Family Gaming

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yah, my son and I have such a different gaming style, we don't play together. Though I would like to start a world where we do. Are you guys running a server in your home or are you hosting it somewhere outside?

I've done both hosting internally with port-forwarding on my firewall so the nephew can play, as well as using an external server/service. The hosting I did at home was on the "family PC" which my son would use (it's connected to the TV) and it would lag his game a bit. However, I haven't tried the self-hosting option since I upgraded the video card in the family PC which improved the FPS in SSP so maybe now I could self-host w/o any noticeable impact.

Another issue for us is that my son prefers vanilla while I prefer modded Minecraft. I pretty much played-out vanilla and welcome the challenge and fun of the different mods. Since the boy is mostly interested in creative building, modded Minecraft doesn't offer him a lot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oldest is 2, youngest is 3 months. I bought a Minecraft license for my brother to try to drag him into my home-based server, but he's still dragging his feet. Wife has no interest in gaming at all. :(

So, like Steve, I toil in my Minecraft worlds alone. Building for my own merriment, never to be seen by anyone else but me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heh. My wife would love to be able to play, but gets headaches from playing. Something about a fishbowl effect (and that's with the viewing angle all the way down...she goes to the bathroom to hurl if I turn it up to quake pro leve:)ls)

I was like that when I was pregnant. Had to stop gaming altogether, every time I moved a character it made me want to throw up. (Not trying to suggest that might be her issue, but just letting you know I understand how she feels).

My partner and I both play together, we're building a base together at the moment, sometimes we've done that, sometimes we've built separately. Our little one is too small right now but we will get another account at a suitable age, I think it's the same as sitting round the table playing monopoly (only it's infinitely more fun!).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I run a family/friends server and all 4 of my kids play, and my wife, and my brother as well as a couple friends. My youngest is 4 and he just plays single player on peaceful cause mobs are a bit much for him. Man, some of the things he comes up with and build is pretty damn amazing (admittedly, I could be bias). He made a water slide down a hill with a boat and a bucket of oil. Science! My 6 year plays on our server when he can and is equally amazing. My wife gave Minecraft the stink eye for some time till I sat her done and said, Do me a favor, play for two hours and then go back to not liking it after you have tried it. Bout a week later she set up a server for everyone. ;)
We also run a homeschooler server for the local area homeschool kids for kind of a safe haven, "social" interaction. Gives those kids a stable spot to play together as homeschool kids are generally scattered through the city and not easy for them to get together on the proverbial playground.

There are a number of studies out there about kids and video games. The shorthand punchline is children with unfettered access to video games actually are the opposite to the myth that it makes them violent or addicted. When they only have X amount of time to play, kids tend to obsess in between times. My daughter is a good example of this. She plays for a while, then wanders off to read a book or play outside. The gated effect has been nullified and she doesn't wander around waiting for that time she can play and freely walks away when asked cause she knows she will eventually come back to it when she feels like it (yanno, after chores and school. I'm not a totally cavalier parent). Studies also show how kids who play games, even violent video games, and generally more even keel and less quick to anger or violence. The thought goes that they deal with the highs and lows, the rewards and frusterations of gaming. Damn you, creepers! Because they have that outlet and deal with stresses in game, it makes them more able to handle stresses of life. Is that a blanket statement? Course not, everyone is different and there is always the exception. But did playing too much Minecraft or MW3 make them that way? Hardly. You can't point a finger to one thing and say, listening to AC/DC made him that way. You need to look at the entire enviroment for answers. Parents, school, relationships, the individual themselves, etc. And if listening to Metallica or playing 2 hours of MW3 turns them into a little monster, then really anything could have been the tigger, not evil sinful gaming. :) Everything must be examined that lead to that. But I digress, uh, alot.

