FTB Departed Discussion

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They wont use it if They recognize that There is just no fun when u can fly also i like the way tinkers and aoa works Together because it Makes fun testing all the Materials and Effekts so i like it at least for Tools because Terra shatterer is way to hard to get to a Good Level
If only more players recognized that its no fun....
I mean the Most 1st Dont even know the tiara
2nd you need to go to the end for that
3rd There are many other op things
Hello, anyone else having problems with Black Ursas? They are completely OP... I am in to my world moderately far already; I have Void Leggings, Void Chestplate and mainly use Lithonite Tools. However they just completely wreak me. They have something like a 50% not to get knocked back, they have the same hit radius as a player (It seems like) and often they spawn in hoards of two or three. They only have two flaws: slowness and that they act like they are blind sometimes. The only way I can deal with them currently is either die (which doesn't get rid of my problem because they keep spawning near my base) or juke them constantly and spam my sword essentially. Please Nerf! Should I also mention that their player tracking skills are better than spiders? I mean sure, they're bears with noses but come on! They wreak me! Halp!

Well that was my rant to vent my frustration, now it's out there. Hope y'all have a nice day!

Update: They can spawn in groups of 7 or 8 at a time along with Urkas and Naturas
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XolovA has stated that flight does break intented AoA mechanics, so I hope that Watchful decides to get rid of it.
Seriously, If you hate flying item. Just don't use it.
It's possible that many people likes flugel tiara

For balance reason? Then make config about flugel tiara. Why you want remove it completely?
If tinkers was nerfed, then why does it say crossbows do so much damage in this video? Is he using a past version of Departed?
What is this completely invisible "Shadow" mob that continues to kill me at diamond levels? I see no such mob in Ascension mob list. Google has not provided answers.
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What is this completely invisible "Shadow" mob that continues to kill me at diamond levels? I see no such mob in Ascension mob list. Google has not provided answers.
That shadow is called a Shade, when it spawns, its basically an invisible mob with 1 HP, killing it will turn into a Shade, which has 35 HP.
Im supprised some of these mob mod makers just haven't added mobs that can ground you or add tough predatory flying mobs. No need to disable flying if you can just make it dangerous instead.
I have visions of bolas flinging zombies and 6 block wide Rocs or skeleton pioloted FA18s with sidewinder missles.
Orrr seeing though the tiara is being complained about. If they trivialize boss battles just follow Botania's example and disable flight during the boss event.

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There's also evidence from the newest botania video the tiara is getting nerfed, the demonstration of the excalibur replacement seems to have a flight bar that runs out while you're flying and recharges while you're on the ground so that would make at least it vastly harder to break stuff with if you have to spend something like half your time on the ground. We don't really know anything about it though and I haven't checked the github to see if there is info there so couldn't tell you more.
Im supprised some of these mob mod makers just haven't added mobs that can ground you or add tough predatory flying mobs. No need to disable flying if you can just make it dangerous instead.
I have visions of bolas flinging zombies and 6 block wide Rocs or skeleton pioloted FA18s with sidewinder missles.
Orrr seeing though the tiara is being complained about. If they trivialize boss battles just follow Botania's example and disable flight during the boss event.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Actually, as @Xavion just said, the tiara is (finally) getting nerfed in the next update to Botania. It will now have a timer.
For anyone not following it the update for Botania with the tiara nerfs was released and they are as follows.

