Gameplay issues with Daybreaker

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now since Daybreaker is recently new pack and I tried to play it but I have some major issues in regards to gameplay since someone perhaps overlooked some critical details when playing. I will kindly list out my gameplay issues, and how they can be easily remedied with the addition of a few mods, Here it is!:

Matter Overdrive's big dive, You know that fusion reactor that you set up around a singularity, well, how the hell are you supposed to transport the energy without you or the equipment getting sucked into a black hole? I know some may think it be easy to transport this power but its better to be safe than sorry. An easy fix would be ender IO added in since it doesn't break too much and allow for the production of alloys without getting slammed in the process.

Dude, Where's my Pickaxe? Okay, No tinker's construct? Come on! This is inheritantly a key part of any modpack at most and considering it would be prudent for some extraTiC due to the new materials.

Quantum Storage! Seriously, This is a real biggy considering the fact we normally accumulate alot of materials and makes it easier for someone like me who uses a laptop for FTB to be able play.

If someone takes me seriously, please considering adding in just these few mods to make the gameplay more tolerable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The whole point of the modpack is to have good mods, that are new to ftb packs. Ender IO and TiC are in so many modpacks which will ruin the whole point. There are some mods that are in other packs, but only because they don't change the gameplay too much.

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Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
Now since Daybreaker is recently new pack and I tried to play it but I have some major issues in regards to gameplay since someone perhaps overlooked some critical details when playing. I will kindly list out my gameplay issues, and how they can be easily remedied with the addition of a few mods, Here it is!:

Matter Overdrive's big dive, You know that fusion reactor that you set up around a singularity, well, how the hell are you supposed to transport the energy without you or the equipment getting sucked into a black hole? I know some may think it be easy to transport this power but its better to be safe than sorry. An easy fix would be ender IO added in since it doesn't break too much and allow for the production of alloys without getting slammed in the process.

Dude, Where's my Pickaxe? Okay, No tinker's construct? Come on! This is inheritantly a key part of any modpack at most and considering it would be prudent for some extraTiC due to the new materials.

Quantum Storage! Seriously, This is a real biggy considering the fact we normally accumulate alot of materials and makes it easier for someone like me who uses a laptop for FTB to be able play.

If someone takes me seriously, please considering adding in just these few mods to make the gameplay more tolerable.

The point of DayBreaker is to do things differently. That's why there are no mods in it like AE2 and Tinkers Construct. Those mods have been overdone already and it is refreshing to have to come up with different solutions for once.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...but you can add them yourself if you want, it's pretty simple.
Also, for pickaxe, get a RR Pickaxe, and problem solved. Fast, paxel-like mineability, single, 3*3 and 5*5 option, rechargeable. What else?
Also, for "quantum storage", you still have enderchest.
For matter overdrive, it sounds just perfect.
Harnessing the power of a PPPPP black hole shouldn't be easy.

Finally, totally disagree with the "TiC is a key part of any modpack". No, no, just no. That mod is in no way a "key part". It's not a gui/client mod, it's not something like Enderstorage or Iron chest. Firstly, it changes considerably a vanilla mechanic, and that makes it not necessarily compatible with every modpack. Secondly, it don't play well with GT. Because FTB decided to not give a PPPP about GT anymore (not totally, but still) doesn't mean it's not used. And a mod that make another, much bigger one, not playable simply cannot be a "key mod that should be in every modpack".
I hope that stupid pseudo-war have ended though... that was seriously the most retarded thing I've seen... >_>

