Factory Tutorial Ideas

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can you give me your math? From the current numbers in the wiki, I get only ~290K in a hot 36HP boiler.
Basic usage/tick = (6.4-36*0.08)/8*36 = 15.84
Biofuel = 32000 fuel units. 32000/15.84 = 2020 ticks (rounded)
2020 ticks * 144 MJ/t = just above 290k MJ


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
looks like the usage formula has changed again was using RC .10 numbers. The .08 factor was .03 with a base of 3.2 instead of 6.4.

I'll update my sheet and see what the new numbers are.

Your .11 update math is correct. The new formula cuts the burn time in a 36 tank HP from about 167 seconds to about 101 seconds.

Net output is 290k MJ vs the old 480k MJ.

Still more efficient than any of the other single engines, but not massive. The formula seems to change each patch, so it is something to watch until the dev settles on a balance they like.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
not dead :D Continuing on the bituminous peat factory, so far the only thing I've had to void pipe is sand. Currently outputs mulch, seed oil, mossy cobble, peat, saplings, wood, dirt, sand, impregnated sticks. plan to next get a wool farm going (going to probably need a turtle or just a sheep breeder (from wheat farm) and a killing pit, so that I can make impregnated frames. Then will pipe those into alvearies along with a cycling princess/drone/queen to produce propolis and bee products. Then Just have to ash half the peat, mix them in an auto crafter and pipe all the output products into sorted chests or barrels :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alvearies don't use frames though... That sounds awesome, way more than I expected. How many different bee types are you looking at right now? The standard fare of each unique product bee, or just one type for Propolis?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have actually made an automated bee randomzier farm. Its not very hard to make but is actually automated. I would have to tweak it a little to actually make it productive and have haven't had any feedback on it. So if any of you would like to take a look and provide some feedback I would greatly appreciate it!
What I built is not actually intended to be used...but it can be used and I already know how I could make it an efficient producer but like I said I would like to see what people have to say about it first before I start tweaking something!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is the benefit of randomizing bees? And wouldn't an eventual streak of bad luck homogenize them?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alvearies don't use frames though...

Well how about that... they don't! I guess I could just burn the extra wood into charcoal and have the tank of seed oil just constantly fill for other uses... Or I could go for the much cheaper apiaries with auto-supplied frames.

This is meant only for bees of the industrious bloodline for propolis. The end result should be bituminous peat, which requires peat, ash, and propolis.

Now that I think about it, just needed the auto-peat farms + alvearies w/ sorting system to do it properly. Definitely thought alvearies used frames and so wanted an auto-source of those as well...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A surplus of impregnated sticks are always useful to have around (tool kits anyone?), and Redpower is going to give some handy uses for String.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's just that the wheat farms, tree farm, squeezer and mulchers were all for the impregnated sticks. If you take out all of those you save quite a few ingots of bronze as well as a few diamonds. Then you just need alveary, bucket filler, autocrafter and some peat bogs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you use the tropical instead of the industrious branch, you will get silky propolis, which will net propolis + silky whisps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm... turns out that railcraft loaders cannot handle bees very well... will have to make some edits.

EDIT: Finished the system, it outputs bituminous peat forever. Just have to tweak the peat bog output so that the boiler is always going.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you use the tropical instead of the industrious branch, you will get silky propolis, which will net propolis + silky whisps.
I was considering doing that, but they make silky propolis at a lower rate than industrious, diligent, or unweary create propolis without taking genetics into account (only 80% chance of propolis per comb instead of 100)

This factory runs slow enough as is without only a % chance of a key ingredient coming about.

anyway, the factory looks like this:

I plan to do a writeup of it in a new thread once I make a few changes to the balance of resources. Don't want the cart to ever become full of 1 resource type. May also add a second peat bog.

Edit - or not. real life family visit thing - will not have minecraft for 2 weeks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The unique 100% automated thing I've ever built was in my 1.2.5 world, and now I'm porting it to my FTB world with some tweaks. Basically, a couple of tree farms and a wheat one are connected to 3 commercial steam engine. The wood from the tree farm get smelted by a TE furnace, the charcoal produced keeps the low pressure boiler (2x2x3) heated, generating some extra fuel after a little while. Wheat farm splits its outputs: seeds and around 1/4 of the wheat get autocrafted in plantballs that get macerated into dirt, then the remaining wheat and dirt get autocrafted in compost that goes to another crafting table to be converted in humus together with some more dirt from plantballs. The humus get routed into a chest that keep supplied both arboretum, the compost goes into a fermenter that produces biomass together with the extra saplings from the tree farms.
So, products of this contraption: biomass, charcoal (not that much at the beginnings, a load while the boiler gets heated), 100% automated.