I like the notion of unschooling. Bascially, give the child the tools and let them forge their path, help them where they need it, and they will learn everything along that path. They will, if they have the resources, get from where they stand to where they want to be. If they love something, they will get from point A to point B and learn everything along that path more easily and without reservation to get to that point. My 6 year old wants to play Minecraft and build a house like daddy. Cool, here you go and here is the basics. Run, kid. Before you know it, he is making plans, drawing out pictures counting blocks, asking me how to spell things like blaze or engine or obsidian. Sounding out words, learning how to read unfamiliar words, grasping cause and effect, doing math to divide the number or add the amount, hand writing out his list of things he needs...etc. All in a creative eviroment. Now, put a kid in a class room and tell them to learn math, read, and spell words for a worksheet. Bored kids don't learn or learn reluctantly. The best teachers are the ones that make it interesting or fun, right? My kid has accidently learned so many things along the way and was eager to do so, to get from point A to point B.

I'll stop now. Babbling again. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was like that when I was pregnant. Had to stop gaming altogether, every time I moved a character it made me want to throw up. (Not trying to suggest that might be her issue, but just letting you know I understand how she feels).

My partner and I both play together, we're building a base together at the moment, sometimes we've done that, sometimes we've built separately. Our little one is too small right now but we will get another account at a suitable age, I think it's the same as sitting round the table playing monopoly (only it's infinitely more fun!).

It started when she got pregnant, yes, but didn't really improve.

I've considered installing shoulder surfer to see if that would help since she never got ill while playing WoW. Something about having the character's body to focus on helping.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Both of my kids, daughter 11 and son 8 play minecraft. They are the ones who got me hooked .. they were bugging me about getting Minecraft PE so I got it on my phone it looked silly but the next thing I know I buy it for my PC just to see if it is any different and then I discovered mods... now I'm hooked. I have setup a server to play with my kids and they have a great time ... my son loves to build in more creative so I let him and it has amazed me some of the complex things he has built without asking me how to do it... he loves watching direwolf and yogscast. One of the best memories I have from playing was when the three of us were in a dark cavern trying to find/fight our way out... good times. Now if I could just get my wife to understand my facination with this addictive game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I run into the problem that my son wants to play creative mode or 'skydoesminecraft' type mods/maps that to me are ridiculously boring, but he doesn't enjoy the machines/tech mods like I do. Do you guys just play separately or do you suck it up and play what is boring to you? I try but I can only take it for so long before quitting.

I had hoped minecraft would be something my son and I could play together and both enjoy, but unfortunately he only wants to play modes that drive me crazy. :/

@Indie, do you mine and build buildings with your kids, or do you let them mine and build, while you work on your base next door in the same world?

We like to keep our bases near each other, not not too close. Leaves room for expansion and any farms or quarries etc. (I prefer to quarry underground though, so as not to spoil the view).
My daughter regularly asks me to change her gamemode to creative while she builds bigger buildings such as her wizard's tower, but I don't let her! That's when I go mining with her, and help her smelt cobblestone etc. Plus, it's helpful to mine in pairs to watch out for those pesky creepers.
I get enough time after they've gone to bed to build my own base and machines. Sometimes I suffer at work the next day, but it's not real work. Minecraftia is the real world.[DOUBLEPOST=1376501444][/DOUBLEPOST]
Both of my kids, daughter 11 and son 8 play minecraft. They are the ones who got me hooked .. they were bugging me about getting Minecraft PE so I got it on my phone it looked silly but the next thing I know I buy it for my PC just to see if it is any different and then I discovered mods... now I'm hooked. I have setup a server to play with my kids and they have a great time ... my son loves to build in more creative so I let him and it has amazed me some of the complex things he has built without asking me how to do it... he loves watching direwolf and yogscast. One of the best memories I have from playing was when the three of us were in a dark cavern trying to find/fight our way out... good times. Now if I could just get my wife to understand my facination with this addictive game.

