[Game Thread]ElectionWolf!

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Hold up, as I said, these nights are at inconvenient times for me, and by the time I reply barely anyone else is on. It's a bit hard for me to talk about this.
I'm only a mere politician so I have no way to prove myself at this point. I find it very odd that Lethosos was not killed, however I reckon it's because Lethosos was in fact saved last night, if this is not the case then Lethosos will probably hop back on my radar.

vote erindalc because I like the analysis that SE37 is doing, I don't think it seems howly to me or trying to mislead. erindalc saying that he thinks it might be Lethosos is... interesting. Robijn and Shazam aren't doing anything particularly wolfy to me either, but they are also I guess to be watched.
Polls are closed. Tallying results!

Very few people seem to be interested in the second debate as thier minds were already made up after the first. The way the canidates droned on made several supporters bored that day. It seemed Scottly was affected the most by this and was unable to generate enough money to keep his campaign going. He eventually was forced to make a decision and decided to drop out(lynched) of the race! He was a Journalist!

the Democrafts were certain the republicans would try to make fun of the recent drop out. However, it was met with total silence, Maybe they took a day off?

Current tally:
Scottly had 3
Shazam has 2
Leth has 1
Erin has 2
Robi has 1
Vike has 1
Someone else has 1

3rd Debate day open. Sponsored by environmentally friendly groups!
Hey, fowl- Just so you know, making an entire paragraph of text black can impact people on Dark theme. :p


If you want to make text "normal" again, to revert it from another color, "Clear Formatting" (the Tx) will fix that problem. Goreae caught me doing this once, by the way, so I'm returning the favor. Blame him.


Anyway: We're ignoring a major source of information. @Scottly318! Ghosting's allowed. Who did you investigate before you died?

I'm going to vote Robijnvogel pending Scott's answer. I liked our role analysis party, I did, but you're tied for lowest votes right now. Plus, you've got all the weight of my not-so-conspiracy-theory bearing down on you- Pyure may be giving away more than he intended. This post implies he talked with his "colleague" (the other wolf) before it was posted but after fowl's recap. You're the only living player who posted in that timeframe.

...Also, while we're going down the rabbit hole of analyzing Pyure's actions, he seems to be making a point of interacting with you publicly. He targeted your vote with his power, taunted you after your role analysis (which was in the magic collusion-timeframe, by the way), and quoted your post to get the Pastor out of hiding. You aren't looking too hot, bud.
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Anyway: We're ignoring a major source of information. @Scottly318! Ghosting's allowed. Who did you investigate before you died?

I'm going to vote Robijnvogel pending Scott's answer. I liked our role analysis party, I did, but you're tied for lowest votes right now. Plus, you've got all the weight of my not-so-conspiracy-theory bearing down on you- Pyure may be giving away more than he intended. This post implies he talked with his "colleague" (the other wolf) before it was posted but after fowl's recap. You're the only living player who posted in that timeframe.

...Also, while we're going down the rabbit hole of analyzing Pyure's actions, he seems to be making a point of interacting with you publicly. He targeted your vote with his power, taunted you after your role analysis (which was in the magic collusion-timeframe, by the way), and quoted your post to get the Pastor out of hiding. You aren't looking too hot, bud.
Just surrender Robijn, its doooOOOOOoone man, Shaz is 100% correct. GG EVERYONE.
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... I predicted this. It seems like Pyure went with what I said earlier and is trying to incriminate me just softly enough for it to seem reasonably acceptable.

My advice would be to not take notice of anything Pyure is spewing now. Some of it may be true. Some of it may not, but there's no way to really tell which is which. In other words, let's just pretend he is dead.

I'm seriously debating whether you and Pyure are setting me up for the lynch, or if Pyure's partner is laughing in silence at us throwing "excrements" at each other.
For now, I will keep my vote on SE though.
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Hey, fowl- Just so you know, making an entire paragraph of text black can impact people on Dark theme. :p


If you want to make text "normal" again, to revert it from another color, "Clear Formatting" (the Tx) will fix that problem. Goreae caught me doing this once, by the way, so I'm returning the favor. Blame him.
Seriously? :P Text by default is black just about everywhere you go . By choosing to use a dark theme you are responsible and intentionally taking a risk. ...i honestly think the theme itself should be responsible for changing text so you can see it. If you refuse to accept the results of your actions. I cannot help you.
[...] and quoted your post to get the Pastor out of hiding.

Yeah, right.... Like the Pastor would have fallen for that obviously sarcastic "trap" message.
It's actually pretty weird that Pyure-wolf said that, because he reminded the Pastor why it wasn't a good idea to open up publicly. I wonder what the deal is with that, but I don't think we should give it a lot of attention, because those are Pyure's republican non-sense words.
Seriously? :p Text by default is black just about everywhere you go . By choosing to use a dark theme you are responsible and intentionally taking a risk. ...i honestly think the theme itself should be responsible for changing text so you can see it. If you refuse to accept the results of your actions. I cannot help you.

You made your text black, not default/no colour. The theme automatically converts "default colour" to black on the normal theme and to white on the dark theme.
That is the real issue here.
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You made your text black, not default/no colour. The theme automatically converts "default colour" to black on the normal theme and to white on the dark theme.
That is the real issue here.
ahhhh... maybe i did something and clicked it to change it back without thinking.

Day over Tallying results!

