate in the community build :)
Additional Information: I live in Delaware and am a junior in high school. I'm very intelligent and contentious, so much so that I was recently awarded a $1000 scholarship for doing so good on the state testing :) I've always enjoyed simulation/exploration games, and have been playing The Sims/2/3 for many, many years, as well as SimCity. I'm very mature, as I have been through a lot of stuff that most teens haven't and many people believe me to be 20+ before I tell them my age. I can and am willing to play Minecraft for several hours a day. I love building in Minecraft, and I remember my first minecraft house that took me literally an hour to build, alas that is no longer the case. I plan to dabble in as many mods as I can. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and hope to hear from you soon!
Also, merry christmas!
Your Minecraft Name: reggidevarG
How long you've played: almost 2 years
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: Never been banned.
How old are you: 19 years old
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I have skype, team speak and raidcall.
Do you want to participate in the community build: Yes, i am interested. I like building nice worlds, but i never worked with tech mods.
Your Minecraft Name: Mayniiak
How long you've played: about 1 year
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: no. never, because i alway's played with a cracked version of minecraft, so this is the 1st time (if you accept my aplication :D) that i will be playing in a official server.
How old are you: 21 years old
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: yes, i have TS3, Raid Call, mumble and Skype.
Do you want to participate in the community build: yes, i'm interested... i really like to build stuff... but i never used mods, like i said, only played single player version in a cracked version... But i really want to learn... ^^ so if you give that oportunity i will grab it with "all my strenght"... xD
Your Minecraft Name: Artokh
How long you've played: Began playing somewhere in late alpha. Bought the game a few weeks after beta prices hit. Had a few breaks but occasionally I get motivated to look what's new and then get hooked again ;-)
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: If temp Deathbans on Hardcore-Servers don't count, never. If they do, a bazillion times. For dying. A lot.
How old are you: 23 years.
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: Yes. TS3, Mumble, (Skype).
Do you want to participate in the community build: Highly depends on what kind of build it is. I've been doing a few spawn areas / community centers, and usually I'm the guy who starts some sort of shared workshop for a town/faction. I may have lost a bit of practice with MicroBlocks since I didn't get to handle them lately.
Your Minecraft Name: Peter_Gunnn
How long you've played: 2 weeks vanilla, 2 weeks technic, 2 weeks ftb
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: no multiplayer minecraft experience, never banned from any online game
How old are you: 38. i have 30+ years of video gaming experience, the last 10 are pc exclusively - fps, mmo, space, racing, et cetera
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: yes - i've used teamspeak but am not opposed to skype or other
Do you want to participate in the community build: i very much want to build a huge city, with actual things and actual things to do. i am willing to guest star in someone else's youtube video if needed, but i don't plan on doing it myself. i will not need and never ask for any admin rights, et cetera. i can use my super powers for good or for evil - the choice is yours!
Your Minecraft Name: Ronagen
How long you've played: I have played Minecraft for nearly 2 years, And FTB for about 1 -2 months.
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: I have never been banned.
How old are you: 15
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I have access the them yes, But I probably wouldn't ever talk since I prefer being quiet, I will go on whenever I get on the server though so I can know whats going on and follow instructions easily. If I was every asked any questions on there I would more than likely respond in ingame chat.
Do you want to participate in the community build: I've enjoyed doing small community projects before because a lot of fun seeing how other people do things in the game. I would definitely enjoy being part of a community project on this server since most the time I just run off on my own to do things how I always do them, But instead I would be helping out in a much larger project than what I could build alone.
Just finished adding a bunch more names to the whitelist and adding pictures of our project and our progress, enjoy.
Your Minecraft Name: arallak
How long you've played: Minecraft = 2 years / FTB = since the launch of the first modpack
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: I've never been banned.
How old are you: 30
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I have skype, but I can not speak English. I am Brazilian and I can speak only in Portuguese. If you serve, I can write in English. Skype = arallak.
Do you want to participate in the community build: I love to build and if you have a chance, would love to participate.
Your Minecraft Name: arallak
How long you've played: Minecraft = 2 years / FTB = since the launch of the first modpack
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: I've never been banned.
How old are you: 30
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I have skype, but I can not speak English. I am Brazilian and I can speak only in Portuguese. If you serve, I can write in English. Skype = arallak.
Do you want to participate in the community build: I love to build and if you have a chance, would love to participate.

arallak... you were whitelisted on the previous server... you're still whitelisted.
Your Minecraft Name: darkagex1192
How long you've played: since Alpha 1.2.4
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: no
How old are you: 20
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: yes
Do you want to participate in the community build: if my help would be needed i'm more then happy to but otherwise i'll do my thing.
Your Minecraft Name: izmurphziV2
How long you've played: 2 years
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: No
How old are you: 16
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: No because im usually in one with people
Do you want to participate in the community build: No im quite a bad builder =]
Your Minecraft Name:minemannx
How long you've played:since beta 1.7.3
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you:i have not :)
How old are you:18
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client:i have a headset at home but im currently not there atm :S
Do you want to participate in the community build: i just need to collect stuff to build with
Your Minecraft Name: StrykDem
How long you've played: 2 Years
Have you ever been banned before and if so why were you: No I havent
How old are you: 16
Do you have access to and the willingness to use a headset/microphone on a VOIP client: I do indeed
Do you want to participate in the community build: Sure, and thats part of why I would like to join a server.