Like you, it was my kids who got me into it. Started watching Yogscast and initially thought it looked rubbish, due to the big blocks. Addicted now. Still watch Yogscast, and now subscribed to a few others, Direwolf, Sethbling etc. Just not enough hours in the day (or night).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yah, my son and I have such a different gaming style, we don't play together. Though I would like to start a world where we do. Are you guys running a server in your home or are you hosting it somewhere outside?

I run my small server from home. It's just my old PC in another room (although I take delivery of my new MC Server PC tomorrow). That's an i5 with 8GB RAM and a 120GB SSD. Fingers crossed, no more lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We also run a homeschooler server for the local area homeschool kids for kind of a safe haven, "social" interaction. Gives those kids a stable spot to play together as homeschool kids are generally scattered through the city and not easy for them to get together on the proverbial playground.

That's excellent. Well done for doing that. I can't say much more, as I'm not a child psychologist, but that can only be a good thing (unless all they do is grief!) :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's excellent. Well done for doing that. I can't say much more, as I'm not a child psychologist, but that can only be a good thing (unless all they do is grief!) :(

Grief protection enabled. Yanno, kids will be kids.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I bought 2 accounts a couple years ago for me and my kids. (Wife doesn't really like long games). At this point all 4 of my kids have lost interest with exception of my 11 yr old. I have always played on the home network with the kids. They have all had different play styles which keeps the game fresh for me. Lately, I've tried 2 different servers, but I just don't appreciate the vile chat that seems to be prevalent. Just my bad luck? Or is it just because i'm a bit older than most and can't tolerate that stuff anymore. Anyway, I do wish I could convince my wife to play as I really like modded MC and don't see myself quitting anytime soon. So until I manage to find a good server its SSP for me with an occasional daughter to join me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Both of my kids, daughter 11 and son 8 play minecraft. They are the ones who got me hooked .. they were bugging me about getting Minecraft PE so I got it on my phone it looked silly but the next thing I know I buy it for my PC just to see if it is any different and then I discovered mods... now I'm hooked. I have setup a server to play with my kids and they have a great time ... my son loves to build in more creative so I let him and it has amazed me some of the complex things he has built without asking me how to do it... he loves watching direwolf and yogscast. One of the best memories I have from playing was when the three of us were in a dark cavern trying to find/fight our way out... good times. Now if I could just get my wife to understand my facination with this addictive game.

I have the advantage of having a wife that likes gaming in general. She just didn't get the Minecraft thing. My reasoning with her was; Look, give it a try. You don't have to like it, but at least you will know why you don't like it and more importantly you will have a point of reference to understand what the kids are going on about. When they babble excitedly, you can at least get it and not be the Uh huh, Thats nice, dear mom.
That did it. Mom's like having some commonality to their children. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I bought 2 accounts a couple years ago for me and my kids. (Wife doesn't really like long games). At this point all 4 of my kids have lost interest with exception of my 11 yr old. I have always played on the home network with the kids. They have all had different play styles which keeps the game fresh for me. Lately, I've tried 2 different servers, but I just don't appreciate the vile chat that seems to be prevalent. Just my bad luck? Or is it just because i'm a bit older than most and can't tolerate that stuff anymore. Anyway, I do wish I could convince my wife to play as I really like modded MC and don't see myself quitting anytime soon. So until I manage to find a good server its SSP for me with an occasional daughter to join me.

If you're mostly playing on your own, you could spend time creating an adventure map. Just a thought. I'm thinking about it :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I bought 2 accounts a couple years ago for me and my kids. (Wife doesn't really like long games). At this point all 4 of my kids have lost interest with exception of my 11 yr old. I have always played on the home network with the kids. They have all had different play styles which keeps the game fresh for me. Lately, I've tried 2 different servers, but I just don't appreciate the vile chat that seems to be prevalent. Just my bad luck? Or is it just because i'm a bit older than most and can't tolerate that stuff anymore. Anyway, I do wish I could convince my wife to play as I really like modded MC and don't see myself quitting anytime soon. So until I manage to find a good server its SSP for me with an occasional daughter to join me.

