As a new user of RotaryCraft, with some basic understanding of it's workings and intentions, I can not personally vote on this. To me, it is a good idea as long as it's properly balanced. Tho, with the magenostatic engine, it seems redundant to me. Why have two of the same thing? In light of an other topic I recently participated in, I can see why users would want this. "Balance" is supposedly out of whack with the conversions. Tho, to me, it makes perfect sense. You take a gasoline engine, you get it started and rotating, you can generate electricity from a magnet on the end of the shaft with a copper coiling wrapped around it(much like drills for example). BUT, you can't really do that in reverse. It takes more power to get something to start turning, let alone fully up to speed. You can't just zap your shaft with electricity and it twirl its butt off lol. In the real world, it would consist of a rotating electromagnetic field to get the shaft to start turning. You'll need exponentially more amounts of power to get the speed to increase at all. Throw torque into that equation, and you'll need even moreeeeeeee power(due to resistance). Granted, I don't have a PhD in physics or anything, but with my small understandings of it, perfectly logical to me.
So, in terms of an addon mod, I would have to say "maybe." I could see a system of transformers being implemented or even a bigger magstat that'll help convert RF to rotation and vice versa. Unfortunately, keeping with real world standards, I still see people being upset. Making it a strict 1:1 ratio between RF and mW would seriously disrupt the balance of RC as it is. It would also be far from the way the mod was intended to be played. I think if the two of you collabed a bit, something great could be made that users would enjoy. I think the underlying problem is that RC is too real world for most people and perhaps even too difficult for them. An intermediate mod would help alleviate some headaches. One thing to remember is.....a lot of people didn't like having to do math in school, let alone do it in a game. RF is damn easy to deal with. "Build it bigger!"