FTB Departed Discussion

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Actually, fun fact: there's more iron in your world than there is limonite. around 7% more to be more precise. Though if you're just talking about a mining area down at y level 6 or something, then yeah limonite is going to be far more prevalent. But I don't see what mining level has to do with anything. That part is golden. What I'm talking about is throwing knives that do ten damage on hit and are repaired with the second most common metal in the game. And that's just limonite. If you got sapphire knives with autorepair 2, then you're unstoppable.
The knives are normally so weak and useless. I don't think there's a good way to fix how powerful TiC is in this pack without making Vanilla Enchanting a better option. Unfortunately, Vanilla enchanting is really bad. I've been enchanting books to keep from wasting materials on x amount of bows and armor. Getting efficiency 3 and proc 2 on level 30 enchants suck, and those are useful enchants. Smite and Bane of Arthropods are next to useless in vanilla, let alone a modded environment with a mod like AoA or Lycanite's mobs. The Osmotic Enchanter is very good, but by the time you get it Tinkers' is just a better option. Not only that, but by the time you finish getting your enchants on that awesome sword just right, when it comes time to repair it the level cost is enormous if you can repair it at all.

If the real issue is Tinkers' ranged weapons, then I don't know what to tell you. A lot of AoA's guns are terrible and vanilla bows tend to be a better option. Bows still end up relying on enchanting to be a good option for any mob with 80+ hp.

Basically, the only real way to fix some of the things you have issues with is to get rid of ExtraTiC or blacklist metals for certain weapon parts.
I will agree that Tinkers make the AoA weapons progression pointless. I do hardcore playthroughs, and in this pack the order of operation is:

1. Solve food problem (three berry types, snow and a pumpkin and i am set, usually just head to the ocean and boat around avoiding pinchers until i gather all that and a cotton plant for string).

2. Go back to spawn (free chunk loading) dig out a small space to get a farm going. Once that is done and i got a surplus of juices and smoothies going, i have usually worked up a a full set of iron armor an upgraded stone pick.

3. Gather stuff for a smeltry, use the blocks obtained from mining to raid a slime island for slime trees, leaves and saplings.

4. With what I have gathered so far, make a green slime crossbow with sapphire/sapphire/slime fletching bolts. 37.5 hearts of damge with up to extra 19 on a critical as soon as you pull it off the forge, stupid easy to level and quick to do it, completly trivializes most mobs in the overworld. I used it to farm urkas for hides and made weaken armor (which, thanks to ExtraTic, only need 7 jade ore to make).

When I saw the mod list for Departed I was disappointed (actually, I was disappointed when i heard Thaumcraft was in it before the mod list was issued). Too many big mods with their own progression take away from AoAs progression and/or trivializes it. For example, now that i have weaken armor and my uber crossbow, i am currently planning on progression in all the big three magic mods BEFORE going further in AoA, and I have not left the overworld. Of course, the focus on my progression in the mods is to perserve my one life, but I will go all the way through Kami, witchery poppets and good chunks of Botania while only engaging AoA content to the extent that the altered recipies require it, which is not terribly much. Heck, i am going to spend the next several hours of playtime producing and deploying etheral blooms to clean up the taint biome that is in the way of my building space, and the last one was a few hours of the beginnings of Thaumcraft and the shimmerleaf/taint gathering to do that. No AoA involved other than what is incidental to that.

My personal preference would have been less magic mods (perhaps witchery only, if that) and no tinkers.
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My personal preference would have been less magic mods (perhaps witchery only, if that) and no tinkers.

I agree and I mostly ignore them for now and might even put my tinkers sword and bow away so I can actually see something new and challenging ;-) I even disabled journeymap for now and installed antique atlas instead.

I guess though that playing hardcore makes you prepare a bit more.

And maybe for the next playthrough I will even do my own pack with just AoA and some utility mods such as storage drawers etc.
I agree and I mostly ignore them for now and might even put my tinkers sword and bow away so I can actually see something new and challenging ;-) I even disabled journeymap for now and installed antique atlas instead.

I agree. The Journeymap radar nerfs AoA a great deal as well, as you have a lot more ability to chose to engage or not than you would without it.