You know, if people keep saying that, I might have to extend the whitelist to other family types that don't mind playing together and understand that little ones play there too. Family oriented playground of a sort. Families that play together, stay together. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have the advantage of having a wife that likes gaming in general. She just didn't get the Minecraft thing. My reasoning with her was; Look, give it a try. You don't have to like it, but at least you will know why you don't like it and more importantly you will have a point of reference to understand what the kids are going on about. When they babble excitedly, you can at least get it and not be the Uh huh, Thats nice, dear mom.
That did it. Mom's like having some commonality to their children. ;)

I'm fortunate (in some respects) that I'm a single parent. Just me and my kids. So I don't need to justify all the time I spend playing. However, the kids aren't so lucky. Homework, meals, room tidying, fresh air, bedtimes, etc. It's great being an adult (and still a child ;))


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm fortunate (in some respects) that I'm a single parent. Just me and my kids. So I don't need to justify all the time I spend playing. However, the kids aren't so lucky. Homework, meals, room tidying, fresh air, bedtimes, etc. It's great being an adult (and still a child ;))
I've had my wife introduce me as her fifth kid... *rolls eyes*
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, if people keep saying that, I might have to extend the whitelist to other family types that don't mind playing together and understand that little ones play there too. Family oriented playground of a sort. Families that play together, stay together. :)

Funny, I was just thinking the same thing. I've got a server subscription but I'm not really making use of it. Maybe I'll scan this thread to find family-friendly players to invite. On the other hand, I don't really want the job of doing admin and dealing with user's requests or potential griefing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I bought 2 accounts a couple years ago for me and my kids. (Wife doesn't really like long games). At this point all 4 of my kids have lost interest with exception of my 11 yr old. I have always played on the home network with the kids. They have all had different play styles which keeps the game fresh for me. Lately, I've tried 2 different servers, but I just don't appreciate the vile chat that seems to be prevalent. Just my bad luck? Or is it just because i'm a bit older than most and can't tolerate that stuff anymore. Anyway, I do wish I could convince my wife to play as I really like modded MC and don't see myself quitting anytime soon. So until I manage to find a good server its SSP for me with an occasional daughter to join me.

I'll have to give you a shout when I open my server up to the will be a family based server, no foul language allowed :)

(as well as the other people that have mentioned an interest)...I'm running on a pretty beefy server, could hold 100+ people confortable...and I'm a linux admin, so everything runs smoothly...:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing. I've got a server subscription but I'm not really making use of it. Maybe I'll scan this thread to find family-friendly players to invite. On the other hand, I don't really want the job of doing admin and dealing with user's requests or potential griefing.

Well, there is the rub. I wouldn't want to play admin either really. I don't mind in a limited capacity, but I would expect folks on my server to be self sufficent and decent people. The hope is the people you add would never have a grief issue arise. Me and mine wouldn't ever intentionally do something like grief, even my 6 year old is savvy to playing nice and not breaking or taking things that aren't his. But trouble is I can't speak for everyone else's. But small handful of people shouldn't be a big deal. Hell, my house doesn't even have walls yet cause I haven't figured out how I'm gonna build it yet, let alone worrying about things like locking my chests. I just don't need too. In fact, if my daughter needs a stack of iron or friend needs to use my machines, don't care. That's even cool, feels more like a community. But I wouldn't be opposed to having a few more folks in the mix. It's a new server and everyone is just getting started. Only two of us that even really know what we are doing.
Dunno, have to ponder that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll have to give you a shout when I open my server up to the will be a family based server, no foul language allowed :)

(as well as the other people that have mentioned an interest)...I'm running on a pretty beefy server, could hold 100+ people confortable...and I'm a linux admin, so everything runs smoothly...:)

Now that would be awesome indeed. If you do get around to doing that I'd be very interested especially because of the no foul language part! 'Twostocks' is the name to be whitelisted...;)