Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
In-Game Username: kendfinger
Age: 13
What is your Timezone?: America/Eastern
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Once
If Yes, why?: Griefing, but I didn't do what they accused me of
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): Every day possible
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: A LOT
FTB Experience?: A lot
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I want to bring Modders closer to User

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: To meet new people and find people who are willing to talk and not be rude.

What will you be bringing to our server?: A person who can help people do stuff or answer questions. As well as improvements to BukkitForge

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I'm a modder who works on BukkitForge and Universal Electricity.

Any questions you would like to ask: Are you guys willing to give me information on commands and plugins that need fixing for BukkitForge

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Lots of Op and Mod experience. Mostly mod pack
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? MySQL, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, DART, Go, Ruby, Shell, XML, JSON
How well do you know linux? Very well. I compiled the Linux kernel from source when I was 7 years old.
In-Game Username: Oninaig
Age: 22
What is your Timezone?: EST
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Nope
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 4-8 hours/day depending on classes
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: 2 years
FTB Experience?: little over a year with most of the mods
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I've been searching for a stable FTB server with a good community and a staff that appreciates its players

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Friends, and a fun experience.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I am a friendly player and enjoy helping out new players when it comes to explaining the different aspects of the various mods included in the FTB packs. I also enjoy the community aspect of SMP as a whole (having people to chat with is nice even when you're busy doing your own thing)

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Modded on a server that used most of the mods present on the FTB pack (Server was Gults Gorge)
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? BS in Comp Sci, so I have experience in Java, C+, Python, and others.
How well do you know linux? Pretty well.


In-Game Username: kendfinger
Denied due to age.

In-Game Username: Gdude18
Denied due to age.
n-Game Username: stojo25
What is your Timezone?:+10
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 1-2 hours a day maybe more depending on the day
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:some
FTB Experience?:some
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?:yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?:yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?:i enjoy playing minecraft but would like to get more into community and playing with others which is much more enjoyable

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:meet other players , learn some new tricks and enjoy more playing with others

What will you be bringing to our server?: good wibe , help out in any way i can,

Other information you would like to add about yourself: i like building stuff

Any questions you would like to ask:

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Nope
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Nope
How well do you know linux? i know how to use it
In-Game Username: goldern
Age: 17
What is your Timezone?: -3 GMT and +1 GMT (Christmas)
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Yes
If Yes, why?: Grief
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 3 Hours per day or more
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: 1 year
FTB Experience?: 1 month
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes, but i can't speak english very well as it isn't my native language
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Play with the community and have fun

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Friends

What will you be bringing to our server?: Knowledge and experience with minecraft for new players.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I've born in brazil, discovered minecraft in version 1.2, still playing it as i've like alot

Any questions you would like to ask: Are soul shards enabled? I personally think they break the aspects of the game, and cause lag if used incorrectly as most people do.

Edit: --Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Vanilla Server Admin, 2 months
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? HTML experience for 2 weeks in try and fail, mainly for old habbo private servers that used a html code to run.
In-Game Username: uncutas
Age: 19
What is your Timezone?: GMT
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Yes, once.
If Yes, why?: I killed a player and got banned even though pvp was on and no one warned players about no pvp.
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): It depends, 2-3 hours a day.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Very good, got experience on everything, little lacking on redstone.
FTB Experience?: Good, played since tekkit came out, switched to FTB right away when it came out.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: I have TS3 but I don't have a microphone.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: I do.

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: It looks to be a good server seeing from the description and the screenshots from the server.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: More experience in FTB.

What will you be bringing to our server?: A friendly player who can help others with the mods.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: -

Any questions you would like to ask: Got one question, where is the server located?

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Had my own vanilla server few times, was an op on a tekkit server for few months until the server closed.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Got MySQL and HTML experience.
How well do you know linux? Pretty well, like I mentioned above I had my own server on a VPS, so I know basics of linux.
In-Game Username: GECKmaster
Age: 17
What is your Timezone?: -3 GMT and +1 GMT (Christmas)
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: no
If Yes, why?: N/A
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 4/5 hours day
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: 3 years
FTB Experience?: 4 months
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes, I plan on being very active ^_^

Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Play with the community and have fun

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Friends

What will you be bringing to our server?: Knowledge and experience with minecraft for new players.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Im really good at programming

Any questions you would like to ask: Do you have the http config option enabled for computer craft? I have a lot of programs written for mining and building, so would like to be able to get the, from paste bin.
In-Game Username: JunkyPic
Age: 24
What is your Timezone?: GMT +2
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): Maybe 1-2 hrs/day, it really depends on how tired I am after work.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: 2+ years
FTB Experience?: 6-ish months.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yep

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Looking for a stable server

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Not really sure how to answer this one. Experience I suppose.

