FTB Infinity Skyblock 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

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Idk about you guys but im really enjoying Infinity Skyblock. I enjoyed Non skyblock expert infinity but it really felt grindy, yes I know the recipes are the same but its so much easier to get resources especially with compressed blocks and heavy sieve. By Sunday night I got all the machines and really early power to start working on thermal expansion stuff so I can set up a pulverizer and auto sieve setup then the real fun begins J
I'm really enjoying it to I never did the expert mode before so that's a nice addition. I just found the guide book I think a heads up on the starting platform would have been nice. I have no idea how to get started with bees though I see then in nei.

Expert mode is forcing me to learn mods that I never used or really knew about before
I'm really enjoying it to I never did the expert mode before so that's a nice addition. I just found the guide book I think a heads up on the starting platform would have been nice. I have no idea how to get started with bees though I see then in nei.

Expert mode is forcing me to learn mods that I never used or really knew about before

You need to create a hive. I can't remember the name or the process (I haven't actually done it myself just saw it on one of Kryllyk's videos).
Idk about you guys but im really enjoying Infinity Skyblock. I enjoyed Non skyblock expert infinity but it really felt grindy, yes I know the recipes are the same but its so much easier to get resources especially with compressed blocks and heavy sieve. By Sunday night I got all the machines and really early power to start working on thermal expansion stuff so I can set up a pulverizer and auto sieve setup then the real fun begins J
I've gone overboard. I have quite a bit set up already.. Full logistics pipes storage and crafting, 4 HP fluid boilers running on firewater, A couple MFR machines (harvester for crops, planter/harvester for trees, and rancher? I think is the name.. for shearing sheeples. My next steps are to set up an area for generating UU matter and replicating irridium and work on an MFR mob spawn area (I have already trapped an enderman and blizz in safari nets) to help with pearls and nitor.

I haven't touched anything magic wise yet aside from botania endoflames and making my iron capped wand/thaminomicon. Haven't decided if I really want to do it this round.
I've gone overboard. I have quite a bit set up already.. Full logistics pipes storage and crafting, 4 HP fluid boilers running on firewater, A couple MFR machines (harvester for crops, planter/harvester for trees, and rancher? I think is the name.. for shearing sheeples. My next steps are to set up an area for generating UU matter and replicating irridium and work on an MFR mob spawn area (I have already trapped an enderman and blizz in safari nets) to help with pearls and nitor.

I haven't touched anything magic wise yet aside from botania endoflames and making my iron capped wand/thaminomicon. Haven't decided if I really want to do it this round.
wow youve spent quite a bit of time on it already. I only had Sunday and like 2 hrs yesterday so not much time spent. I have a mini storage setup already, lot of drawers with emerald upgrades, will do LP tho for sure, i really like that mod.
wow youve spent quite a bit of time on it already. I only had Sunday and like 2 hrs yesterday so not much time spent. I have a mini storage setup already, lot of drawers with emerald upgrades, will do LP tho for sure, i really like that mod.

I got it as soon as it was available via the FTB launcher. I also went in with a plan. I rushed auto-sieves pulverizer and LP storage with the request table. Once that is set up I started setting up the LP crafting tables/pipes/modules. I think I currently have 50 crafting tables to craft all of the smaller things like IC2 circuits/cables. I also have crafting modules making my gears, plates, extracting rubber (I got IC2 trees and haven't been lucky enough to get MFR).

I would highly suggest using active suppliers to keep certain things on hand. I have my system always keeping a stack of different chipsets that are always in use on hand. Iron/gold/redstone. and I keep 16 diamonds as well. I also have my system keep plenty of tin gears and copper gears on hand. nothing worse than waiting for gears and chipsets to craft when you are trying to make something. especially if you aren't using IE for gears and using a smeltery.

I rushed all that on a small-ish platform (all being powered by 4 water wheels). Once I had the foundation set I began to actually expand my area and plan out how I wanted to build. Still working on that and am still moving things into a not so cramped area.
I got it as soon as it was available via the FTB launcher. I also went in with a plan. I rushed auto-sieves pulverizer and LP storage with the request table. Once that is set up I started setting up the LP crafting tables/pipes/modules. I think I currently have 50 crafting tables to craft all of the smaller things like IC2 circuits/cables. I also have crafting modules making my gears, plates, extracting rubber (I got IC2 trees and haven't been lucky enough to get MFR).

