IGN: Shephi
Position: Grunt / technical builder
AGE: 30
To be sincere, i dont like a lot the mining. Im more the tech-guy, always trying to get automatized ways to do it. When i build i usually take usefull over beatifull, but the challenge to get my tech design on other's fancy building is welcome

I can follow other's style of building, and helping with building.
There is a point that its good and bad at the same time...im on GMT+1, that means that i can grunt/overrun the server while all of you are sleeping, and leave the server alone while you are on......on the other way, can be hard to contact me in your time but not impossible (you probably noticed me on stream)
Some screens of my last buildins:
My AppliedEnergistic Autocrafting area (automatic ore and resin process). You can access it from the base. The cables are underground and hidden in corners. The power is over the house. The crafting multiblock is power/unpower manually, redstone wireless is temporally deactivated. Also an Enderchest, all items get into the system. All items movement are stack-sized.

My villager-breeding-town. Room for 17 villager, but all of them in 1 house....why??

Because every farm have 2 faces. The "breeding" and the "pick up" area

I said, usefull over cuteness. That place have 3 functions. The first one, the button activate the track that will grab 1 of the villager of the town and get it there, then you can trade with it. But there is 2 more options there:
1- There is a place where you can leave the villager you dont want to trade anymore (rest room). There is an ignitor controlled by lever to kill them for you. You still get hate, but less than killing by hand.
2- There is a piston in the left, that open the path from a zombie cage. That way you can get a zombie in the villager rest room. All the villager there will transform into zombie villagers. This lead to 3 things:
2.1 You dont get hate from villagers if they turn into zombie villagers. even zombie child-villagers (!)
2.2 You can get zombie villager soul shard easily.
2.3 If you get the infinite villager breed (i wont say how) you can turn this into exp farm (i know, stupid one, but hey)
A working triple-automatic-ore processing line. There is an import bus below the cristalizer. All in 1 chunk, using xycraft water-tank for bucket problem

. I discarded the use of it for 2 main reason. There is no way to get items in the crystalyzer balanced. Could be using a sneaky-inventory-turtle, but meh. The second reason is speed.
Cheers all, and thank you for reading
P.D: No house pics, buided it with cobble and dirt. No thanks