52 so... arena_keeper needed to show more information than I could comfortably put on 1 screen. Meaning I had to either implement multiple pages and/or a better way to use modals.
However, neither where exactly ideal, the pages one wasn't because then even the smallest things had to become their whole page. The modals one because those are basically pop ups. This is when I thought back to settlers 2 and how the same problem got solved there.
So.... now Instead of normal pop ups, I have pop-ups that you can drag around and minimize. I'm really not sure if I'm happy with it and the fact that its a design that I absolutely HATE on websites is also not exactly helping. Then again, the plan is to eventually have a big webgl/canvas thing so having the user go to entire different pages every time is defiantly far from idea.....
Right now, I just converted the shop from a modal to being its own window, and thanks to using agents everywhere I didn't have to change a single bit about how it works with the characters, despite it being totally different in how it gets rendered. Meaning that that switch already made itself worth it
I think the next step is to make it easier to make windows and make them a bit nicer looking. After that, I'm probably going to change the current character list and the fight list to their own windows as well and place a canvas/webgl thing down rendering just random stuff. That way I learn a bit about that and it will start to look more like a game, instead of a webpage with that (stupid) design choice.
Oh, for those wondering why I hate that design choice for websites: Those that use it normally only ever allow you to have 1 window open and even if they do allow multiple there most of the time isn't much reason to do that. Meaning its really just a pop up that you can drag around. With games like settlers 2 things are a bit different as you may very well want multiple pieces of data (a world map, current resources, etc, etc)