FTB Master Configs

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Team Member
FTB Founder
Jul 29, 2019
The FTB Master configs are now available at


Here you can download the configs and are free to use them to help you build your own modpacks. Whilst we are open to some suggestions and you are free to comment. Please note that the actual ID's are pretty much fixed in place from this point.

This config will be expanded over time as we add new mods onto the list. For mod developers, if you want to set your id's using out config as a guide to free slots, please feel free to contact one of the team and we will try and add your mod onto the list.
Tweeted this as well but doesn't hurt to be thorough; Will there be a way to(later on) submit configs for mods that are not already on the master config? I understand if not as this may be a difficult and time consuming thing to go through but doesn't hurt to ask.
Is there a way for me to find what mod version these configs are for? Carpenters Blocks already has ID conflicts with Engineers Toolbox. I can change them myself, so its no big deal, but having a universal config is better as it eliminates that task. The problem comes in when I don't know the matching version to the config the FTB team has provided.

I would post the conflicts, but this isn't the support thread.
Thanks a lot, I tried it and got some problems, just for info, idfix will solve it :)

252: portaltrigger from Paleocraft - bop.longGrass from BiomesOPlenty
253: tree1 from Paleocraft - bop.generic.crag_rock from BiomesOPlenty
254: seaweed from Paleocraft - bop.holyStone from BiomesOPlenty
700: MoCLeaves from MoCreatures - bau5ProjectBench from bau5_ProjectBench
701: enderIO:blockEnderIo from EnderIO - MoCLog from MoCreatures
702: enderIO:blockConduitBundle from EnderIO - MoCTallGrass from MoCreatures
703: enderIO:blockConduitFacade from EnderIO - MoCWoodPlanks from MoCreatures
2413: blockArcaneDoor from Thaumcraft - blockCarpentersLadder from CarpentersBlocks
3200: metal.molten.electrum from TConstruct - resonantinduction:tesla from resonantinduction
3201: metal.molten.iron from TConstruct - resonantinduction:multimeter from resonantinduction
3202: metal.molten.gold from TConstruct - resonantinduction:contractor from resonantinduction
3203: metal.molten.copper from TConstruct - resonantinduction:battery from resonantinduction
Suggested Ranges: 977-1221 (245 IDs), 1556-1752 (197 IDs), 3505-3699 (195 IDs)
Not sure if I did something wrong, but when I deployed the 1.0.1 configs file and tried to start it using Horizons:

2039: ReactorModelled from ReactorCraft - naturalGas from gascraft
2040: Steam from ReactorCraft - shaleResource from gascraft
Suggested Ranges: 1287-1466 (180 IDs), 529-700 (172 IDs), 3018-3170 (153 IDs)
just a bit of a suggestion for when the universal configs have been well established and stable, have you thought about making customizer for the universal configurations through the browser? somewhat like the soartex customizer, you'll be able to access the customizer through your browser, you can then select the configuration files of the mods you want, and when you're done it'll archive them for you and offer them as a download for you.
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Not sure if I did something wrong, but when I deployed the 1.0.1 configs file and tried to start it using Horizons:

2039: ReactorModelled from ReactorCraft - naturalGas from gascraft
2040: Steam from ReactorCraft - shaleResource from gascraft
Suggested Ranges: 1287-1466 (180 IDs), 529-700 (172 IDs), 3018-3170 (153 IDs)

1.0.4 configs still have this problem
Thanks for the info guys, we are looking into this now.

