Having been diagnosed with Heatdesert acclimatization poisoning, a process where nether quartz is created inside the body to compensate for heats over 150 degrees Fahrenheit, Davy is immediately hooked up to an advanced dialysis machine which filters out the toxins before Davy invents antimatter missiles and promptly uses them to destroy the world. Julietta is still angry at Davy for burning the house down, but has a shard of regret since he was under the unavoidable nether quartz influence.After having his blood tested for marijuana doctors find a strange poison feom africa that causes abnormalities in thinking
Use Forceful kick
EDIT: Why would someone like this? Ah whatever
We can just skip this if nobody is enjoying it...
or not?
Davy remembers who she was, and feels terribly sorry.
As a gift, he leaves a bunch of dead, desecrated animal corpses on her bed. He's not a very skilled hunter, though, so a few poisonous snakes are still alive in there, and there's a badger chilling on the ceiling fan.
(Out-Of-Game : Sorry, was really inactive lately. BUT IM BACK NAOW!)The former.
*his amnesia resolved, but his personality is changed forever ; the serum is meant to get rid of amnesia, not fixing personalitiesJuliet remembers the serum and pulls it out, injecting it in davy while he is asleep.
(The posts never mentioned the serum, they said he got better. So i intended side effects)(Out-Of-Game : Sorry, was really inactive lately. BUT IM BACK NAOW!)
Julietta feels much better now that she knows some of Davy's life tragedies, rather than a plastic "Sorry". Slowly pulling herself upward, she walks back towards the bedroom, where they once had a great time together...
+10 FP
*his amnesia resolved, but his personality is changed forever ; the serum is meant to get rid of amnesia, not fixing personalities*