Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

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In-Game Username: Lifes5hadow
Age: 20
What is your Timezone?: EST
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Nope
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): Couple of hours a day, barring the odd day at work.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Started playing Minecraft since the middle of beta.
FTB Experience?: Couple of months now. Former tekket player, so I do know most of the mods.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes I do.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: I do agree to the rules and guidelines
Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Looking for a new server.
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: To learn from other people on how to make better, crazier, builds. Because my Dwarf Fortress side commands me to make very... dwarven contraptions.
What will you be bringing to our server?: A whole lot of craz- I mean.. uh... fun? Yeah. Lets go with fun.
Other information you would like to add about yourself: Not that much to say about myself.
Any questions you would like to ask: None of the top of my head
In-Game Username:Mantas7776
What is your Timezone?:GTM+2
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:yes
If Yes, why?:admin trolled and banned me
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week):3hrs per day
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: know everything in it
FTB Experience?: new to it, good at tekkit
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?:yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?:im lookin for server that where everyone play together, not like singleplayer

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: learn something new at FTB and about that modpack

What will you be bringing to our server?: i will try to build nice house and help people as much as i can

Other information you would like to add about yourself: nothin

Any questions you would like to ask: nope

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: yes,vanilla 70 people record.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? yep
How well do you know linux? i know how to manage VPS, install servers.
In-Game Username:
Age: 14 (I know I am too young, but I can always try. :p)
What is your Timezone?: USA Eastern Standard Time
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Yes
If Yes, why?: I used to play on Metrocraft, I was banned for greifing... I was going into a dungeon that someone had "claimed". Suffice to say that I was unbanned and played for a lot longer afterwards.
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): I will probably play an hour a day every weekday and a few hours every weekend. High school does not allow for a lot of freetime.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: I have been playing MC since Beta 1.7. I enjoy building and brewing.
FTB Experience?: This will be my first FTB server experience, however, I have been playing tekkit for a few months now and know most of the tech mods by heart. I played technic since it was invented in late 2011.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Nope. I play very casually, so type-to-talk is good enough for me.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Definitely. The rules were what drew me to this server.

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Honestly, tekkit is getting old and I wanted to try something else. Forestry really drew me in.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: I am looking for an enjoyable experience where players work together to push up the tech tree, not blow up other people.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I really like the rules that protect everyone. I have played on a lot of servers and not many of them have actually cared about their players.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I am a perfectionist and like to play games for fun, not for winning.

Any questions you would like to ask: Nope.

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Nope.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Nope.
How well do you know linux? Nope.
In-Game Username: faither
Age: I'm 16, 17 in 9 days.
What is your Timezone?: UTC/GMT +1 hour
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No.
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 3-6 Hours per day, 8-10 hours on weekends.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:Well i've played sine alpha but I bought the game at the beginning of the beta.
FTB Experience?: I don't have any FTB experience currently but i'm a fast learner and I usually finds all the answers by Google.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes I agree.

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: It seems like a nice server where I would enjoy to play and meet new friends.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: I'm looking to gain friendship and knowledge.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I will bring my good attitude and I will also try to help people so much I can.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I'm from Finland but i live in sweden, i'm currently going in school. I'm a fast learner and I love to help people.

Any questions you would like to ask: Nope.

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Yeah i've been admin on a vanilla server and i've also been a mod on a tekkit server.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? N/A
How well do you know linux? N/A
In-Game Username: malerius
Age: 30
What is your Timezone?: EU-TZ
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: no
If Yes, why?: -
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): ~4 h/day
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: ~2 years
FTB Experience?: New to FTB but i played tekkit for >1 year
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Having played on public servers most of the time, I finally want to play on a server with a stable, mature community with a dedicated playerbase and without constant petty drama. From what I've read, Feed the Machine seems to meet that expectation :)

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: I hope to find an enviroment with like-minded players, making new friends and having fun together building and competing with our creations.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I always put a lot of effort in my builds and I generally go for long-term projects, so I will propably add some quality builds. Also I'm very helpful and friendly and would do my best to contribute to the server's community.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I'm a student and from Germany. I've played online games since many years and I'm familiar with managing community projects in and out of game. You can expect me to get involved in the community besides just being active ingame.

