He uses DW20 -> no GregTech -> no Scaffolding nerf.
In a GT environment just use a sawmill for maximizing gain. I haven't done the math, if the TE sawmill or the GT sawmill would produce more EU, when all the energy used for intermediate steps has been substracted.
Bonus for TE sawmill + powered furnace (for the charcoal): cheaper to build.
Bonus for GT sawmill: Uses EU which is produced here.
I live in a GT environment and, according to his site/forum, he isn't nerfing the scaffolds. Or his forum isn't updated to reflect that he is nerfing scaffolds? Either way, I did the maths and using a GT sawmill [only way to get the sawdust], you'll turn 3 logs into 16 scaffolds. Now 16 scaffolds = 12k EU = 3 Charcoal. So using this method, in a GT environment, will actually produce a net loss of EU, assuming you only use EU-machines for log->scaffold processing. To utilize the sawdust, you'd need to process 8 logs, to get 8 sawdust, and then put the 8 sawdust into a compressor to get a wood plate = charcoal. You could also craft the 8 sawdust into compressed sawdust and then smelt to get charcoal.
This is the only way to see any gain in EU production using this method in a GT environment. And the gain is pretty small considering the complexity of the system. Damn shame, as I thought we were supposed to be rewarded for complex builds. I can appreciate the "Rube Goldberg-esque" nature of this build but wouldn't recommend it in GT-enabled worlds.
Myself, I'm just going to go the log->charcoal route using iron furnaces and moving stuff around with routers.