Also to be clear, these configs are not meant to work with every mod (like Mo'Creatures) Just the ones that we have included so far.
Thanks a lot, I tried it and got some problems, just for info, idfix will solve it :)

252: portaltrigger from Paleocraft - bop.longGrass from BiomesOPlenty
253: tree1 from Paleocraft - bop.generic.crag_rock from BiomesOPlenty
254: seaweed from Paleocraft - bop.holyStone from BiomesOPlenty
700: MoCLeaves from MoCreatures - bau5ProjectBench from bau5_ProjectBench
701: enderIO:blockEnderIo from EnderIO - MoCLog from MoCreatures
702: enderIO:blockConduitBundle from EnderIO - MoCTallGrass from MoCreatures
703: enderIO:blockConduitFacade from EnderIO - MoCWoodPlanks from MoCreatures
2413: blockArcaneDoor from Thaumcraft - blockCarpentersLadder from CarpentersBlocks
3200: metal.molten.electrum from TConstruct - resonantinduction:tesla from resonantinduction
3201: metal.molten.iron from TConstruct - resonantinduction:multimeter from resonantinduction
3202: metal.molten.gold from TConstruct - resonantinduction:contractor from resonantinduction
3203: metal.molten.copper from TConstruct - resonantinduction:battery from resonantinduction
Suggested Ranges: 977-1221 (245 IDs), 1556-1752 (197 IDs), 3505-3699 (195 IDs)

We don't include, Resonant Induction, Paleocraft or MoCreatures. These only work for mods we INCLUDE. Any mod not included in the base config may require ID resolution.
OK Thanks for the heads up on Gascraft, its getting fixed now, unsure how it happened.
We included the default GasCraft config in the universal file by accident. the one that shipped with Horizons is correct. Uploaded the correct one to google drive.
OK Thanks for the heads up on Gascraft, its getting fixed now, unsure how it happened.

Awesome, I should have noted this is using the modlist posted here
Though I may be testing with different versions of the mods so some new blocks may have been added recently.[DOUBLEPOST=1386781185][/DOUBLEPOST]
We included the default GasCraft config in the universal file by accident. the one that shipped with Horizons is correct. Uploaded the correct one to google drive.

One other thing, I noticed there is no BigReactors config included.
Again. The "Master Configs" will only include configurations for mods we use in our packs OR configurations we get from mod developers telling us those have been optimized to our configs. At some point there might be some configs in for mods we won't use but the bigger it gets the harder it becomes to maintain.
Again. The "Master Configs" will only include configurations for mods we use in our packs OR configurations we get from mod developers telling us those have been optimized to our configs. At some point there might be some configs in for mods we won't use but the bigger it gets the harder it becomes to maintain.

I'm already amazed at how good the configurations are now, not even trying to imagine of more mods being added to it...
but out of curiousity I was wondering how you guys are planning on maintaining the universal configurations with all the different modpacks you're planning on releasing... because I can imagine that certain configurations are a whole lot different if you compare the configurations of let's say Magic Farm with the Direwolf20 pack. is there a plan on releasing like 3 versions of the universal configuration pack, one set to easy, one set to medium and one set to hard difficulty or are the universal configurations set to medium difficulty, but mainly shared for IDs and each pack still gets a custom configuration?
I'm already amazed at how good the configurations are now, not even trying to imagine of more mods being added to it...
but out of curiousity I was wondering how you guys are planning on maintaining the universal configurations with all the different modpacks you're planning on releasing... because I can imagine that certain configurations are a whole lot different if you compare the configurations of let's say Magic Farm with the Direwolf20 pack. is there a plan on releasing like 3 versions of the universal configuration pack, one set to easy, one set to medium and one set to hard difficulty or are the universal configurations set to medium difficulty, but mainly shared for IDs and each pack still gets a custom configuration?

Eventually the universal configs will have just the default from the various mods, with ID resolution done and any known incompatibility config options tweeked with a list of those tweeks posted. We will not be putting out the tweeked universal configs for every pack. Besides what we find easy/medium/hard may not be what a specific player does.
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Eventually the universal configs will have just the default from the various mods, with ID resolution done and any known incompatibility config options tweeked with a list of those tweeks posted. We will not be putting out the tweeked universal configs for every pack. Besides what we find easy/medium/hard may not be what a specific player does.

ok, good to know. thanks for answering my question jaded :)