Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

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IGN: diegokilla
Posittion: Grunt
Previous work: Hosted multiple minecraft servers, maintained a livestream on twitch, (former) active member of BTW community
On servers that I hosted in the past I would literally level mountains by hand, out of boredom or to make flat areas for new players to build. It would take about 20sec to do it with something like worldedit, but I enjoyed doing it by hand. I think grunt would be the perfect position for me. All I ask is that my tasks are specific. I will try to contribute my opinion when asked, and keep it to myself otherwise.
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IGN : undeadturkey1
Position : Grunt
I would like to join the server as a grunt because i am great at following directions and i have a lot of experience with ftb. Mainly the Direwolf20 Modpack. So i know how most of the machines and items work, but I am clueless when it comes to computercraft. Also im really bored playing single player and would like to join a server.
IGN : Riptonk1
Position : Grunt
Why: Well... I am too lazy to build and following orders is the thing that I do! I am good at building too, but the time it takes to finish a building, meh, not for me.
That's why following orders is better, you do what they tell you, no thinking and stuff. So, yeah, that is all. :)
Minecraft Username: mathman9090 (looong story)
Position: grunt/technical builder
Why: I've created multiple super-builds(my computer blue-screened so they're gone) and I can spend about 30 minutes a night during the week and long hours during the weekend. I also want to join a great community like this and interact with the people as we have fun creating builds in minecraft FTB.
Ign: emptyslug

Applying for grunt im good and listen nd helping around when needed. I will also mine all the things!
I've been playing alot of the direwolf FTB
IGN: ShinyRay
Position: grunt/Tech Builder/Aesthetic Builder
Why: I've been around since the birth of FTB and I have always enjoyed it. I build wonderful things and I always enjoy doing so even if it does take me 5 hours(I'm just so picky!) I'm always willing to help the community and just like meeting new people. (\^.^/) If I get on I promise to be as active as possible!

just an update on my infinite power factory (yes i made a proper post, just felt like dropping by and showing off :P)
it is self sustaining, and i buffed the storage areas, the steam & fuel gen, and made shure the water keeps up with all the boilers
IGN: superpowers414
Position: Technical builder
Reasoning: I have been messing with redpower sense very early on. Using the new snapshot I have built a fully automated sorting system using the new compareters, hoppers, and droppers. I have a large experience of all the mods in the ultimate, mindcrack, magic, and direwolf packs. I also have a forge mod in the works so I can understand most things like why something is glitching or not functioning properly (if the owner isn't around). Thank you for your consideration.
Minecraft Name : ISawThatComing
Position: Grunt
Why: I am completely lacking in artistic ability and wish to help. On my own, I just make things go boom. I work from home and always have time for minecraft (no really). I have served in the military and am fantastic at following orders (and not-so-secretly enjoy it). Thanks for your time.
IGN: ejmiv89
Position: Grunt
Age: 24
Skills: Construction, Mining

I believe i would be a good addition to the grunts, I'm very helpful and am more then willing to lend a hand when I can.

I can be quite active on the server as I usually get 5-8 hours on, so no worries on skimping, :)

My skype is ejmiv89 and I'm usually always on. My ign is ejmiv89. I would be more then willing to answer any further questions on the game or on skype. (TeamSpeak is an excellent option, just let me know! :p)

The previous server I was on was Mithril-Gaming/LootChest. I have had Moderator experience on a previous server (Lootchest).

I would also like to be able to help people on the server get started (new comers), if possible.

I am a mature adult. I do not believe in purposely abusing my powers against other players to steal, raid, or grief; because it is against the rules. I generally have kept to group builds in a close place so I could build and not have it broken, by people we don't trust. Most occasions the server has block reporting on so we get the grief'ee off asap.

Hopefully you can add me to the team and i could get started as soon as I can to helping make the server a better place for everyone to have fun in.

Thank you for taking the time to examine my application, i hope to see you on the server soon as your fellow grunt.


