Whitelist Server Feedthecreep | Mindcrack V7 | Whitelist | Mature 25+ | Small Community |

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Minecraft name: Bloodfrost
Rough playtime with timezone: I play while i work normally and sometimes after work... so... its kinda all day? i am MST as i live in Calgary Alberta in Canada
Why you would like to join: I run my own server and have for the past 2 years, its just something for my RL friends... however all of them seem to be kinda out of the minecraft thing and its kinda boring playing by yourself... even if you dont talk to anyone, its still lame knowing you're all alone in the world heh... If you do allow me to play, my wife i assume would also like to play, shes 27 and her name is Ceiden.
Minecraft name: TimTheNerd
Rough playtime with timezone: On and off during the day and a 1-3 hours in the evening. PST. Much longer if I'm working on a project.
Why you would like to join: Would like to be part of a community. Single player is fun but would be much better with friends.
So sorry guys. If the server goes down just tweet me @byrnersimon. I'll get it back up ASAP. My bad really sorry again.

Regarding resent applications. I'm sorry guys but the age limit is 25 I think it would be unfair to the guys if that rule was changed.

I know there are plenty more servers out there and hopefully you will be able to find one that suits you.

Thanks again for the app request.

I stated my age as 26. If you deem me undesirable that is fine. However if possible I would appreciated a different reason as to why my request was denied. It might be helpful for future requests.
Minecraft Name: Joeyjoejoejr
Age: 31
Rough Playtime: I play on weekends and about 2-3 nights a week. EST
Why would you like to join: I would like to play feed the beast with other people. It makes sense to play vanilla minecraft alone, but feed the beast lends itself to more cooperative play and specialization. I'd like to play on a server with people my own age.
Minecraft name: Scryptt
Age: 27
Rough playtime with timezone: 3-4 hours on weekdays, more on weekends
Why you would like to join: Just started playing FTB and think that it would be more fun to play with mature, like-minded people.

It says that I'm not whitelisted.

If capitalization matters, my actual minecraft account is 'joeyjoejoejr' rather than 'Joeyjoejoejr,' totally my mistake.

Minecraft name: marinerguy79
Age: 33
Rough playtime with timezone: 1-2 hours on weekdays, more on weekends
Why you would like to join: Just started playing FTB and I love it, looking for a SMP server that I could play on with mature people.
Minecraft name: Schenton
Age: 45
Rough playtime with timezone: Well I'm solo now so some days no play and some days to many hours, let's say 3-6h a day. I'm on the CET timezone.
Why you would like to join: I really didn't want to play with people that I'm old enough to be there grandparent. On this server I'm only old enough to be a dad to some of you :)
Minecraft name: Boombang444
Age: 20
Rough playtime with timezone: Central time zone and about 3 hours a day
Why you would like to join: I love the game and would like to join a mature server.
Minecraft name: kikimai
Age: 25
Rough playtime with timezone: A couple of hours a week give or take.
Why you would like to join: I am part of your minority - people above 25+ playing minecraft, we older folk need to stick together:) Seriously though i would really like to try out FTB on multiplayer and preferable a kiddie free one.
Minecraft name: catdogpigduck


Rough playtime with timezone: weekends and 2-4 hours a day after business hours in eastern timezone.

Why you would like to join: Hello, the name is Alan and i've been playing single player vanilla/tekkit/feedbeast for for a year and a half and am looking for some mature players to join in a server with. Love Forestry, Tech mods and Building Houses. But it's feeling lonely in my single player world looking for a good group to get involved, build and have fun with.
Minecraft name: isnowcrash
Age: 36
Rough playtime with timezone: 2-4 hours a day during the week and longer on the weekends. PST
Why you would like to join: To play with people closer to my age and have less drama to deal with.
Minecraft Nick: tvgide
Age: 29
Playtime: About 2-3 hours daily right now (summer and shorter work hours) and running off PST (GMT -8)
Why join? For the social interaction and possibilities of co-op building etc. I've been playing vanilla on my own
server but pretty much alone so I've been a bit lonely. I also want to try to avoid any of the servers which appear
to hold the potential for teenage hysteria.
Minecraft name: JewishLumberjack
Age: 25
Rough playtime with timezone: Handful of hours, Eastern Standard Time.
Why you would like to join: I'm looking to transition to a mature FTB server from Tekkit. I have explored much of the mod in single, but feel much more inspired when I can build interactive structures and machines to share with a community.
Minecraft name: Vauny1
Age: 36
Rough playtime with timezone: EST and I play most nights
Why you would like to join: I've been playing the mindcrack mod for over a year now(mostly single) and I have tried a few servers but they all seem full of drama and to much hassle, all I want is a relaxed server/community where I can kick back and simply enjoy FTB as it was intended with like minded people. I like using as many mods as possible in my games and try to make everything as automated and logical as I can....must be the Engineer in me :)