Any questions you would like to ask: Nothing has come to mind as of yet :)

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Founded and managed a medium sized town with 40+ residents and dozens of buildings on my last server. Tasks included the road/plot layout, plot assignment and quality supervision.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Basic skills in html
How well do you know linux? Basic skills
In-Game Username: don6789
Age: 18
What is your Timezone?: -8(las vegas/pacific)
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: no
If Yes, why?: n/a
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 3/4
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: lots :)
FTB Experience?: I mange my own vanilla and FTB and now currently run a direwolf20 server
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Invited by my wifey anlyia

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: fun :)

What will you be bringing to our server?: life honor and excitemant

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Im a server manager and i date another player on the server I am also on my way to becoming a lawyer. If any1 needs a skin im your guy too fyi

Accepted, welcome to the server!
In-Game Username:
Age: 14 (I know I am too young, but I can always try. :p)
What is your Timezone?: USA Eastern Standard Time
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Yes
If Yes, why?: I used to play on Metrocraft, I was banned for greifing... I was going into a dungeon that someone had "claimed". Suffice to say that I was unbanned and played for a lot longer afterwards.
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): I will probably play an hour a day every weekday and a few hours every weekend. High school does not allow for a lot of freetime.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: I have been playing MC since Beta 1.7. I enjoy building and brewing.
FTB Experience?: This will be my first FTB server experience, however, I have been playing tekkit for a few months now and know most of the tech mods by heart. I played technic since it was invented in late 2011.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Nope. I play very casually, so type-to-talk is good enough for me.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Definitely. The rules were what drew me to this server.

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Honestly, tekkit is getting old and I wanted to try something else. Forestry really drew me in.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: I am looking for an enjoyable experience where players work together to push up the tech tree, not blow up other people.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I really like the rules that protect everyone. I have played on a lot of servers and not many of them have actually cared about their players.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I am a perfectionist and like to play games for fun, not for winning.

Any questions you would like to ask: Nope.

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Nope.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Nope.
How well do you know linux? Nope.
Denied, Thank you for applying. But, as you said you are too young. Good luck. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1359323810][/DOUBLEPOST]Denied:
In-Game Username: Zoob1324
Age: 23
What is your Timezone?: Eastern Standard Time
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Temp ban from a vanilla server
If Yes, why?: accidentally altered a house that was in a world guard area. Didn't know it was world guarded. It was on the outskirts of the town.
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): anywhere from 1-5 hours a day. probably on for sure 6 days out of the week
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Pretty extensive. Been playing since before the official release.
FTB Experience?: Plenty. Mostly single player but a little bit on a mindcrack server. Also i've poured an excessive amount of time into the technic pack before FTB came out.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I want to join a mature server where pranking and silliness is allowed but it's not an anarchy server either. I'm cheerful and friendly and like greeting everyone when I log on. Also seeing everyones creations are always amazing.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Again, sense of community while being able to build epic factories.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I am not the best designer, my buildings usually look ok, but nothing reddit worthy. I am fantastic at making factories and other logistical setups.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Nothing. Other than the fact that i didn't want to leave this blank i guess.

Any questions you would like to ask: Is there a public board where people can post agreements to be in on prank wars?

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Mod on a vanilla server. The server that i got the temp ban from.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? none
How well do you know linux? ubuntu and the penguin have something to do with one another. Otherwise i've got mostly nothing. I'm a quick learner at things and two friends use linux but i've never looked further into it.[/qu

We do not participate in pranks or prank wars. If you are still interested in our server, please let us know.

Welcome and have fun!
Hey Fayini, thanks for the approval, very much appreciated! However, I would like to ask you to process (and hopefully approve as well) faither's application too, as we two are friends looking for a new server to play on. I also can vouch for his mature personality. Thanks for your consideration :)
In-Game Username: Philrmoore & Curlupndye
Age: 26 & 23 respectively
What is your Timezone?: Eastern Standard Time (US)
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No, we have not been banned from a Minecraft server
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): We are quite active in our single player worlds however, we are looking for a community to experience the game with. Play time averages from 1-4 hours on weekdays and can be in excess of 10-12 hours on the weekends.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: What fun is Vanilla Minecraft? Give us machines and automation any day over Vanilla. Vanilla experience consists of doing creative builds for fun, not much actual survival play in Vanilla Minecraft.
FTB Experience?: Quite extensive FTB experience. Been playing FTB modpacks since launch and before that played the majority of the mods anyways.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes, we both have a microphone for use with TeamSpeak.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes we agree with the Rules and Guidelines.