I would highly suggest using active suppliers to keep certain things on hand. I have my system always keeping a stack of different chipsets that are always in use on hand. Iron/gold/redstone. and I keep 16 diamonds as well. I also have my system keep plenty of tin gears and copper gears on hand. nothing worse than waiting for gears and chipsets to craft when you are trying to make something. especially if you aren't using IE for gears and using a smeltery.

I rushed all that on a small-ish platform (all being powered by 4 water wheels). Once I had the foundation set I began to actually expand my area and plan out how I wanted to build. Still working on that and am still moving things into a not so cramped area.

yea i was delayed but not long, i was trying to find a small whitelist server with no success so went with an "open" style server, luckly it has performed well. ive sorta rushed to an auto sieve setup myself while at the same time planning for expansion. I got all the machines where i can make what i need to now so im going to work on getting beef wellington power setup going to get me thru mid game, wanted to get a saw mill up first before doing all the crop breeding because it will take a lot of wood. I applaud tfox tho, LP is a very nice mod and honestly i would of never used it because of how good AE is and had no reason to try something else, Im sure others are in the same boat. I got into very little crafting on non skyblock expert infinity but i look forward into getting into it more with skyblock.
Does anyone know why some vanilla tools are removed completely and some are just reduced to 1 durability 'for crafting purposes only'? Because I'd really like to be able to craft wooden swords.
Does anyone know why some vanilla tools are removed completely and some are just reduced to 1 durability 'for crafting purposes only'? Because I'd really like to be able to craft wooden swords.

The Vanilla tools that remain are needed as crafting components. Those that were removed were not needed as crafting components. The idea is to push people toward using TiCo tools (and those of other mods).
as Inaeo said they want you to use Tinkers tools. Why would you wanna craft a wooden sword tho?
I'm trying to decide if I should sift crushed endstone or not. It has 3.5 times the droprate for draconium as crushed netherrack, but doesn't provide anything else useful. Granted, all crushed netherrack gives besides draconium is cobalt, ardite, and mithril (mana-infused) and I shouldn't need a ton of any of those. I'm growing nether quartz and netherwart, so other than for the occasional ghast tear, no need to sift soul sand.

Does anyone know if there's any point to being able to make draconium ore? There's an induction smelter recipe, but NEI doesn't show any uses for it besides ore processing. I figured there must be a draconium crop or something, but I didn't find anything (no bee either :( ).

One thing I'd point out as a tip is that multi-farms from forestry are really great. They hardly require any infrastructure (thermionic fabricator and the ability to make gears), use almost no power, give a use for all that apatite from sifting gravel, and a max-sized one provides 720 spots for agricraft crops (since they don't need water.) The only downside is you can't use them for the crops that require a specific block underneath, but they're great for power (culinary generators, ethanol, biofuel, peat or just charcoal).

They also only use copper and tin, the two metals that are the second most common but don't have the massive amount of uses of iron.
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Cobalt and ardite you need basically none of yeah, and mana-infused metal from sifting is irrelevant when you can convert silver into it at a 1:1 ratio for free. For making ore the only use is automation, processing 4 ex astris draconium dust with a fortune 3 hammer gives 4.8 ingots, with turning it into draconium ore then mining it with a fortune 3 pickaxe it should average 6.5 draconium I think, a 1.625 yield compared to the 1.2 yield of the dust blocks. Note that getting it from netherrack instead gives you AOBD draconium dust which can be processed in a QED for 3 ingots each with a piece of coal.

So yeah, each piece of endstone averages about 0.2 draconium ingots with full fortune 3 + induction smelter processing, while each piece of netherrack averages 0.1 ingots and has to be processed semi-manually.
Great thread, I hope people will share their best "tips and tricks" for skyblock.

Since I don't know this "Ex Nihilo" mod at all, I've struggled a bit to get going, so I'll share the two tips that really helped me. I think one of them is in the in-game Guide book (which is found by pressing the E key and clicking on one of the book icons), but the other tip I didn't find anywhere until my server-mate told me.

Tip#1 - to make Tinkers Construct Smeltery, you need clay which you get from making Oak Barrels and waiting for rain, then when the barrel is 100% full you right click with a Dust to instantly get a clay block. From this, you can make Tinkers Grout.

Tip#2 - after you make the Smeltery, you still need lava somehow and I was lost until someone informed me that you can make an Ex Nihilio Crucible, smelt it, then place it over some sort of flame (torches, or better yet, put it right over your one lava block in your cobblegen setup for 2x speed), and finally, right click the crucible with cobblestone. Eventually you will get lava which you can bucket over to the Smeltery, and now you're up and running!

