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IGN?: iShaunX How old are you?: 15 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 5 months Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Technical Knowledge Have you ever been banned? If so what for? Yes , by friends i know in IRL as a joke Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes Why do you want to join? Because ive always wanted to play ftb on a server but never been able to find a good one.
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: I've been playing with the modpacks for a few months now.
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: My best attribute would be technical knowledge but I sneak a bit of creativity in there too.
Have you ever been banned? If so what for?: I've only been banned once because someone hacked the server and started banning all the OPs.
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: I do accept the rules and any updates made to them.
Why do you want to join?: I've been looking for a great server community to have some fun and make some new friends c:
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: I've been playing for about a couple of weeks.
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: I say my best attribute would be creativity.
Have you ever been banned? If so what for?: I've been banned once or twice, the owners jumped to conclusions and there wasn't a ban appeal.
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes.
Why do you want to join?: I would like to join because in the few weeks I played FTB, I started to get lonely and thought I should try a multiplayer server.
IGN?: Arthur_MC How old are you?: 18 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 8 months Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Mining Have you ever been banned? If so what for? Nope Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes Why do you want to join? To play with a friend.
IGN?: Damienthaboss How old are you?: 19 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: since it been out Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: abit of mining and TK Have you ever been banned? If so what for? no Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?:yes Why do you want to join? been looking to a good server
IGN?: Darumbar How old are you?: 31 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 6 months Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Technical Knowlede, loving making complex AE systems Have you ever been banned? If so what for? Never banned Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Indeed I do Why do you want to join? Looking for a good whitelist server to join, dotted around a few open ones for the last few weeks but would rather play with the same group of folks consistently rather than the high churn you get on open servers
IGN?: xXSuperconbonXx How old are you?: 16 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: Year and a half Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: I'm quite good at Thaumcraft and the Forestry mod Have you ever been banned? If so what for?: I've never been banned Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: I fully accept
Why do you want to join?: I'm looking for a reliable and grief-free server.
IGN?: xjordankr99x How old are you?: 15 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: Since December 2012 Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Mining and mods like AE, IC2, Buildcraft, Logistics and more. I leave building to my friend who will also be applying Have you ever been banned? If so what for? On one server, it was a raiding/griefing server and my faction raided a moderators faction and he unfairly banned us all Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Definately 101% Why do you want to join? I was looking for a trustworthy server that is grief free as the last one I was on, my base got griefed then I stumbled upon this, and happy about it
IGN?: Kmank11 How old are you?: 18 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 2 month Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Creativity Have you ever been banned? If so what for? no Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes Why do you want to join? To play with other friends that are on this server.
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: Around 6 months
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Creativity. I love building large themed structures like theaters and night clubs.
Have you ever been banned? If so what for? No
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?:Yes
IGN?: Gixxerdude & Ladhra How old are you?: 35 & 34 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: GD-almost 2 years? Ladhra - 3 months Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Mining/Tech Have you ever been banned? If so what for? Neither of us have been banned Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes Why do you want to join? We both want a mature/chill Unleashed server
IGN?: MalkeusDiasporan How old are you?: 26 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: since early beta Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Technical Knowledge Have you ever been banned? If so what for? Never been banned. Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a relaxed place to play, where I don't have to worry so much about whether my base will be there when I come back.