FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

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Any suggestions on getting ShinyOre/Platinum?

What mod asks for it in crafting? I would figure the mod needing it would supply a way to get it. If not, we've found a design flaw that needs mod author attention.
A creeper blew up my transmutation tablet. I'm trying to make another but the chalk just draws the design instead of making the tablet. I'm holding shift while right clicking. Is it intended to only be able to make the tablet once?

Edit:I feel silly. Never mind. I wish I hadn't lost my energy, but at least I still have my tome.

How were you able to make it work? I've tried shift-right clicking with chalk, and I've tried a 3x3 of chalk symbols, and nothing works.

Edit: Ah-ha! Gotta hit 'v' to adjust the size of the chalk as I'm placing it. That's…unobvious. Posting so others don't have the same problem that I had.
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What mod asks for it in crafting? I would figure the mod needing it would supply a way to get it. If not, we've found a design flaw that needs mod author attention.

As far as I know, it's disabled since there aren't supposed to be any uses for it in the modpack. Did you find something that needs shiny/platinum?

I want to make Rail Gun Turrets they need Platinum for "Containment Chamber"
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So, does anyone know which ores can produce temporal nuggets? Following the online tutorials, I have a pickaxe with memory, I've turned it temporal, and I've right-clicked on nether quartz, iron, gold, copper and redstone—and been unsuccessful. Nothing happens at all. I've alos tried shift+right-click and middle-click.
So, does anyone know which ores can produce temporal nuggets? Following the online tutorials, I have a pickaxe with memory, I've turned it temporal, and I've right-clicked on nether quartz, iron, gold, copper and redstone—and been unsuccessful. Nothing happens at all. I've alos tried shift+right-click and middle-click.

My temporal nuggets have been coming from Oreberry bushes. I've found 10-15 in my limited exploration thus far.
Any way of making frequencies with wireless power of QuantumFlux? Is there any other wireless power transmitter (without extra utils)?

No. Each Entangler/Exciter/Quibit Cell is linked to the player to placed it down, and at this moment I don't plan on making it so you can share power with another player. For power distribution across your own machines, that is what the Exciter Upgrades are for.

The RF Exciters will try to pull as much power from your REdflux Field as the machine it is attached to needs. If you want to throttle it, use fewer Exciter Upgrades to limit what can go through.
Question about gravitational anomalies.. I found one and harnessed it. Then I got greedy and threw in a septuple compressed cobble... yeah. I fixed it all in creative, but now I don't know how to actually get the energy out. Conduits/dimensional transceivers break even with 4 stabilizers around it. I feel like I am missing something..
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Phew, made through all 15 pages :D

Been playing for a few days off and on. Still haven't even reached a basic ore processing setup, mostly because I'm totally out of my normal element here and don't even know where to start for a basic ore processing machine. Looking forward to watching the Let's Play series posted a couple pages back. I think I'll go after an iBench though. I'm also not sure if theres a particular biome I should look for. I'm straddling a forest and swamp with a giant basalt volcano nearby.
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So, does anyone know which ores can produce temporal nuggets? Following the online tutorials, I have a pickaxe with memory, I've turned it temporal, and I've right-clicked on nether quartz, iron, gold, copper and redstone—and been unsuccessful. Nothing happens at all. I've alos tried shift+right-click and middle-click.
You need more time in the pickaxe before you can start right clicking the ores. You get the time from mining blocks, better chances from higher xp levels. IIRC, I needed about 1 min 30 sec for each time I right click an ore after turning it temporal.
The only recipe for it is NetherOres Platinum -> 2 Shiny Ore but i´ve looked in the nether too and no Platinum ore.
Do you know if Platinum may be Disabled?
(I´ve added NetherOres manually)

Shiny ingots are an ingot from thermal expansion. Thermal expansion had disabled the spawn of platinum ores and the only way to aquire them was ferrous ore with cinnebar (crafted by using liquid cryotheum on cinnebar ore in fluid transposer) in the induction smelter... Since both machines are not available in the back it could be platinum lost it's only recipe, but had not been taken in account since it are seperate mod files.