  • The tiara now has a stamina bar, it lasts 10 seconds and takes 20 seconds to recharge fully.
  • The tiara has gained two new abilities, a dash feature to give you a boost while flying that can be used every three seconds and a glide feature to make you fall slower while still moving horizontally. Gliding does not use flight power but does make it recharge slower.
  • The eye of the flugel was also modified, the nerf to teleportation is irrelevant to flight but the important thing is it allows you to keep flying even after the flight bar runs out. Doing so costs triple its normal mana cost however.
So yeah, that's the overview of the new tiara mechanics. Less powerful now, the thaumostatic harness is still a thing though and it's just limited by speed, potentia is always trivial to get in bulk but it's flight speed is somewhat lacking even when boosted.
Hey, I've been looking to start (or join) a small Departed-based server, but I really cannot live without a few small Thaumcraft addons (Automagy, Thaumic Horizions, and a couple more...). Is there such a server already? And if not, then how do you suggest I go about making a server like that? Would anybody be interested?
I think that departed is a wonderful addition to the mix of various modpacks that can be found on the ftb launcher, but I also think that departed could use the addition of Biomes O' Plenty. Before you decide to say "Hey, Xello! The Advent of Ascension mobs can only spawn in vanilla biomes!", or "Hey, Xello! There would be a biome id conflict!", I would like to say that the first possible problem is false. From what I understand, the Advent of Ascension mobs are no longer hard coded to only spawn on grass blocks of a specific vanilla biome. That was something before the release of 2.x. What I noticed when I added Biomes O' Plenty to the modpack myself was that the mobs spawned based on levels of humidity. Here's an example: You would to expect to find a Fishix (swamp mob) in a vanilla swampland, right? Well, I found some in a bayou biome. Surely enough, adding Biomes O' Plenty will not affect the spawn of your Advent of Ascension mobs.
Now on to the answer of "Hey, Xello! There would be a biome id conflict!". That is a problem, but who ever said that we are not allowed to fiddle with the config files? So, I did that. If you look in the Advent of Ascension config file, you will see that the biome id's for the different dimensions in the mod are changeable variables. Minecraft recognizes biome id's up until 250. Reassigning the biome id's in AoA2-2.cfg (opened with notepad) to 231-250 fixed the biome id conflict with Biomes O' Plenty biomes.
I don't know about you guys, but I think it adds some variety to the modpack. Please consider my suggestion!
Have a good day! -Xello101 ^.-
I think that departed is a wonderful addition to the mix of various modpacks that can be found on the ftb launcher, but I also think that departed could use the addition of Biomes O' Plenty. Before you decide to say "Hey, Xello! The Advent of Ascension mobs can only spawn in vanilla biomes!", or "Hey, Xello! There would be a biome id conflict!", I would like to say that the first possible problem is false. From what I understand, the Advent of Ascension mobs are no longer hard coded to only spawn on grass blocks of a specific vanilla biome. That was something before the release of 2.x. What I noticed when I added Biomes O' Plenty to the modpack myself was that the mobs spawned based on levels of humidity. Here's an example: You would to expect to find a Fishix (swamp mob) in a vanilla swampland, right? Well, I found some in a bayou biome. Surely enough, adding Biomes O' Plenty will not affect the spawn of your Advent of Ascension mobs.
Now on to the answer of "Hey, Xello! There would be a biome id conflict!". That is a problem, but who ever said that we are not allowed to fiddle with the config files? So, I did that. If you look in the Advent of Ascension config file, you will see that the biome id's for the different dimensions in the mod are changeable variables. Minecraft recognizes biome id's up until 250. Reassigning the biome id's in AoA2-2.cfg (opened with notepad) to 231-250 fixed the biome id conflict with Biomes O' Plenty biomes.
I don't know about you guys, but I think it adds some variety to the modpack. Please consider my suggestion!
Have a good day! -Xello101 ^.-
Can confirm this is true, I use BoP in my set of mods. It would be interesting to see that in this pack, since this is an exploration pack

Although, if they added it, they would need some mods that add in structures to the overworld. (Dungeonpack anyone?)
Can confirm this is true, I use BoP in my set of mods. It would be interesting to see that in this pack, since this is an exploration pack

Although, if they added it, they would need some mods that add in structures to the overworld. (Dungeonpack anyone?)

Adding structures into the mix is a good idea, sir! However, there is a good handful of mods that already do this. Thaumcraft would probably be one on the lowest of levels. It adds all those totems, floaty totem things, and the guarded, floaty totem things. The main mod of the pack, Advent of Ascension, is another structure adder. Ever noticed those blue structures on beaches and/or oceans? Those contain some spawners. This is probably the only structure it adds in the overworld, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Tinkers' Construct adds those wonderful, blue, greenish slime islands. Lastly, the witchery mod adds ridiculously large villages that are somewhat similar to those you would find with the dungeon pack mod.
I would like to add that the dungeon pack mod is still somewhat broken. Some of the sky houses contain blaze spawners, which would make the purpose of vanilla nether structures almost irrelevant. The huge, underground structures contain lifetime supplies of diamonds. You may also find your nether warts in there, too. You can change the config to where it will not spawn those structures, but what will that leave us with? We have those large villages that are similar to the ones generated with witchery, which are also kind of excessive sense witchery is in the pack. The only things that I see as pros from dungeon pack are all the variants of ships.
I personally think that the departed mod pack already has a good amount of structures, but I have no authority over your creative opinion :) .
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