What will you be bringing to our server?: A funny accent and a cool skin on Steve.

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Ran a dedicated Tekkit server for about 5-ish months.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? PHP(so by default, HTML) experience and since I use PHP, MySQL is usually a must.
How well do you know linux? Any distro in particular? I know they're, for the most part, the same, just thought I'd ask. Anyway, mostly Ubuntu and mostly on the server part.
In-Game Username: Willibilly19
Age: 22
What is your Timezone?: GMT-7
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
If Yes, why?: N/A
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): I'd be quite active. Nothing else to do except job hunting. Not a lot in my area. Probably 4+ hours/day, but I'm not sure. Could be a lot more:p
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Not too much. I played Vanilla in 1.3, but quickly moved on to modded MC.
FTB Experience?: Been playing around with it now for a couple months. I know quite a bit to do with RP2 and CC. I know most of the other mods as well, but those two are my favorites.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes, of course.

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I recently was running my own private server, but due to some issues, was unable to keep up with the hosting. Your server looks like a very good alternative. I want something community based.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: As I said above, I want something community based. It makes the game more enjoyable than just playing alone (even if it's on SMP) Having a community around makes the game feel more multiplayer.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I'm not an excellent aesthetics builder, but when it comes to the tech portion, I'm the right guy. I also love helping people out when they need it.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I'm an easy going guy. Very easy to get along with.

Any questions you would like to ask: None I can think of.

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: I ran a server for a month, but it wasn't anything great. It was a MindCrack server.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Very little to none. I don't know how to code them, but I could probably understand the code if I had to read it.
How well do you know linux? Same as the coding, very little to none. I'm a fast learner though if I needed it for some reason.
In-Game Username: MrAndrew420
Age: 23
What is your Timezone?: Central (UTC-6)
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Nope
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): could be anywhere between 2-12 hours a day
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Been playing since 2011
FTB Experience?: Everything but GregTech (why I'm looking for a DW20 server ;])
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I love the screenshots. Having a good community is what multiplayer is all about imo. Been playing on a Minecrack server for a while, but I just got sick of having to go through Gtech to do anything,

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Just a good place to build and good people to build with.

What will you be bringing to our server?: Sheer awesomeness... and cookies. Seriously though, I'm a builder and explorer at heart. I might not build the most elaborate machines, but when I make something I try to make sure it is functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I am a father first and foremost so I might just drop everything at a moments notice to do something, so you could expect frequent afks. Other than that, I help out on ExtraBiomesXL when I can and am maintaining the Isabella: FTB Edition texture pack.

Any questions you would like to ask: How was your day? ;]

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: I was an Admin on 2 T-word servers, and a co-founder on another, but it got in the way of actually enjoying the game so I stepped down both times.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Minimal MySQL, Managed to get a biome and 3 blocks into Minecraft if that counts as Java knowledge, and can do enough HTML to write a simple web page.
How well do you know linux? Not at all
Were having some whitelist issues. If you havnt been denied, Check back today and tomorrow, when you are accepted, you are added. Until then Hold tight!
In-Game Username: redevil5k
Age: 27
What is your Timezone?: CET
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
If Yes, why?: -
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 4h/day (mostly more, sometimes less)
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Since Beta
FTB Experience?: Some
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?:yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?:yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?:yes

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: very little lag rage :P

What will you be bringing to our server?: complex machines

Other information you would like to add about yourself: none

Any questions you would like to ask: none

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: none
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? not much, but i manage
How well do you know linux? well.
In-game username: deejkdeejk
Age: 19
What is your timezone?: MST (-7)
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Yeah, about a year ago.
If yes, why?: It was a drug server, I can't remember why I was banned. It wasn't for griefing or anything obnoxious like that, so no worries.
How often will you be active in-game? (hours per day/week): Depends on how much I like the server and the community, but I'm usually on the computer for 5+ hours a day.
Vanilla Minecraft experience?: Been playing since b1.3.
FTB experience?: Pretty seasoned with TE/IC2/RP2/BC. Idk, I've been using the pack since it came out.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yeah.
Do you agree to the rules and guidelines?: Yep.

