Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

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Username: HeyBuddy10
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? Since Alpha, around 3ish years
Java, or HTML experience? Not really, but I've always been open to learning some
Other information: Willing to help others out and team up
Username: HeyBuddy10
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? Since Alpha, around 3ish years
Java, or HTML experience? Not really, but I've always been open to learning some
Other information: Willing to help others out and team up
Username: helfull
Age: 21
Years playing Minecraft? Since Beta start
Java, or HTML experience? Yes, atm i am working at my own mod and i have already written bukkit plugins ( hellsedit )
Other informations: I am playing with Direwolfs20 pack since he started LetsPlaying i stayed up with him :), i am rly good at making big working sorting/farming systems, i even can make ComputerCraft programs, i love to have my own base and help other out with there problems, and i like to share stuff if someone needs.
Username: Zafum
Age: 17

Years playing Minecraft?
I've played MC for a year and a half.

Java, or HTML experience?
I know basically how they work. Couldn't program anything with them though, yet.

Other information:
I have a lot of experience with many of the mods (particularly the ones from Tekkit). I like to dabble in complex Red Power aircrafts. I'm a SupOp of I'm in Central Time Zone, USA. And, I love to have fun, playing MC with others :3
Username: YouDRUNKEN
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? Many
Java, or HTML experience? Little bit of java and html I'm not too great with it but I could do basic things
Other information: I play SP all the time and almost never play vanilla it's always mods [Buildcraft, IC2, Forestry, TM, RP2] I'm very familiar with all the DW20 mods. Other than that I can help out if someone has a problem also I play ALL the time! I got nothing better to do :)
Username: Gralad
Age: 28
Years playing Minecraft?: uhm uhm... when was ic1 first released ? dunno exactly but thats the time when i bought mc (actually only bcus of that mod ^^)
Java, or HTML experience? : i wish -.-'
Other information: i hope the server tickrate is not going down the pooper every 30 minutes like on 99% of the servers out there. oh and also i have like nearly no knowledge about vanilla mc been playing with mods from the first day.
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Java, or HTML experience? A little bit. not to much :P
Other information: I hope the server is up a lot and get wl soon :P
Me and my Friend Thedoc Will be playing
Username: helfull
Age: 21
Years playing Minecraft? Since Beta start
Java, or HTML experience? Yes, atm i am working at my own mod and i have already written bukkit plugins ( hellsedit )
Other informations: I am playing with Direwolfs20 pack since he started LetsPlaying i stayed up with him :), i am rly good at making big working sorting/farming systems, i even can make ComputerCraft programs, i love to have my own base and help other out with there problems, and i like to share stuff if someone needs.
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Java, or HTML experience? A little bit. not to much :p
Other information: I hope the server is up a lot and get wl soon :p
Me and my Friend Thedoc Will be playing
Username: Gralad
Age: 28
Years playing Minecraft?: uhm uhm... when was ic1 first released ? dunno exactly but thats the time when i bought mc (actually only bcus of that mod ^^)
Java, or HTML experience? : i wish -.-'
Other information: i hope the server tickrate is not going down the pooper every 30 minutes like on 99% of the servers out there. oh and also i have like nearly no knowledge about vanilla mc been playing with mods from the first day.
Username: Zafum
Age: 17

Years playing Minecraft?
I've played MC for a year and a half.

Java, or HTML experience?
I know basically how they work. Couldn't program anything with them though, yet.

Other information:
I have a lot of experience with many of the mods (particularly the ones from Tekkit). I like to dabble in complex Red Power aircrafts. I'm a SupOp of I'm in Central Time Zone, USA. And, I love to have fun, playing MC with others :3
Other information: i hope the server tickrate is not going down the pooper every 30 minutes like on 99% of the servers out there. oh and also i have like nearly no knowledge about vanilla mc been playing with mods from the first day.

Sad to say, just like most other servers, we do suffer from poor TPS. I have alleviated most of the problems, and have made it "playable". And am always diligent on restarts, with warning, to bring it back up.
Someone I recently added, decided to TNT Grief the server. Permissions, and Protection has been re enabled, as well as all recent whitelist adds, removed. Re-Apply if you want to join.
Username: lupton4
Years playing Minecraft? about 2.5
Java, or HTML experience? no, i know how to edit configs and thats about it
Other information: If i get accepted what are the rules on mystcraft world creation and sorry your server was griefed and u had to remove everyone, and i don't have any bans
Username: MapleBar
Age: 22
Years playing Minecraft? Nearly 3
Java, or HTML experience? Ive got a basic working knowledge of HTML and CSS but no java.
Other information: The Dalai Lama never learned how to swim because he's terrified of being eaten by sharks
Username: darkblaster123
Age: 13 almost 14
Years playing Minecraft? eeeum in the alpha i playing it idk how long ago that is
Java, or HTML experience? nope
Other information: Cool guy hate cheating and dont steal im not banned on any server in the howl world
Username: wertyujh
Age: 16
Years playing Minecraft? A year and a half
Java, or HTML experience? Made some scripts for turtles, and i made a few games with adobe flash (
Other information: I have been (and still am) on the factory server, but because that server has had a lot of downtime, i though it'd be a good idea to apply to another server. Im talkative, helpfull and I know of most of the basic stuff.
Username: kristoffer55
Age: 17 (Mature! :))
Years playing Minecraft? I benn playing minecraft since BETA 1.6.6 and played mods since BETA 1.8.1.
Java, or HTML experience? I can some basic java, but nothing special.
Other information: I'am a nice person who likes to build and help people out.
Username: Wycratius
Age: 38
Years playing Minecraft? 0.9
Java, or HTML experience? Smidge of both, I QA data warehouse applications so I get a little of everything, I couldn't write anything stand-alone but I can usually work out a thing's purpose or tweak as needed.
Other information: Playing MC/FTB by myself isn't a whole lot of fun, and there's no one to share my creations and/or frustrations. Really looking to find some people to hang out with and not end up in some hole by myself wondering who I can trust (which describes most of my mc experience).

Anyways look forward to seeking friends and adventure on your server,
Username: nfmous
Age: 19
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Java, or HTML experience? It's been so long, so probably not... HTML, a bit of js
Other information: Just looking for a server to play this awesome mod pack at... Getting lonely on singleplayer :D
Username: curiosity1836
Years playing Minecraft? 2.5
Java, or HTML experience? some know all the basics.
Other information: I'm a bit bored of single player.