Whitelist Server FTB Australia | Mindcrack v7 | Mature (25+ Only) | Survival | TS3 |

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New server (and MC community) located in the US but fairly chunky @ 5GB Ram 100 slot however only looking for around 20 more mature minded people, we would prefer Australian gamers but is by no means a restriction.​
Currently Everything is enabled, that is till the server suffers!​
Whitelist + Essentials Permissions​
Prefer you to be on TS3 when online (I hate txt chat)​
yada yada you've read it all before​
Rules -
Only common sense, if you abuse what is available expect a ban we have PVP enabled but by no means does this mean you are free to be an ass!​
Social, means you must be a part of the greater community else why are you on a multiplayer server​
Griefing = Ban​
Details -
TS3 - ftbaus.com
Forum - ftbaus.com (under development)

Apply for whitelist -

Applications now only accepted via our forums

Apply for whitelist -

IGN: middlemonster
Age: Super Old! (30)
Location: US
MC Experiance: Tons, but I still die a lot! 2 years Vanilla, 1 year Tekkit, 2 month FTBs.
Have TS3: yes
Why you want to join us: I'm looking for a small mature group of players who prefer to work together to accomplish bigger tasks as opposed to joining a server to play alone.
Steam: middlemonster
IGN: demicrush
MC Experiance:1 1/2 years of vanilla.
Have TS3:No
Why you want to join us:Just looking for a good and mature community to join in.
IGN: pC_MoJo
Age: 21
Location: United States
MC Experiance: Lots of hours daily. Roughly 5 hours per day for a year.
Have TS3: Yes
Why you want to join us: I want a consistent Feed the Beast Server running MindCrack v7.
Steam: smithjake22
IGN: cp75
Age: 28
Location: Brisbane
MC Experiance: Been Playing on and off since alpha, just got back into it after finding FTB.
Have TS3:Yes
Why you want to join us: Mature age Australian community sounds good.
Steam: cheese75
IGN: kxdzor
Age: 21
Location: Melbourne
MC Experiance: Been playing Minecraft since 2011. Have been playing FTB since it came out.
Have TS3:Yes
Why you want to join us: Looking for a good AUSTRALIAN FTB server to play on, that is full respectful mature people.
Steam: rozvek
Locating: Maitland NSW
MC Experiance: Been playing minecraft since 2009 in alpha.. And been playing FTB since 2 weeks after is came out..
would love to come to an AUSTRALIAN Feed The Beast server and will help in anyway i will also be respectful to everyone and will be very happy to see myself on this server..
Steam: sterlo269
will hope to hear from you soon..

. Isaac harrison
IGN: Ninja_Skull (Can you also let my friend in the server? his my age, IGN: Faster_Gilly
Age: 16
Location: AU (NSW, Sydney)
MC Experiance: 2 Years olf Vanilla
Have TS3: No
Why you want to join us: I want a good mature Australian Server, good connection
Steam: HITMAN_Pulse
IGN: Jacobskii
Age: 18
Location: AUS Melbourne
MC Experiance: Been playing on and off since alpha
Have TS3: yes
Why you want to join us: Just looking for some people to talk to and play with on minecraft.
Steam: Jacobskii
IGN: dib900
Age: 16
Location: Far North Coast NSW
MC Experience: been playing Vanilla for a year ftb a month or so
Have Ts3: no but will get it if necessary
Why you want to join us: looking for a fun involved community with few griefers and friendly players
Steam: Xcalibre
IGN: Dajacula1995 (Dajacula elsewhere)

Age: 20

Location: Australia

MC Experiance: Lots of it. Vanilla for ages, since probably the Halloween update, I have been doing Tekkit for a good long while on a server aswell and have recently been very interested in playing SMP FTB, I have a lot to offer skill wise.

Have TS3: Yes :)

Why you want to join us: I have been looking for a server to play FTB on for so long, I have got no replies from many other people who post that they are making a FTB server which is frustrating. I saw this server was Australian, and I am Australian, and therefore would be cool to possibly play with other Australians and continue to let the Aus MC community grow. I also really enjoy helping people out, giving people communal things such as machine rooms and the like, and generally playing with others (SSP gets a bit lonely).

Steam: Do not currently have one, I lost my account because it got hacked so I will make a new one if it is required
funny how people cant read a description, 20+ means you must be at least 20 years old.

Applications closed for now as we have reached our current intake limit, keep an eye on www.ftbaus.com for openings
IGN: Zugdish
Age: 20
Location: AUS
MC Experiance: 1 year vanilla, 1 year Tekkit
Have TS3: No
Why you want to join us: Would love to join a small community of mature and friendly people on FTB.
Steam: velazurian
MC Experiance: 2 years minecraft vanilla 1 year tekkit
Have TS3: yes
Why you want to join us: great server friend said and great ping
steam: Maxout1816
Apply for whitelist -

IGN: xXvegetasoundxX
Age: 15
Location: AU
MC Experiance: 4 year
Have TS3: yes
Why you want to join us: awesome ping to the server i love servers like that
Steam: curious_penguin271
  • Like
Reactions: Maxout18
IGN: Kizza_69
Age: 18
Location: Aus SA
MC experience: 3 Years Vanilla, Modsauce from release to present.
Have TS3: Yes i do
Why do you want to join us: I have been looking for a good FTB server with a good ping. I want to play with a good group of people and hopefully make friends while i play.
Steam: BugsBunny - kieran.b