Retrogen is also very lag inducing.
Only while its regenerating right? If I just turn it on to go through a few areas and turn it off it'll be A-okay I was assuming.
I wouldn't recommend this on a server though.
Yeah my mek came with osmium off by default. Thought that was silly since its the base of the entire mod. Unfortunately I didn't notice till I generated my world and played for a long while so I don't want to reset. I've added it to the cofh config with retrogen true and left mek disabled. I still haven't found any and even switched my world spawn at hopes of kicking the retrogen in my area. Still havnt found anyis there a config option to turn retrogen on as a whole? My retrogen=true across the board. Can someone with working retrogen osmium copy paste me their config line so I can compare?
If Mekanism is disabled how does COFHCore spawn in a block from Mekanism?
If Mekanism is disabled how does COFHCore spawn in a block from Mekanism?
I never added osmium to the oregen for the 1.6 FTB packs because I never ended up doing anything with mekanism, so it wont gen if you add it to the pack even if you turn retro gen on. You need to hand enter the amounts into the config files and then do retrogen.
Oregen is going to be changing drastically for 1.7 though. The prototype for the 1.7 gen is currently in BnB. I dont have the full new tool set to play with, but the general them of stratification is there.
The other guy said he added it in. My point was he expected the ore to retrogen with the mod disabled.
I haven't spent to long on BnB, is the oregen like TPPI?