66 the gamejam started. I started late because of work. So far, I got the camera to move and a dungeon/cave to generate. That should have been a lot easier than it ended up being
The theme of the gamejam is intentional bugs. I'm going to make a dungeon crawler with the following "bugs":
getting "out of bounds" will be encouraged
some items/monsters deal negative damage (thus heal)
Some healing items will do negative healing (Thus deal damage)
Some monsters have negative health (Thus need to be killed by healing them/ dealing negative damage)
Items can have the "wrong" name. For example a sword called "fiery sword of fire" that deals ice damage
Every time I push to master, a new release build gets created. So, you can "play" here
Purple = where you spawn
Red = where the exit is
Green = walkable
blue = not walkable / ouf of bounds