Edward/aka ejmiv89 (GMT -7 [MST])
IGN: Sunike

Position: Aesthetic Builder / Grunt

I enjoy building and creating things people can look at and enjoy, for it's design and aesthetic looks. I might not yet be the best of the best builders but I'm fast making my way to get better at the work I do, and joining a server as a aesthetic builder could give me a great chance to see and understand different builders view and learn from it and maybe manage to share my knowledge and understanding with the others that I would be building with.​
IGN: LordMortvana
Position: Grunt [Preferably with BEESSSS!!!!]
Age: 13
Reason: I am not CovertJaguar or Morvelaira when it comes to building, I usually build semi-rectangular Stone Brick bases [like the 9x9], but when I have some bees, well, lets say I got imperial in about 2 hours, without any frames, I may be 13 but I am mature for my age, and a very kind and helpful person, I am trying to hone my building skills by making a Tree House, as in a giant tree that is a house so eventually I may be good enough, but for now I shall do SAFE tasks, such as breeding bees, crafting stuff, and clearing out land during the day, the main reason for my lack of adventure is that I usually play on peaceful.
ign: beano292

position: grunt

i am good at starting off the game as in strip mining and setting up manual farms

i have no screen shots to prove this because well you dont really take screenshots of 8x8 farms or of strip mines and huge turtle dug areas
IGN: DarkSirrush

Position: Grunt

About: I am a Commis Chef at a buffet (Not going to elaborate due to privacy), who very much enjoys gaming and chatting online. I am 20 years old (as of next week), live with my girlfriend (who is currently playing pokemon behind me), and am easily distracted...

I am as mature as the situation calls for, and can get to abcd levels when building/mining/etc. My up times will probably be quite random though, as my schedule at work is >very< unstable, although I will be able to tell you what times I will be more or less available at the start of each week.

My server experience is fairly limited, and I don't have anything saved to prove I can do aesthetic builds, although I did take an SS of the villager apartment I am working on (that will be overhauled on a later date, because survival).

If there is anything else you want to know, ask away and I will answer


(Also... is there no spoiler tag on the ftb forums? I dislike posting pics like this...)
IGN :undeadturkey1
Position: Grunt
I would love to join the server as a grunt mainly because i enjoy following orders more than making something on my own and i know how to use most of the mods in ftb. The mod i really am clueless when i use it is computercraft, but other that that i am okay with most of the other mods. If u give me an order i will follow it and finish it as quickly as possible. I can be on the server pretty much everyday for at the least 2 hours. So please consider me.
IGN: surgicaloechid

Position: Grunt / engineer

Age: 16, 17 on the 10th of may

Reason: i enjoy building complex machines and systems and making that its farts, efficiency, work and i do try to make it look good but i like it the way it look, i also enjoy helping people and severs and for other game i don't angry that easy
Position: Aesthetic Grunt
Skills: I'm a pretty solid technical builder - I can do everything from the typical railcraft boiler fueled by a Steve's Carts tree farm to an RP tunnel bore, I'm pretty comfortable with all but the highest level of the Gregtech tech tree, and I have a fairly deep understanding of Thaumcraft. None of that is particularly remarkable, though - there's plenty of folks who can say the same. The one thing that I think does set me apart is that even at my most technical, I like my builds to look awesome. I also don't like hiding the impressive parts of my tech - if I built a 200-MJ power core, I'm not going to hide it underground or in some shed behind my house, I'm going to put it on display! The sorting system, with all it's fiddly pipes and blocks, though? That I hide underneath the floorboards and in the walls.

I won't claim to be the best minecraft architect out there, not by a long shot. But part of the reason why I'd like to be involved with this project is because I think I could learn a lot while pitching in as a grunt, and hey, once enough of the artistry sinks in, I might be ready to head up a build, myself. :D

Here are some snapshots of some builds I'm particularly proud of. The floating tower is from my SSP DW20 world, and the other two shots were the result of me derping around in creative one night.

Bastion by Night (800x422).jpg

Bastion Magic Room 2 (800x514).jpg

Bastion Power Core (800x422).jpg

Thaumlab (800x554).jpg

Thaumlab Below (800x554).jpg


  • Bastion Magic Room 2 (800x514).jpg
    Bastion Magic Room 2 (800x514).jpg
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    Bastion by Night (800x422).jpg
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    Thaumlab (800x554).jpg
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  • Thaumlab Below (800x554).jpg
    Thaumlab Below (800x554).jpg
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IGN: Shephi
Position: Grunt / technical builder
AGE: 30

To be sincere, i dont like a lot the mining. Im more the tech-guy, always trying to get automatized ways to do it. When i build i usually take usefull over beatifull, but the challenge to get my tech design on other's fancy building is welcome :)
I can follow other's style of building, and helping with building.
There is a point that its good and bad at the same time...im on GMT+1, that means that i can grunt/overrun the server while all of you are sleeping, and leave the server alone while you are on......on the other way, can be hard to contact me in your time but not impossible (you probably noticed me on stream)