The other factories I've built were EE2 condensers based, so no real automation. Thanks god, now EE3 removed those infernal devices and I can start using my brain knowing that maybe there's not a way easier and cheaper way to achieve automation.
Can i have your map? i want to see how you can automate Forestry. Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i have an idea but not to sure how to go about it. i know it is possible to make everything needed to make solar panels out of uu matter. so i can make a closed system that just pumps out solar panels to work towards some hv solar panels. it would need some start up materials and power but eventually it will pay for itself. you can even use te to set up igneous extruders so it has a constant supply of cobblestone. after its all set up the only only thing you have to worry about is power for the recycler and the mass fab. but that will be solved later when you hook it up to the solar farm you have made with the solar panels it is making. in the end you would have a completely independent system that you dont have to touch. and after you get enough solar power you can have it make diamonds, iron, and many other useful things.

can anybody think of any problems i would have making this or has anybody successfully made something like this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
can anybody think of any problems i would have making this or has anybody successfully made something like this?
Depends which FTB Pack you are using. Mindcrack HV Solar need Uranium which afaik can't be crafted with UU Matter.

Direwolf20 build a factory using normal material. Using UU matter to get the items is just another step.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok. i have come back with an update. i started on a hv solar factory but stopped because fabricators were giving me issues so i just scapped it and never touched it again. that is until Applied Energistics came out. so i just started from square one.
behold, my hv solar factory.
i know its not much to look at. and it is currantly not hooked up to my uu production. all of the hv solars on the right but one are made with this factory. at the moment it is just a proof of concept design so it has alot of unnecessary things. like the size of the ME Molecular Assembler Chamber.
i put 5 pages in there because i had no idea how many recipes i was gong to end up with. and i am only limited by the speed of the import buses and the glass fiber cable. and this is why.
as i said, this is just a proof of concept build i built in my test world. i know right off the bat that it can be compacted more and maybe have a smaller Memac. i like the speed of the ic2 furnaces and such with all the upgrades. so that is not something that i will be changing. i am sure some one has done this before but here it is for any one els that has not thought of it yet.
it is really easy to build and you will be pumping out hv solars as fast as the import buses can go. i wish they were faster. :D
this is just a pic i got right at max power draw.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I have this idea of a completely automated quest ram farm. Where you have an auto spawner, hooked up to some form of power. Then the rams spawn on some conveyor belts and every ram gets a block of wool of each colour from a deployer, and then after the last deployer there would be a golem picking up the stuff. Void pipe the horns, and of course, kill the rams. You will also need a sheep or spider farm for this, and a way of automatically change the wool using a minium stone, and then a automated way of supplying minium stones. To make it fully automated there you would also need an enderman farm using turtles (do you get minium shards that way? At least you get ender pearls which you can trade for iron and gold), an igneous extruder, a solar panel for smelting the cobble... So Yeah, a lot of infrastructure.
I don't know if you can automatically transport filled brain in a jars, probably not, but if it's possible, you could even use turtles, and move the brains to your base and let them be replaced bu emtpy ones. I want to do this in my singleplayer world, though I haven't found a quest ram yet :(
EDIT: Android autocorrect and some derpy mistakes corrected.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I know you can autospawn them with the MFR auto-spawner, because I saw it on Jack's channel (chippedgaming, if you don't know him). About the wool, you are totally right. Heck, after playing Feed the beast for a while I totally forgot about the vanilla way :p I'll try in a test world if you can spawn quest rams with wool already on it. Then you would only need one kind of sheep. And it would reduce the number of timers. Or you could of course use one timer and several wireless redstone transmitters and recievers. I don't know if that would reduce lag though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, that would take away the fun, wouldn't it? :)
EDIT: One thing though, an auto-spawner needs mob essence to spawn. I forgot about that. So you would always need some form of mob farm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just found out that you can't spawn in a quest ram using an egg. I wanted to test it in my creative world, but well, I need to go the Twilight then.