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Just looking for a stable, low-lag server to hone my mod skills on.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Mod experience, and a few friends, hopefully :p

What will you be bringing to our server?: Myself and my sheep skin. Lol. I'm usually pretty good at helping other players out with technical/mod-related problems, too.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Currently training to become an EMT; 9 hour class every Sat. Other than that I'm completely free.

Any questions you would like to ask: Not at the moment.

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Was a mod on a Tek server, that's pretty much it.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Zero.
How well do you know Linux? I don't.

That was an exhaustive application, lol.
What is your Timezone?:Central standard time
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:No
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week):3 hours 4 days a week.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:I've had the game for about 2 years now and I have been playing it off and on.
FTB Experience?:I just got the modpack about 10 days ago but I have been playing it pretty much non-stop.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?:Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?:Yes
Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?:Haven't found a good FTB server yet and this looks really good so I want to give it a try.
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: I want to meet other people who play this game and I want to learn about all of the mods in the pack.
What will you be bringing to our server?:I'm a pretty good builder.
--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: I was a Mod on a vanilla server for about a month until the owner had to shut it down because of personal reasons.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? No.
How well do you know linux? Not at all.
In-Game Username: mitchass
Age: 23
What is your Timezone?: Eastern
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Never.
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 2-5 days/week, 2-5 hours at a time
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Played since alpha
FTB Experience?: Following Slowpoke for months. I ran a small FTB server (previously Tekkit server) for the last 6 months or so.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: I do.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Of course!

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I've been searching long and hard for a small-medium pop server with a strong sense of community.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:Hopefully some one can teach me to do a little ComputerCraft/Turtle programming, but mostly just here to have fun like anyone else.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I'm a redpower pro and I like to pretend I'm fun to hang out with.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I'm a plumber. I like playing music, snowboarding and long walks on the beach. I used to have a sweet beard too!

Any questions you would like to ask: How spread out are players? Do I have to walk thousands of meters to find people? Are players cramped on top of each other? Is the map riddled with holes and floating treetops?

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: (as mentioned) ran a Tekkit converted to FTB server for the last 6 months.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Not much, unfortunately.
How well do you know linux? Dumped windows for Ubuntu 12.10 months ago and haven't looked back. I'd still consider myself a beginner but I love that little penguin!

In-Game Username: lons_99
What is your Timezone?: Italian GMT +1
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: nope
If Yes, why?:...
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): well... evere time i'm home with nothing to do xd very often
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:playing minecraft since 1.7.3
FTB Experience?: played the insanity mode ssp
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yep but still italian... i can understand english very well due to the direwolf20 lets' play practice lol but talking and writing it is a little hard... I can try
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: yep

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: serching for a good friendly server

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: funtime

What will you be bringing to our server?: my knowledge abouth the mod... basically all the thing that direwolf show in his lets'play/mod spotlight

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: tryied to admin 1 server but that was on my pc and the lag was badly...
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Nope
How well do you know linux? no either... windows user...

thanks for the attention... hoping for a fast answer...

Due to issues with the owner's ISP the server may be down for a period of time. For regular server members PM me here for more info. For those seeking whitelist approval we will continue to do so when we are back up and running.
In-Game Username: Mantas7776
Age: 18
What is your Timezone?: +2GMT
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week):
3-4 hrs
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: 1-2 years
FTB Experience?: ~ 1 week
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes
Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?:
Looking for a community experience, with a low tolerance for greifing and random PVP attacks.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:
Expand my knowledge of modpacks. I haven't done very much, but I'm just not sure where to start.

What will you be bringing to our server?:
I will try to help players as much as i can, also i want to learn more about modpacks.

Other information you would like to add about yourself:

Any questions you would like to ask:

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack:
Had minecraft server (private).

MySQL, Java, or HTML experience?
i know basics of php/mysql/java.

How well do you know linux?
Know basics of it.
In-Game Username: LordDeTracy
Age: 26
What is your Timezone?: Mountain Standard Time
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): Usually about 1-2 hrs a day
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Yes
FTB Experience?: Alot
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: It seems like a quality server with a large community that i would like to join.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: A place to build

What will you be bringing to our server?: Experience in Stevescarts, railcraft, xycraft, buildcraft, etc.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: None

Any questions you would like to ask: None

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack:
Had my own private direwolf server

MySQL, Java, or HTML experience?
I can read it, cant really program it.

How well do you know linux?