Tinker's construct just helps players get started in gameplay and gathering the materials in order to tinker around with these mods in survival play. Not to mention that there is some mods in this pack that are meant to interact with such mods as AE, and Ender IO, also considering the native sorting system from blue power is slightly broken since the invetory retrieval block doesn't accept rf or any sort of power, thusforth crippling Blue Power's ability to provide an ME-like system. Its not like Im asking the modpack author to bend over backwards to help improve gameplay to some extent considering this is a pack to help display new mods but how is one to display them if one cannot easily set up the infrastructure to create said items from said mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tinker's construct just helps players get started in gameplay and gathering the materials in order to tinker around with these mods in survival play. Not to mention that there is some mods in this pack that are meant to interact with such mods as AE, and Ender IO, also considering the native sorting system from blue power is slightly broken since the invetory retrieval block doesn't accept rf or any sort of power, thusforth crippling Blue Power's ability to provide an ME-like system. Its not like Im asking the modpack author to bend over backwards to help improve gameplay to some extent considering this is a pack to help display new mods but how is one to display them if one cannot easily set up the infrastructure to create said items from said mods.
You... You CAN do all that. You just... Just look at the mods you have. There are tons of mods that add pickaxes, many of which are extremely powerful. Also, there's another mod - the V.A.N.I.L.L.A. mod - it adds pickaxes for all the tiers of materials you can get in Minecraft! There's wood, stone, iron, gold, and diamond... You might want to skip gold, though, it isn't very good. For sorting, just check out Refined Relocation, or RFTools' storage thingy. Problem solved.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dude, Where's my Pickaxe? Okay, No tinker's construct? Come on! This is inheritantly a key part of any modpack at most and considering it would be prudent for some extraTiC due to the new materials.

Point of Daybreaker pack missed entirely.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At last. A pack that's brave enough to exclude TiC. I like it enough to try on that basis only.

No AE though? How do I store all-the-things without AE?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At last. A pack that's brave enough to exclude TiC. I like it enough to try on that basis only.

No AE though? How do I store all-the-things without AE?

Storage drawers. The mod adds a drawer controller. You make a wall of the drawers and you can then pipe items into the controller and it puts the items where they belong. The compacting drawers are also nice. Throw metal in them and they allow you to pull out ingots, blocks, or nuggets. (They display them like a barrel). They convert golowstone from blocks to dust and back with no loss as well. They are also upgradeable to hold more storage.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At last. A pack that's brave enough to exclude TiC. I like it enough to try on that basis only.

No AE though? How do I store all-the-things without AE?
Don't beat too badly on TiC... Regardless of mainstream-ocity, it's still a really cool mod. Customizable tools will get me any day, no matter how mainstream it is.
(Plus I played it before it was cool. ;) Seriously, though, I was playing with it even before DW20's spotlight, which I think qualifies as the "cool-turning-point.")


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And that's exactly why I hate the D20 pack...
Also, what with D20's spotlight? I mean, I've seen some but they are either old, too long, or boring. (maybe not all, but still...)
You... You hate it because it makes stuff mainstream? Mainstream isn't necessarily bad.
He makes new spotlights when his old ones get out of date, for the most part. Obviously, some stuff changes, but what can you do? As for too long - ALL of his videos are a half hour long, most times. That's just how he rolls. Boring? Well, it's an info dump, by definition. :p Besides, I'd prefer to have accurate/well explained information than flowery language. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I don't like, is that 100% (that is, 29/29) of the people I show FTB to will choose the D20 pack by default.
Even without knowing who D20 is. :mad:
When I give a quick explanation of the modpacks, they either choose Trident <insert facepalm there> or Infinity, or just stick with D20.
And that's the problem. Either PVP, or Kitchen sink. And anyone that have played a bit of modded mc know how bad PVP is, but also how kitchen sink pack end up being. Maybe some person like it, maybe. But I prefer by far a strongly themed, heavily customized and tweaked modpack. But I hate HQM/Adventure modpack too. And while a random mix of everything might be better to learn (which I totally disagree with, it's extremely confusing when there are hundreds of page of item/block in NEI, microblock excluded, bee/repetitive thing excluded, on "auto" size on a FHD monitor), a smaller, more focused modpack is definitively better imo. And no, "accommodating with the original recipes" make no sense in any modpack that have NEI.
Yeah, basically, I'm (alsmost) never happy.
Well, it is EASY to fall back on Kitchen Sink packs. They're pretty simple, and I DO think they're a good way to learn (after the initial "just use this one mod" approach). So, most people are familiar with them. Over time (and with your help), the people you know will get into more focused packs fairly easily; once you know what you like, they're better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't beat too badly on TiC... Regardless of mainstream-ocity, it's still a really cool mod. Customizable tools will get me any day, no matter how mainstream it is.
(Plus I played it before it was cool. ;) Seriously, though, I was playing with it even before DW20's spotlight, which I think qualifies as the "cool-turning-point.")

