FTB Central Mod Permissions

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
I give permission for the inclusion of my mods (EmasherCore, A Sufficient Number of Biomes, GasCraft, Hemp, and Defense) in any modpack that is exclusively distributed using the FTB launcher as long as they are not modified, and credit is given where appropriate. It would also be nice to be notified, but this isn't necessary.

It is highly recommended that if GasCraft is included, a mod that adds forge compatible liquid pipes is also included, as GasCraft is mostly useless without one.
I should also note that this does not affect the license of my BiomeDictionary API. It still can only be redistributed when included with a mod that makes use of it in some way, but that shouldn't be a problem for anyone.

My mods can be found here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...es-gascraft-hemp-defense-and-biomedictionary/
I give permission for my mod Anti-Creeper to be redistributed in any Feed The Beast ModPack inside of the Feed The Beast Launcher or a new ModPack still inside the Feed The Beast Launcher Once it has been ported to FML or you make a Mod-Loader Pack.
Link Here.
PetroGen is open-source and has non-exclusive usage permissions.

Furthermore, I give both implicit and explicit permission for past, current and future versions of PetroGen to be used in any FTB mod pack, as well as implicit and explicit permission for it's usage in any and all private modpacks.

tl;dr - go wild, y'all
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I give permissions for BukkitForge to be included in any modpacks, provided any modifications' source code is re-released under the LGPL (just in case there was any questions about the meaning of 'open source')
Bumping this and updating the information on Forestry:

Any modpack (public or private) which is distributed exclusively through the FTB launcher may also include Forestry. Obvious requirements - which I'd think any FTB modpack will fullfill - are that the modpack must be strictly non-profit and it must have permissions for any mods it includes.
Regarding Forge Essentials ( https://github.com/ForgeEssentials/ForgeEssentialsMain ) :
Permission to distribute FE in public or private modpacks via the FTB Launcher is hereby given under the GPLv3 license we're using.
If you are simply using binaries straight from the MCF thread or Jenkins, just linking to the github or our MCF thread is fine.
However if you have made modifications to the code, please provide your modified sources.
We also strongly recommend distributing our client addon in client versions of your pack - it has the ability to display selections made with the FE selection tools.
Permission to distribute the Essentia Everything ThaumCraft 3 add-on mod in any modpack, including via the FTB launcher, is granted, as long as it is not claimed to be created by anyone other than Qwertygiy.

Naturally, it makes no sense (and likely would cause a crash) to include the addon in a modpack without ThaumCraft 3 itself, so basically, if you've got permission to distribute TC3, you've got permission to distribute this addon.

Just know that it'll add an extra second or two per config file it reads through to the load times, so make sure you disable all the ones that aren't for mods in your pack.
Permission to distribute the Magic Bees addon for Forestry is granted to any modpack. Permission to include Forestry is not required, but very helpful to run. (Thaumcraft 3 is no longer required.)
I give the authors of FTB permission to use the necromancy mod (link) in any modpack
preferably the magic pack. because, you know, it makes sense.
Someone should of told me about this thread weeks ago. It would of saved me some work replying to all those PMs.

Railcraft can be used in FTB Third Party Modpacks under the following conditions:
  • You must follow the guideline about which releases you can use. Basically that means you must wait a weak after a release to use it.
  • You must meet one of the two conditions below.
    • The pack is whitelist or password protected.
    • - OR -
    • The owner of the pack has publicly posted permissions and/or licenses for any mods that are not already on this list.
You are not required to personally contact me if your pack is hosted via FTB, but if you host your pack anywhere else, you must personally contact me for permission.

If you have any questions, my license can be found here.
MCHerds (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1696101-mcherds)
may be used in any modpack that has express or implicit permission of all mods included, where personal profit is not gained, and appropriate credit is given.

I would, however, love to hear that my mod is being used, and request that a PM be sent to me via the minecraft forums letting me know about the pack and approximate user base (if available).
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I am currently giving permission for any FTB modpack to use any mod with my name attached to it (currently only tools++). I just ask that credit is given to me.
I, wombatwarrior67, as head of mossclan, herby give permission for the use of ANY mods and addons produced by mossclan now and/or later, privided it meets the following criteria:
1. I am notified of the mod's use
2. Permission has been obtained for all other mods
3. Credit is given to both mossclan and the members who made it
4. It is distributed via the FTB launcher and the FTB launcher only
5. No part of the code is modified

Sadly I cannot post links yet as all the mods are in extremely early alpha stages, but I am just posting this in case I forget. I will update this post with the mods as they are released.o