Ah, that's good info about the how the skillups work -- it explains the problem we've had.
We've been looking all over for a Savanna for like a week, with no luck. I finally gave in and loaded it up in Amidst -- closest one is about 4000, 5000 blocks away.We'd actually found a smallish patch of "warm biomes" about 2000 blocks away in a different direction, but it was only desert and variants, no savanna or mesa.
What are the teleportation / fast travel options in this pack? The ones I usually go for aren't present. I'm hoping there's something better than walking 800m in the nether each time we want to go there or back. (I'm fine doing that once, but I really don't want to do that every time.)
Any gotchas I should know about upgrading the mod on the server? Will all the clients need to upgrade as well, or is just upgrading the server OK in this particular case? (Some of my friends are not very technically savvy, so getting them to all tweak their clients correctly is pretty unlikely.)
Thanks for the info!![]()
all clients must update the mod, its client side not server side