Whitelist Server Forgotten Beast | v8.2 | Small Community | Mature (18+)

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Minecraft name: Fleutius
Age: 24
Rough playtime with timezone: from 23:00 - 04:00 in UTC + 1 timezone
Why you would like to join: Looking for a mature small server, where i can delve even deeper into the FTB modpack.
Have been playing on a single player world until now, but now need new adventures
Minecraft name: DaMueller
Age: 18
Rough playtime with timezone: 1-3 hours, GMT +1
Why you would like to join: Looks like a nice server with many things allowed :)
Minecraft name: Fleutius
Age: 24
Rough playtime with timezone: from 23:00 - 04:00 in UTC + 1 timezone
Why you would like to join: Looking for a mature small server, where i can delve even deeper into the FTB modpack.
Have been playing on a single player world until now, but now need new adventures
Welcome to the server[DOUBLEPOST=1361315060][/DOUBLEPOST]
Minecraft name: DaMueller
Age: 18
Rough playtime with timezone: 1-3 hours, GMT +1
Why you would like to join: Looks like a nice server with many things allowed :)
Welcome to the server.

I have been trying to find a good balance.
I am doing my best to make the server run smoothly. For that I am asking everyone to build smartly and not generate too much strain.
Build designs are also a nice topic to talk about. :)
Lastly, before I head to bed:
  • I have enabled Portal Gun mod, minus the portal guns and long fall boots. No portal guns, because the lack of teleports is nice for performance and gives meaning to rails, for example. The long fall boots are just a tad too much in my opinion, completely ignoring any fall damage. There are quite a few alternatives this way, finally building up to quantum boots, which again ignore mostly all fall damage.
  • Currently testing dynmap. Please report any oddities (e.g. lag). (http://emptybit.de:8123/)
Minecraft name: Edwin119988
Age: 19
Rough playtime with timezone: 2-6h per day (UTC+01:00) Central European Time
Why you would like to join: I have a few reasons: I hate inmature people. I like to play on a non-grief server. I am searching a long time for a good FTB server and it seems I found a good server.
Also my friend want to join too. His minecraft name is Davey8 and his age is 18, He has the same timezone and plays roughly 1-3 hours a day. He has the same reasons as me. Thanks for reading and we hope we get accepted. Cya ingame :D
Minecraft name: Edwin119988
Age: 19
Rough playtime with timezone: 2-6h per day (UTC+01:00) Central European Time
Why you would like to join: I have a few reasons: I hate inmature people. I like to play on a non-grief server. I am searching a long time for a good FTB server and it seems I found a good server.
Also my friend want to join too. His minecraft name is Davey8 and his age is 18, He has the same timezone and plays roughly 1-3 hours a day. He has the same reasons as me. Thanks for reading and we hope we get accepted. Cya ingame :D
Welcome to the server.
Have your friend post an application, too, please.
Minecraft name: dalek696
time zone GMT +01, playing evenings and weekend.
i am applying because i want the experience of a adult behaving community.
i had problems running previous version of mindcrack i hope i can actually have fun playing this time.
Minecraft name: dalek696
time zone GMT +01, playing evenings and weekend.
i am applying because i want the experience of a adult behaving community.
i had problems running previous version of mindcrack i hope i can actually have fun playing this time.
Good to see an old friend. :)
Welcome to the server!
Minecraft name: davey8
Age: 18
Rough playtime with timezone: 2-3h per day (UTC+01:00) Central European Time
Why you would like to join: I would like to join because I also hate inmature people. I like to play without griefers and hackers. And hope to have fun on the server. ;-)
Minecraft name: davey8
Age: 18
Rough playtime with timezone: 2-3h per day (UTC+01:00) Central European Time
Why you would like to join: I would like to join because I also hate inmature people. I like to play without griefers and hackers. And hope to have fun on the server. ;-)
Welcome to the server.

With that applications are closed for now.
Applications are open again. However, I will have to be more selective when it comes to playtimes.

Right now the evening (UTC+1) is by far the busiest.
Minecraft name: Naig
Age: 19
Rough playtime with timezone: GMT+1, mostly in the afternoon
Why you would like to join: The community looks great and the degree of customization seems just ideal to me. Good fun expected :>
Minecraft name: riccardox
Age: almost 18
Rough playtime with timezone: GMT+1, in the afternoon usually
Why you would like to join: I'm looking for a stable and well customized server with a mature community
Minecraft name: Naig
Age: 19
Rough playtime with timezone: GMT+1, mostly in the afternoon
Why you would like to join: The community looks great and the degree of customization seems just ideal to me. Good fun expected :>
Good chat in messages. Have your friend post, too, please.

Welcome to the server.[DOUBLEPOST=1361461273][/DOUBLEPOST]
Minecraft name: riccardox
Age: almost 18
Rough playtime with timezone: GMT+1, in the afternoon usually
Why you would like to join: I'm looking for a stable and well customized server with a mature community
Welcome to the server.
Minecraft name: mollrops
Age: 21
Rough playtime with timezone: GMT+1, several hours a day atm, but I probably will have to cut back to 1-2 hours soon.
Why you would like to join: I'm looking for a mature community and a reliable server. Seems to me like you offer both and I expect a lot of fun :D
I would love to send in an application for this server as it seems to be what I'm looking for. I have a question, however.
How much lagg(if any) do the North American players normally get on this server. My timezone is GMT -6:00. I understand that this might be difficult to answer, but any information at all will help me in my decision.
Minecraft name: mollrops
Age: 21
Rough playtime with timezone: GMT+1, several hours a day atm, but I probably will have to cut back to 1-2 hours soon.
Why you would like to join: I'm looking for a mature community and a reliable server. Seems to me like you offer both and I expect a lot of fun :D
Welcome to the server.
I would love to send in an application for this server as it seems to be what I'm looking for. I have a question, however.
How much lagg(if any) do the North American players normally get on this server. My timezone is GMT -6:00. I understand that this might be difficult to answer, but any information at all will help me in my decision.
Before I started this server, I played on several servers, most of them hosted in the US. From my experience, lag caused from distance to the server is not much of an issue.
There is lag, which depends on the route the packets are routed over. There may be hops that are slow because of high load or whatnot. Tends to change over time and seems more noticeable in peak hours (more people/more traffic, isp might struggle).
The most noticeable source is server lag, but that is the same for everyone. Also things like wireless connection at home make a big difference.

Well, so much for that. I guess the easiest way to tell is to try it out. :)
Minecraft name: Luzia89
Age: 23
Rough playtime with timezone: +1 GMT I want to play every day. Depending on the amount of time, sometimes all day, sometimes at night, I'm sure at the weekend.
Why you would like to join: It is true that I was already accepted after talking on mumble, but I'd wanted to introduce myself here. I'm sorry that it took so long, but everyone knows how minecraft is addicting :) The FTB I started to play in November 2012 r, I am learning all the time to use machines, but I love forestry. I'm still learning. I poorly know English so it may appear that I talk little.