So, does anyone know which ores can produce temporal nuggets? Following the online tutorials, I have a pickaxe with memory, I've turned it temporal, and I've right-clicked on nether quartz, iron, gold, copper and redstone—and been unsuccessful. Nothing happens at all. I've alos tried shift+right-click and middle-click.

Hover over your pickaxe, it should say you have 1 in X chance on getting time sand. If you go mining any block that is the chance you have on getting 25 (at least in my case it was 25) seconds. This will stack probably forever. Getting an higher level, as already said, increases the chance (scales with memory). With 1500+ memory and lvl 30 i had 1 in 3 chance. From there on MOST ores will turn into TeMpOrAl NuGgEtS for the cost of (again in my case) 2 minutes with a right click.
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Question about gravitational anomalies.. I found one and harnessed it. Then I got greedy and threw in a septuple compressed cobble... yeah. I fixed it all in creative, but now I don't know how to actually get the energy out. Conduits/dimensional transceivers break even with 4 stabilizers around it. I feel like I am missing something..

This ^ I am stuck in a very similar situation.
For those of you with the black hole issue - have you tried shielding the conduits with an anomaly-proof block? Like obsidian or something? Or maybe using RFTools' block protector or something?
Shiny ingots are an ingot from thermal expansion. Thermal expansion had disabled the spawn of platinum ores and the only way to aquire them was ferrous ore with cinnebar (crafted by using liquid cryotheum on cinnebar ore in fluid transposer) in the induction smelter... Since both machines are not available in the back it could be platinum lost it's only recipe, but had not been taken in account since it are seperate mod files.

Hover over your pickaxe, it should say you have 1 in X chance on getting time sand. If you go mining any block that is the chance you have on getting 25 (at least in my case it was 25) seconds. This will stack probably forever. Getting an higher level, as already said, increases the chance (scales with memory). With 1500+ memory and lvl 30 i had 1 in 3 chance. From there on MOST ores will turn into TeMpOrAl NuGgEtS for the cost of (again in my case) 2 minutes with a right click.
Cinnabar is also a by product of pulverizing silk touched redstone. It's where I get all of mine.
Cinnabar is also a by product of pulverizing silk touched redstone. It's where I get all of mine.
Then still, you'd need the induction smelter to melt ferrous ore with the cinnebar :/ I don't know if there is a machine who does it, but I haven't been able to play for a while so I can't check xD
Potion EMC exploit: 1 regen potion emc = 1 ghast tear + 1 awkward potion. while in brewing stand you can make 3 regen potions with 1 ghast tear and 3 awkward potion.
Potion EMC exploit: 1 regen potion emc = 1 ghast tear + 1 awkward potion. while in brewing stand you can make 3 regen potions with 1 ghast tear and 3 awkward potion.
Another EMC Exploit would be Fluid transport node (Extra Util) if you make the recipe with an Ender Pearl you get 1k Energy more then you spent crafting.
Potion EMC exploit: 1 regen potion emc = 1 ghast tear + 1 awkward potion. while in brewing stand you can make 3 regen potions with 1 ghast tear and 3 awkward potion.
There are an unbelievable amount of exploits available. Just try comparing EMC values with Matter values from Matter Overdrive...
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Then still, you'd need the induction smelter to melt ferrous ore with the cinnebar :/ I don't know if there is a machine who does it, but I haven't been able to play for a while so I can't check xD

Yes of course, I was just pointing out there's a much easier way to get cinnabar. Cinnabar has a 100% chance of giving a 3rd ingot of shiny from ferrous. It also does the same with cobalt and ardite (you get a 3rd ingot).

I have not experimented with the machine upgrades that increase the ratio of extra ingots or drops.
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