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: As I stated above we are looking for a community to experience all of the fun of FTB Minecraft. We enjoy playing together and are lookin for more like like minded people that enjoy pushing FTB to its limits in terms of builds and automation. Plus, sometimes its gets lonely only playing with the person sitting next to you. We are hoping to make some friends through the server to experience all FTB has to offer.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: We are hoping to gain some new friends by playing on this server. We are also excited to see how other people approach automation and builds within FTB.

What will you be bringing to our server?: We bring a fun family to join the server. We also hope we can bring some new ideas to builds and automation that current members might not have thought of.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: We are a married couple with two dogs that really enjoy playing Minecraft. We have enjoyed watching Minecraft videos for a few years now, especially DW20 and DocM77, and are hoping to join not only a server but a community of like minded individuals.

Any questions you would like to ask: One question that pops into mind is the following : Is HTTP enabled on ComputerCraft? Pastebin is a valuable tool for us as we are not very good coders :). As you may have noticed this is an application for two people (married couple) if we need to separate these into two applications we can.

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: No previous Op/Mod experience.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? None.
How well do you know linux? Not at all.
In-Game Username: faither
Age: I'm 16, 17 in 9 days.
What is your Timezone?: UTC/GMT +1 hour
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No.
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 3-6 Hours per day, 8-10 hours on weekends.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:Well i've played sine alpha but I bought the game at the beginning of the beta.
FTB Experience?: I don't have any FTB experience currently but i'm a fast learner and I usually finds all the answers by Google.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes I agree.

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: It seems like a nice server where I would enjoy to play and meet new friends.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: I'm looking to gain friendship and knowledge.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I will bring my good attitude and I will also try to help people so much I can.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I'm from Finland but i live in sweden, i'm currently going in school. I'm a fast learner and I love to help people.

Any questions you would like to ask: Nope.

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Yeah i've been admin on a vanilla server and i've also been a mod on a tekkit server.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? N/A
How well do you know linux? N/A
In-Game Username: Felicopter
Age: 20
What is your Timezone?: GMT +8
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No, never.
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 3-5 hours on weekdays, longer on weekends
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Very early, playing since alpha, but the majority of my time has been spent with mod packs etc.
FTB Experience?: I have been playing on my brothers FTB server and and have been playing a SSP world too, both since the release of FTB and more recently DW20.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yep.
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes I agree.

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I have been looking for a solid FTB server with a strong community and this server seems to be really friendly and good.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Hope to meet some new people and have fun playing minecraft :)

What will you be bringing to our server?: I have a lot of experience with redpower, in particular FORTH programming. i have also done a lot of work with factorization and railcraft, but also i just want to have fun and join the community.

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Australian uni student.

Any questions you would like to ask: doesn't really matter but where is the server based?

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: previously been a op on brothers server
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? None.
How well do you know linux? bare basics; not a lot.
In-Game Username: ullbergm
Age: 34
What is your Timezone?: GMT+5
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
If Yes, why?: n/a
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): 3+ hours / day on weekdays, weekends will vary
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Not a whole lot, i enjoy the mods more than vanilla.
FTB Experience?: Recently been introduced to FTB and I've been having a lot of fun in my local games.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes
Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I want to find a good stable server with good people to enjoy the game with. Looking to have fun and make new friends.
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Friends and to learn from other people.
What will you be bringing to our server?: My passion is automating things, lately it has been mostly frames, turtles and routers, but automating everything is what i like.
Other information you would like to add about yourself: From Sweden originally, been living in the US for the last 15 years.
Any questions you would like to ask:

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Not with MC, but i have run other online game communities (going all the way back to running a MUD, if anyone remembers those, lol)
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? Yes on all three, been doing software development in various languages for many years.
How well do you know linux? Very well, manage several linux servers on a daily basis.
In-Game Username: pinochet777
What is your Timezone?:+02:00
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:nope
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week):14-21 hrs per week
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: yep, like few month, before i find IC+BC+RP server^^
FTB Experience?: yea, but mostly on mindcrack
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?:yea
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?:sure

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?:am tired of laggy servers where i was griefed like 3 times and staff members dont care about it at all

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: good staff members, friendly atmosphere, strong economy, no griefing and stealing

What will you be bringing to our server?:i like to build automated systems (especially with RP^^) ECO-energy with solars wind turbines and biomass engines, and nice buildings with lots of glass and basalt^^

Other information you would like to add about yourself: i like things to be compact and useful^^

Any questions you would like to ask:
--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: nope
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? n/a
How well do you know linux? n/a