Good vs. Evil

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Jul 31, 2013
59 so apparently I manged to get the highest result from my class for the conversation part of the Dutch exam. Yes, I, the least social person that also pretty much hates the Dutch language did it the best and not only that but it was apparently also near perfect as I got an 9.7 and the best result you can get for exams with the Dutch grade system is a 10. (Even better is the fact that it will probably get rounded which thus should result in a 10 or in other words, perfect :p )

I'm not going to complain o_O:confused:o_O

If only I didn't screw up the presentation part.....:(


Jul 31, 2013
63 I learned a new way in inductive automation to get power

dry biomass to make steam (and turn this back into power for a bit more efficiency as the drying costs power)
Use the dried biomass to make charcoal and gaseous hydrogen (This seems counter intuitive as dry biomass lasts 4 times as long as charcoal but we want a lot of power quick, not slow and steady).
Use said charcoal like you normally would (thus make more steam)

Use an liquid collector and set it into oxygen mode (this means it will collect gasseous oxygen from the air without any power costs. You can probably guess the next step)
pump the hydrogen and oxygen into an hydrogen fuel cell.Which in a nutshell does 2L hydrogen + 1L oxygen =⇒ 1L steam + 1.8kJ.
use the steam to make even more power.

Without the power you get from the steam (thus only the hydrogen fuel cell) you get a nice 144 kW a tick assuming maximum speed and at a max voltage of 8000V (You can set this yourself if I remember correctly).

Also, did you note the amount of ways this has to get steam? That is another reason I like inductive automation, a lot of its machines have by products that are actually useful for other things or can increase the efficiency of your current build if you use them instead of trashing it.

Also, as for a guidance on how much power a tick this give, the best steam turbine accepts steam at 600L/t and only produces 120kW and to give this enough steam you need a lot of steam boilers, I really mean a lot of them....also, a single operation with its electric furnace uses 200kJ (and can work at a speed of 1 operation/tick) a nutshell, maybe not the most efficient way to get power but a good way to boost the kW's you are producing

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
64 Does the dry biomass -> charcoal + hydrogen produce enough hydrogen to offset the efficiency loss in turning the biomass into charcoal?


Jul 31, 2013
66 @Someone Else 37 I would imagine you lose efficiency as it is hard to beat the burn time of dry biomass especially as you put energy into it to loose a big portion of it. (Dry biomass burns 4 times as long as charcoal), however with inductive automation I find that the challenge lays into generating power not in doing so as efficient as possible.

I mean, look at the farm for example. A single block can cover a giant area, can be programmed to do ridiculous things (remove dirt and grass, place sandstone on stone and sand on sandstone as an example of what it can do) and as the work area can also be expanded in how high it is you can in theory stack multiple farms. YES! You read that right, 1 single farmer can be used to automatically harvest more then 1 layer and replant it all.

Another factor into how the mod works that let me to believe this is that cables have resistance (except the super high end tier) thus efficiency in generating becomes less of a thing compared to higher numbers as you might be able to make the most efficient generator ever, if you can't transport this power its useless.


Jul 31, 2013
71 its indeed worth the look as the mod itself offers a lot and you don't even have to fully understand the powersytem to make use of it (Which is what I do)
more watt=good.
watt=volt*amp thus I guess the higher those are the better due to more watts being better
Watt=joule/t (thus if something needs 100 J and you generate 50 watt it will take 2 ticks, resistance not taken into account.)

also, due to how the power network works don't make circles

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
72 "Don't make circles" is also a good rule of thumb when dealing with Buildcraft pipes, especially back when overcharging them would cause explosions. Now it just soaks up a lot of energy (although since the soaked-up energy dissipates when you turn off the engines, and since there's no loss in those pipes anymore, it might just be storing the energy for later... ?)