Good vs. Evil

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Jan 29, 2015
62. Ahh that makes sense. Yeah, I hate those doors. Thankfully in my building, we have lots of fire exits and none of them need to be alarmed as we have plenty of proper heat-detecting sensors (at least 1 per room). We don't have smoke detectors in many as the dusty work that goes on in some of the labs would set them off incorrectly.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2017
63 I have never been in an incident where someone I know (or me) has accidentally set off an alarm in a public place (save for the occasional item that doesn't get scanned properly at the superstore)


Popular Member
Mar 18, 2013
58 They're fun, though I haven't had time recently for mine craft either, and haven't played with the most recent few versions.


Jul 31, 2013
57 need to get a certain app on my phone working. Not a problem until you realize that it needs an SD card
Still not a problem most of the time, until you add to it that the SD card that is in your phone doesn't want to be mounted and you never bothered to fix it as you don't need it anyway.

I'm not even sure why it needs an SD card. Last time I checked it didn't put it there anyway.

On that note, does anyone know of a nice GPS app that downloads the maps before hand? I don't have Internet on my phone so using stuff like google maps isn't exactly ideal (I have my reasons for that, but not going to bother you with those. Mostly money related though)

edit: decided to take the SD card and replace it with another one. but had to take of the files of another SD card first. Problem, the micro sd reader on my computer doesn't like to behave in linux and rather then messing around with it I decided to switch to windows.

I started to record the boot time on 10:27 but before that it was already booting for a while. Now that its 22:40 I may be able to use it. (I say may because I expect programs to complain that they are outdated, yet so far none have appeared so....who knows what it is doing). Also, my windows install uses the same SSD as my linux install. Which is done in no time. WTF!!
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Jul 31, 2013
55 going to try that, after letting my phone try one more time to format the SD card. The windows install is properly dead. Trying to look at my files (start->computer. or any other method I know off) gives me an error from explorer.exe about it unable to start because of lack of memory. My pc has 16GB of RAM and windows was only using 1.something GB.


It did manage to make an empty .txt file and change it name though....but that was pretty much all I was able to do. I couldn't even open it as notepad++ would crash and right clicking it took ages before the menu appeared. CPU usage was also doing fine so......yea....RIP windows install


Jul 31, 2013
53 did that even exist back then? Mod support wasn't the best back then for NEI. In other news


Jul 31, 2013
54 Yeesh, That's gotta be hard :/
living without good NEI support? it was doable back then, mostly because mods weren't as complicated back then. For example IC2 back then only had a macerator, furnace, compressor and that thing that makes UU mater along with the recycler.
This may seem like a lot but the macerator had a lot less uses back then along with the compressor.Recycler has only one use and UU matter was an item back then that you craft stuff with and most of those recipes where supposed to be hidden. Also, IC2 was one of the mods that actually had good NEI intergration I believe. Also crafting recipes and smelt recipes always worked.

Another reference to how easy mods where back then, MFR ran by default on redstone updates. Just hook one of those machines up to a redstone clock and it had power.

I think that the hardest mod to get anything done with was forestry so...yea.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2017
56 Personally, I try to specialize in a few mods and allow NEI/JEI to tell me the rest. If I want to learn a specific mod I just create a custom profile on Twitch and have that mod plus Waila and NEI/JEI.


Jul 31, 2013
56 Personally, I try to specialize in a few mods and allow NEI/JEI to tell me the rest. If I want to learn a specific mod I just create a custom profile on Twitch and have that mod plus Waila and NEI/JEI.
58 back then there was a lot less to specialize in. Modpacks where a lot smaller and the biggest mod was probably something like thaumcraft which also was a lot smaller though, not less interesting.

Back then you also didn't have those fancy gui's to select input/output. Though, at the end of its life that did become a thing thanks to TE if I remember correctly. Another major difference was that though there where different power systems it made more sense that they where different.
The major power systems that existed where MJ, EU and perhaps redpower's bluetricity or whatever it was called. EU pretty much only had machines that took items and produced something else. It did have a miner and pump but neither was exactly ideal.
Meanwhile, the MJ side pretty much only had things that interacted with the world, think of quarries, builders and farms.

This caused the divide to make sense, at least in my eyes. Electricity (EU) is very good in factory setups but is not ideal when you had a lot of moving parts that also had to heavy work like a quarry. This was reinforced by the fact that EU had energy loss if you transfered it.

Meanwhile, Mechanical power (MJ) was the opposite, very good at big heavy work but not so at the fine work that EU could do like cooking a chicken.

Also the ways to create the energy played a major role in showing this divide. To create MJ you needed engines like the steam or combustion engine. Maybe its in my mind but the word engine feels like it is dealing with a lot more raw strength then something like a generator.

Nowadays though, its all RF and even when you have a pack that contains multiple power systems its hard to nicely show this divide and even if you manage to do so people will dislike it. Which is a shame as even in real life, there isn't one type of energy that rules all. If there was we had electric anything a lot earlier and as there where ways to transform power from one type to another though at a heavy cost also that was nicely simulated.