Some screens of my last buildins:
My AppliedEnergistic Autocrafting area (automatic ore and resin process). You can access it from the base. The cables are underground and hidden in corners. The power is over the house. The crafting multiblock is power/unpower manually, redstone wireless is temporally deactivated. Also an Enderchest, all items get into the system. All items movement are stack-sized.
AE room.png
My villager-breeding-town. Room for 17 villager, but all of them in 1 house....why??
villager town.png
Because every farm have 2 faces. The "breeding" and the "pick up" area :)
villager pick up.png
I said, usefull over cuteness. That place have 3 functions. The first one, the button activate the track that will grab 1 of the villager of the town and get it there, then you can trade with it. But there is 2 more options there:
1- There is a place where you can leave the villager you dont want to trade anymore (rest room). There is an ignitor controlled by lever to kill them for you. You still get hate, but less than killing by hand.
2- There is a piston in the left, that open the path from a zombie cage. That way you can get a zombie in the villager rest room. All the villager there will transform into zombie villagers. This lead to 3 things:
2.1 You dont get hate from villagers if they turn into zombie villagers. even zombie child-villagers (!)
2.2 You can get zombie villager soul shard easily.
2.3 If you get the infinite villager breed (i wont say how) you can turn this into exp farm (i know, stupid one, but hey)

A working triple-automatic-ore processing line. There is an import bus below the cristalizer. All in 1 chunk, using xycraft water-tank for bucket problem :D. I discarded the use of it for 2 main reason. There is no way to get items in the crystalyzer balanced. Could be using a sneaky-inventory-turtle, but meh. The second reason is speed.
Fact triple ore.png

Cheers all, and thank you for reading :)

P.D: No house pics, buided it with cobble and dirt. No thanks :D
IGN: Lord_Firearrow
Position: Techincal/Grunt
Skills: I'm a more so techincal builder, and i can do anything from your pulveriser to your GT nuclear reactor
Truth be told, im better at technical than grunt, prefering to use a filler for building, or codign a turtle. But i can do manual labour too. Because my last world got corrupted, i dont have anything to show, but i've put together a quick video showcasing some Applied Energistics stuff i built in a testing world (that is what you were looking for right?)
Forgive the watermarks. I dont have a paid recorder.

Extra note : I forgot to put the ME machine that allows the crafting terminal to use a furnace. >_>
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IGN: Shivy011
Applying for Technical Builder or Grunt.

Here's a folder on DropBox with all the pictures included of a build I had made.


A brief explanation of what it is:
I made this a few months ago, as an ice rink for a vanilla server spawn. I admit, it is not the best build you can find, and I am not the best builder as you can see
. Each side has an entrance with a 4x4 piston door of my own design in. I tried to make it look as basic as possible, but not so basic as to make it look boring. (A minimalistic look if you like.)

Before the FTB Modpack and Launcher came out, I had been playing some mods that are featured in the packs for a while. During that time, I have learnt a fair amount about some mods. For example, I have built an automated quarry sorting area using BuildCraft piping and IndustrialCraft machines (Macerators, Furnaces etc.) This may not sound like much (I believe many people can do this), however I had this system working with around 8 quarries, working seamlessly at once.

Many systems like this would almost collapse with this pressure, but the system I had made could easily deal with overflow (thanks to the wonder of obsidian pipes.) What's more, this system packed into a fairly small space!

Projects like these have led me to build greater things also. E.g., using BuildCraft, RedPower and Equivalent Exchange, I had made an automatic Solar Panel factory. It also worked rather well, and could produce a fair amount of panels per hour.
(Quick note: Sorry, but I have no screenies of these builds, because the modded server I played on shut down.)

My main expertise lies with BuildCraft, IndustrialCraft, Thermal Expansion and Equivalent Exchange. By no means have I learnt everything to do with these mods, but I do believe I have learnt much of what is on offer. I also have a fair understanding of Red Power, as it is similar to these mods, I know the basic machines, and I have had a play with them in my Test Worlds. I also have had a go with AE, it’s a really great mod!
I'd prefer to be on the technical building side of things, or perhaps a Grunt, but I could end up learning the aesthetic side of things one day.

I'll stop here, perhaps I wrote a little too much (:

Well, thanks for reading (:
Good luck to all!