Oh I will beat on TiC. It's close on the worst thing to happen to mod packs.

Sure, customizable tools are good. But the mod also adds ore doubling that you can get going before the sun sets on the first day. And to make tools that self repair all you need is some mossy cobblestone. Fortune III can be had with 1 piece of lapis if you are patient, and once you know what you are doing you combine RF enhancement with Stonebound...

Do any other mods in the pack add tools or ore doubling? It doesn't matter the TiC enthusiast, needs none of that.

I hate that mod so much because the min maxing optimizing munchkin in me is so drawn to it. And it's frustrating because when I put in the effort to make the ic2 mining drill or powered saber or Thaumcraft tools or what have you the result will not compete with the item that dire had made by episode 3.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I kind of see Chris'es point, I have cobbled together a pack sans TiCo and I realize that I now value exp again. Also mods like RFDrills and other more basic vanilla style tools get a propper look in.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh I will beat on TiC. It's close on the worst thing to happen to mod packs.

Sure, customizable tools are good. But the mod also adds ore doubling that you can get going before the sun sets on the first day. And to make tools that self repair all you need is some mossy cobblestone. Fortune III can be had with 1 piece of lapis if you are patient, and once you know what you are doing you combine RF enhancement with Stonebound...

Do any other mods in the pack add tools or ore doubling? It doesn't matter the TiC enthusiast, needs none of that.

I hate that mod so much because the min maxing optimizing munchkin in me is so drawn to it. And it's frustrating because when I put in the effort to make the ic2 mining drill or powered saber or Thaumcraft tools or what have you the result will not compete with the item that dire had made by episode 3.
A good modpacker knows how to disable ALL of that, or just make it balanced with other mods. Any modpacks you see as having been "ruined" are the result of oversight by the modpack maker, or just "I don't really care what people use; this is the best option, but it's their loss if they don't at least check out other tools." I'm kinda going against a lot of what I believe in, but it is balanced "in a void," so to speak; it works great in vanilla. The issues start when you introduce other mods. Besides, I heard a rumor of a rumor on DW20's latest Forgecraft vid - apparently TiC is being remade from the ground up, so we'll see whether that's true and what it does. :)
And I totally sympathize with the "munchkin" statement. It's a hard life. :p

:confused: That's again out of my understandable range... :oops:
Once a person has played with LOTS of packs, they can better judge what it is that they like in a pack by looking at which packs they enjoyed most and checking out the similarities. So, have your friends just play more packs (pick for them! :p) and after a bit they'll settle into one area or another. Alternatively, you could just play a Kitchen Sink pack with them, and then see which mods they use most. After that, you can just pick a pack which embodies what they like. They may, of course, actually use everything, in which case it is accurate for them to say "I like Kitchen Sink packs." :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh I will beat on TiC. It's close on the worst thing to happen to mod packs.

Sure, customizable tools are good. But the mod also adds ore doubling that you can get going before the sun sets on the first day. And to make tools that self repair all you need is some mossy cobblestone. Fortune III can be had with 1 piece of lapis if you are patient, and once you know what you are doing you combine RF enhancement with Stonebound...

Do any other mods in the pack add tools or ore doubling? It doesn't matter the TiC enthusiast, needs none of that.

I hate that mod so much because the min maxing optimizing munchkin in me is so drawn to it. And it's frustrating because when I put in the effort to make the ic2 mining drill or powered saber or Thaumcraft tools or what have you the result will not compete with the item that dire had made by episode 3.
This. I recently started playing Hubris with a few buddies, and it feels so odd and satisfying to actually cook ores in a furnace (at least to start with :3) and use an iron pickaxe. I can't wait to advance in Botania to get my pick-o'-awesome <3.

Sure, I could've restricted myself from using the TiC in other packs as well, but that feels like a huge waste considering how strong and cheap the TiC things are.