My first two days were spent making more dirt (saplings into Oak Barrel) so my tree farm is now 20 trees, and all the basic Tinkers Construct stuff. By sifting, I was able to get enough stuff to make the Thermionic Fabricator, and then an Assembly Table with 1 Laser, all powered via a single Survival Generator... which then allowed me to make the IC2 Metal Former and IC2 Generator... which then allowed me to make steel shafts for constructing Immersive Engineering Water Wheels to begin generating RF/t. That's where my Day#2 ended, because I got fed up and frustrated with placing all the water blocks. The power source is so good for early game, I just gotta deal with the aggravation.

Speaking of Immersive water wheels, does this image still show the optimal water block configuration for Infinity Evolved Expert? It's pretty messy. I might sacrifice some power and skip some of those water blocks.
EDIT: I made a creative world, and with the use of the Thermal Expansion Multimeter I confirmed that water wheel setup will generate 88 RF/t by using all of the indicated waterblock locations. 68 RF/t comes from the very top waterblocks, with the other 3 locations providing the rest of the power. So I'd lose 20 RF/t by not placing those waterblocks, and that would be inefficient.... so messy, it is, then!
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Oh I have 1 more question, put it into its own post for visibility...

So without an overworld to quarry, what is going to be our best option(s) for obtaining ores?

1. Immersive Engineering has that mining machine thing, is that best?
2. MFR Laser, but that's obv an end-game device.
3. I understand there is "automated" sifting at some point, is this gonna be our best option for a while?
4. What about the other 25 or 50 methods of obtaining ores that I've probably forgotten or never knew about? Who can list more? Which is the best method to shoot for, in your opinion?
Bees are slow and you're unlikely to really get them going any time soon, still worth not overlooking as some of the resources they provide are tricky without them.

The broken orechid or whatever the ex compressum one is called, botania flower that turns smooth stone near it into ore for mana, fairly cheap too as its had its costs taken from the skyblock version of Botania where the orechid is designed to act as a primary oregen method. Should produce near any ore in the overworld.

IE is designed not to work as a primary method of getting ores, it requires significant manual effort to find veins and when you do they could easily be something you don't want. Probably stick to MFR, orechid, or sifting. Thaumcraft works for several of the more common metals at least as far as being able to transmute them into each other.
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Ah yes, bees, good idea. Slow, but very good if you have the patience (which I do). I wonder if Binnie's is in this pack? I'm an "old school" Binnie's kinda guy for my beekeeping, not into gene splicing.

One method I forgot to mention or ask about... Agricraft. Remembering back to the days of the "Regrowth" modpack... is Agricraft a way to get ALL the raw materials in this modpack, just like it was in that one? Our server operator has been doing Agricraft full-time since we began, which is probably a very very good idea for almost every player, isn't it? Or has it been nerfed somehow?
Ah right, forgot agricraft.

So agricraft in this pack deals with resources fundamentally differently from in Regrowth, in Regrowth you actually had magical crops, and that was what you grew resources with. In this you instead have Agricraft's resource crops, notable differences are as follows.
  • These ones require an ore of the material underneath the dirt to be able to grow, so one iron plant per iron ore you have and so on.
  • Much more limited in variation, only works on ores and glowstone iirc. Not all ores either.
  • Instead of producing essence they produce nuggets of their substance, even for things like nether quartz, diamonds, or emeralds.
  • They are gained via breeding, not via anything else like the runic altar as in Regrowth.
So generally speaking they're more expensive to setup farms and produce less than Regrowth, doesn't mean they're bad by any means, just that Regrowth uses magical crops as it's primary system and makes that much more powerful.
They also produce much more slowly. My 10/10/10 quartz seeds produce 4 quartz per harvest, but they grow really slowly despite being 10/10/10. I've already filled drawers with pumpkins, potatoes and netherwart, but I've only gained maybe 100 quartz.
Agricraft is a way to get resources but IMO not needed(but fun to set up) . If you get fully upgraded Pulverizers and fully upgraded auto sieves(not the ex compressium ones) you will be swimming in resources and to do this isnt that expensive to do and you can just upgrade as you need to. Early on i suggest just pulverizing gravel and do dust as needed for redstone but get the redstone seed asap from agricraft as gravel will get you pretty much everything you need except redstone. Some people loves bees, i personally did in earlier versions but they wont produce anywhere close to what a fully upgraded pulverizer/sieve will.