For the 3rd debate the candidates did not hold anything back. The internet was overwhelmed by tweets pointing particularly at Erindalc and vikestep in a heated battle of words. After the debate Erin was informed by his campaign manager that his office forgot to submit some paperwork to the courts to register him in several key states. After several firings and a few unholy words he was unable to continue his campaign and forced to drop out of the race.
The heated debate left one candidate Leth out in the open. The Republican controlled media gave him barely any airtime. to the point where people kinda forgot he even existed. Voters couldn't seem to remember his name when asked about him. He eventually ran out of money and was forced to quite the race but the media paid him no attention.

Erin was Lnyched. He was the Pastor!

Leth was wolfKilled. He was Anonymous!

Note: it's my bad i did have both Neutrals in play and i technically counted them under townies without thinking in initial set up. this is my first time.

Erin had 3( Tied)

Shazam has 2
Vikestep has 3
Robin has 2
Someelse has 2

Conditions are still not met yet..
Final Debate #4 starts now
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more i think about what just happened...i could technically end this now looking at all the powers left and based on what i see it can't end any other way.

edit:i see a play.. i need to clarify something but i can't ask anyone just yet.. so if it happens i'll ask then.
Alright, I'm going Swiss. May whatever happens happens.

I'm the SJW. All votes on me will be invalid today, and I'll win by surviving until the game ends tomorrow. Wolf- Whoever you are, don't waste your kill on me and I'll leave you alone.

Vote Shazam
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Note: it's my bad i did have both Neutrals in play and i technically counted them under townies without thinking in initial set up. this is my first time.
Technically, I think you shouldn't have told us that there's a second neutral role in play.
more i think about what just happened...i could technically end this now looking at all the powers left and based on what i see it can't end any other way. edit:i see a play.. i need to clarify something but i can't ask anyone just yet.. so if it happens i'll ask then.
And I don't think you should have mentioned that either to be honest. :/

But since you did, we might as well use this information. In what scenario, containing 1 republican, 1 SJW and 2 Politicians, would the game be almost certain to end in a win for one of both major sides? The survival of the SJW is one thing that would still be unsure, so I guess we couldn't truly call this game truly "finished" until either of the three sides is completely eradicated. Therefore I would urge you, @fowltief, to not end the game at this moment, no matter what lack of possibilities the two major sides still have in this game. [to be continued in next post]

I'm the SJW. All votes on me will be invalid today, and I'll win by surviving until the game ends tomorrow. Wolf- Whoever you are, don't waste your kill on me and I'll leave you alone.
Vote Shazam
Claiming SJW is the perfect way to say: "Don't vote for me, anyone, because I am not against you." Even if you're not the SJW, this would benefit you.
As a normal Politician (and yes, that's a weak role-claim that I'm willing to make now that there are no town-roles left that I may need to cover for), I'll say that if another person steps up claiming to be the SJW, I will probably think you scummier, because you role-claimed almost immediately after Fowl confirmed that the SJW role is in the game at all.

For now, I don't really know who to vote for. Vote SummonElse, like yesterday then?

@erindalc-ghost, who did you protect on that "faithful" night of no wolf-kills? Since you're dead, you might as well tell us now.

Arse. Should've predicted the wolf kill, I had a Children defense in hand. (Although, I think that was a lynch defense?) Whatever. I planned on coasting some to win, but I bet Pyure got me sniped.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk

Arse. Should've predicted the wolf kill, I had a Children defense in hand. (Although, I think that was a lynch defense?) Whatever. I planned on coasting some to win, but I bet Pyure got me sniped.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk
WhoooOOOoo me? I was dead dude. Sniping you was all vike's idea. I'm just moral support.

PS: This game is essentially done. We win.
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What we can sort of guess though, is that either the two Politicians are practically guaranteed to win, or the republican is.
If the Politicians would be practically guaranteed to win:
  • Both of them need to be able to survive at least one lynch:
    • Need to be able to manipulate votes in such a way, that no matter what the others vote, they survive (not exactly sure if possible)
    • or simply be able to survive a lynch.
  • Both of them need to be guaranteed to survive the night kill as well? I do not think that this is possible.
Conclusion: The republican would be practically guaranteed to win:
  • Needs to be able to survive today's lynch
    • Needs to be able to manipulate votes in such a way, that no matter what the others vote, he survives (probably impossible, even with foreign hack or super pac)
      @fowltief, would the Dirty Priest's power be able to block abilities? (Does that even matter?)
    • Madman role or the children ability would feasibly be able protect him from lynch
  • Survives the night-kill, because why would he kill himself? (Unless he's the Madman :P )
  • At most, three people are left, the republican, a Politician and a Politician or SJW.
    This means that the game is not over yet.
    Needs to be able to survive tomorrow's lynch:
    • Same two bullet points as today's lynch, however now, the first one may be possible as well (may have Madman role or children ability left).
      Actually, by this moment, we can safely assume that the republican in question is, in fact the Madman, because he needs to spend an ability to save him once and needs the Madman role to save him the other time.
  • Again, the night-kill would be survived by this Madman and he would kill someone else.
  • At most, two people would be left and besides the republican, a Politician could be the only player left.
    In this case, if the republican was ahead in votes, the republicans lose.
    If the politician was ahead in votes, the Democrats lose.
    I think it's not possible to predict who would be ahead at this point, so that's probably where @fowltief's doubt comes from.
In other words, you (Vike or SE) and I are probably screwed. :(