I like to keep within the confines of packs as their creator designed them. So, I have started a new hardcore play through, where my only tinkers weapon will be the javelin; I will pretend its a staff, and confine myself to that and other staff/wand weapons throughout the game, as pretend I am a wizard. Moss does not repair the durability of javelins as an intended behavior (it does replace the number lost to throwing), so if I use it as melee I will have to repair it myself. Also will confine myself to robes as armor.
one thing you can do is just simply ignore TiC with AoA materials. thaumcraft, botania etc I don't think damages the challenge too much so it wouldn't bother me if they stayed, but TiC compatability with AoA metals is the one thing that I think needs to go, or be masively nerfed (like 1/5th the damage)
one thing you can do is just simply ignore TiC with AoA materials. thaumcraft, botania etc I don't think damages the challenge too much so it wouldn't bother me if they stayed, but TiC compatability with AoA metals is the one thing that I think needs to go, or be masively nerfed (like 1/5th the damage)

I mostly agree with you on the on this; borderline exception would be the KAMI robes. From what I have seen, there is a lot of armor sets in AoA that are very situational in nature, while the KAMI robes combine features of several sets (and have features outside of those sets as well) while only requiring access to the nether.
I mostly agree with you on the on this; borderline exception would be the KAMI robes. From what I have seen, there is a lot of armor sets in AoA that are very situational in nature, while the KAMI robes combine features of several sets (and have features outside of those sets as well) while only requiring access to the nether.

never heard of KAMI robes, where are they from?
So I believe that Tinkers' Construct actually works really well with the pack and you should use it, what you should disable for balance is the leveling module of Iguana Tweaks. The issue being that while standard TiC tools are comparable to AoA stuff and fine as they are basically the same except modifiers instead of enchantments so possibly even a little weaker the issue is Iguana Tweaks is setup so it makes tools considerably stronger then TiC will obtain, a maxed tool will have something like a dozen extra modifiers compared to without leveling which is ridiculous.

So yeah, I voted for yes to TiC as it does work well, I'd say no to leveling tools though or if it is left enabled to be massively nerfed. That's the real issue and not TiC.

So I just posted that in another thread and am copying it here as well, for reference though some numbers as I'll go into a bit more depth here. A vanilla TiC tool/weapon gets 3 modifiers at base, 3 more from upgrades, and another 1-2 from parts for a max total of 7-8 modifiers. This is compared to with leveling which gives 1 modifier at base, 1-2 modifiers from parts, 3 more from upgrades, 8 from leveling, and 13 random ones from leveling for a total of 26-27 modifiers. That is the real issue causing the power imbalance, considering that modifiers are an alternative to enchantments a weapon without modifiers really isn't better than the equivalent normal weapon, they have some extra abilities and variance sure but they're equal in damage, a non leveled broadsword and vanilla sword made of the same material are very nearly identical with TiC generally have an edge in durability. The difference is modifiers vs enchantments, generally speaking modifiers are roughly equivalent to enchants, when compared to the fact that AoA has several special enchants that aren't replicated by TiC I really don't see modifiers being broken in moderation, the problem is that massive amount of them you can get access to with leveling, it'd be like doubling or tripling the max level of all enchants in how it simply provides far more power to them then they were supposed to have so compared to things that still have reasonable amounts of power they massively outpower them.

So yeah, I'd suggest playing around with leveling disabled or at least massively toned down for your first look at nerfs, it's still nice but maybe only have a couple of levels and they peak around standard TiC stuff? Like a max level of five with no base modifiers and slot, bonus, slot, bonus, slot progression, you have to level it to get the most out of it still but your resulting tool is only going to be a little better then it would've been without leveling in the two random modifiers you got but otherwise identical. That's opposed to the current progression of bonus, slot, bonus, slot, bonus, bonus, slot, bonus, slot, bonus, bonus, bonus, slot, slot, bonus, bonus, nothing, bonus, slot+bonus, slot+bonus which is massively powerful as has been clearly seen.

It's also worth noting ranged weapons I'm much less sure of as I don't use them anywhere near as much, I'd say if they're balanced well around vanilla TiC they should be similar in becoming reasonable but I have heard a lot of stuff on them being more powerful than their melee counterparts so maybe they need an extra nerf.
A regular pick will work.

That only mines it, what do i do with it after that

I would also like to know this and by regular pick do you mean a vanilla MC pick or a vanilla AoA pick? on a side note here is a nice starting seed - 7987649462320895058 has a jungle, desert and village close to spawn and just north of spawn is a Thaumcraft mound/dungeon.
