Factory Tutorial Ideas

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm looking for a very efficent biofuel power source for a towny server so i have limited space (basically whatever will still function with myself around the same area. dunno how many chunks that is)
this serve also has limits which are needs MJ and EU (lots)
no computercraft or turtles
all portal things
arcane bores
chunk loaders
pellet launchers
or locomotives

I'm looking to make UU matter and to breed many many bees, i need lots of efficent power
if you have any other ideas that would be great
if you also have a fully auto compact UU matter design to run off this power that would be great


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, if you really are into bees, you could really make a good power system. Compared to biofuel, it doesn't need very much space.
Use 36 HP steam boilers. I have 6 boilers standing in my base, and I get 600 MJ/t. What I do is send all the steam to liquid tesseracts, and then werever I need power, I plop one tesseract down, connect it with a steam consumer, energy bridge and BC producer/IC2 producer/whatever power I need, and I get enough to run my machines. You can set up as many boilers as you like, though it takes a lot of steel. Using iron, you get LP boilers. If you use LP boilers, you will need 2 boilers for each HP boiler. If you compare the fuel usage, there is no difference. As much fuel, as much power, but LP is less compact, as you need two of them. Now, what to fuel them with, you think? There are a lot of options, but oil is the very best. Bees can produce oil. Look for the oily branch. Get distilled bees, or refined. The difference is that refined also produces petroleum combs, which you can cintrifuge to biogas or biofuel, not sure which one, but slower. Then, get an aura bee. I know, that is a lot of work. But, if you want to be compact, you really need it to get the fastest productivity serum. Inject that into your bees. Now you need for every HP boiler 1 alveary. Take slower bees and you need more alvearies. There are also other ways. How about radioactive bees, which can make uranium? Nuclear engineering is really cool. Use energy tesseracts for that.You can also go solar. Or wind turbines.