Extra Biomes ... Not compelling content.

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I admit it, I bother mod devs.
SK is very very kind and took quite a bit of time to explain to me some bits of how it works.
... the plans are epic.

If everybody who grumbled sent some detailed info, like what's being asked for on the blog, themes and such, I suspect the final design will be that much more impressive.
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If you're messing with the very core of worldgen, I always thought caves could be made way more impressive than the box of snakes we have now. Tight spaces you have to mine through, massive open caverns, tunnels, stalactites, underground seas. Perhaps even add (rare) subterranean flora?
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I had huge problems finding a Rubber Tree. Got one eventually after two evenings of searching. Only got a single sapling from it, but I took a risk and took it back and eventually managed to cultivate it up to a decent thicket. Phew! For such a critical resouce, the scarcity could be a real game-killer.
I had huge problems finding a Rubber Tree. Got one eventually after two evenings of searching. Only got a single sapling from it, but I took a risk and took it back and eventually managed to cultivate it up to a decent thicket. Phew! For such a critical resouce, the scarcity could be a real game-killer.
I don't understand how people have this problem. There are only ~4-6 biomes they don't spawn in. I generally find them like np.

On another note is it Extra Biomes that adds the giant oak trees?
If you mean the one with darker shade of oak wood, I think Thaumcraft introduces them.
No I mean 2x2 oak trees that at the base have the oak wood that is a different model so it looks like each piece of it is apart of the base.
The ones with huge foliage? I found their blocks under EBXL in Creative so, it's EBXL. Hadn't come across them before though...
If you're messing with the very core of worldgen, I always thought caves could be made way more impressive than the box of snakes we have now. Tight spaces you have to mine through, massive open caverns, tunnels, stalactites, underground seas. Perhaps even add (rare) subterranean flora?
That'd be pretty cool, like maybe if they spawned closer to the oceans in underground and emitted light :DD
I admit it, I bother mod devs.
SK is very very kind and took quite a bit of time to explain to me some bits of how it works.
... the plans are epic.

If everybody who grumbled sent some detailed info, like what's being asked for on the blog, themes and such, I suspect the final design will be that much more impressive.
Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback and welcome everyone's![DOUBLEPOST=1359321980][/DOUBLEPOST]
If you're messing with the very core of worldgen, I always thought caves could be made way more impressive than the box of snakes we have now. Tight spaces you have to mine through, massive open caverns, tunnels, stalactites, underground seas. Perhaps even add (rare) subterranean flora?
All of these are in our plans...though in truth, they might not make it in the initial release.
Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback and welcome everyone's!
What about this idea:
One feature I'd love to see if there is to be a rewrite is more logic to biome creation. I remember back in alpha Minecraft had height/temperature/humidity maps which would determine biome placement. It would be nice to see something like that implemented. Seeing a tropical forest bordering a glacier is just too odd for my taste.

I know for myself, personally, that something like this would just make Minecraft an all around better game. Some people miss the Floating Islands, I just miss logical biome distribution. Since EBXL already has humidity/temperature settings for beekeeping, how hard would it be to integrate that into world gen? It wouldn't have to mimic real life, where it gets colder the closer you get to the poles, since MC has no poles. But going from arid biomes to humid biomes or hot biomes to cold ones right next to each other is just weird feeling to me.

Additionally, and along the same lines, it'd be great if mountains could spawn in actual ranges, spanning multiple biomes, even. A Extreme Jungle biome could give way into a Extreme Hills biome, and further down the range, a Mountain Taiga or Glacier. On the sides of the range, you could have hilly biomes, and next to those, flat ones. As long as the change is gradual, and maintained humidity/temperature consistency, it would keep things very natural looking, IMO. This is my dream Minecraft world. :)
I have been struggling to understand how Extra Biomes really fits well into the mod pack.

- The extra biomes tend to significantly outnumber the regular biomes on the overworld.
- Most of the extra biomes content (wood, cattails, etc) have no use other than cosmetic.
- The wood is frustratingly incompatible with even normal recipes.

I find that I end up fairly quickly building mystcraft capability so that I can build single biome worlds for the generic minecraft biomes instead of just exploring the overworld. This doesn't really seem the intent.

One thing I'm not sure is if there is a way to turn down the frequency of extra biomes vs. generic biomes in the overworld. Right now the extra biomes seem to outnumber the generic ones by 4-5 to 1 in my worlds. I'd probably be satisfied if this was lowered to 1:1 or even something where generic biomes slightly outnumber regular biomes.

What are your experiences with Extra Biomes? Am I doing something wrong?

I was just thinking this today, and found this thread. As I ran around a newly generated world, I kept thinking how much I missed the 'simpler' vanilla biomes. I did not want to go so far as to delete it from the server pack (i don't know if this would break the standard client and i'm not home to test) so I modified the config below...


Can anyone with advanced knowledge of the configuration of this mod and how it interacts with other mods, tell me if this will....
1. effectively return vanilla biome and village generation
2. not break anything else in FTB
1. Yes
2. Yes

Keep in mind, though, it will cease all further generation of additional biomes from that mod. If that's your goal, well done...
What about this idea:

I know for myself, personally, that something like this would just make Minecraft an all around better game. Some people miss the Floating Islands, I just miss logical biome distribution. Since EBXL already has humidity/temperature settings for beekeeping, how hard would it be to integrate that into world gen? It wouldn't have to mimic real life, where it gets colder the closer you get to the poles, since MC has no poles. But going from arid biomes to humid biomes or hot biomes to cold ones right next to each other is just weird feeling to me.

Additionally, and along the same lines, it'd be great if mountains could spawn in actual ranges, spanning multiple biomes, even. A Extreme Jungle biome could give way into a Extreme Hills biome, and further down the range, a Mountain Taiga or Glacier. On the sides of the range, you could have hilly biomes, and next to those, flat ones. As long as the change is gradual, and maintained humidity/temperature consistency, it would keep things very natural looking, IMO. This is my dream Minecraft world. :)

Many really want this. Some don't care. The good news is that this is somewhat already a part of the new terrain generator and those who are so motivated will be able tweak *exactly* how this works by editing the config file. You will be able to fine tune it as much as you would like. Be ready to realize your dream![DOUBLEPOST=1359645342][/DOUBLEPOST]
I was just thinking this today, and found this thread. As I ran around a newly generated world, I kept thinking how much I missed the 'simpler' vanilla biomes. I did not want to go so far as to delete it from the server pack (i don't know if this would break the standard client and i'm not home to test) so I modified the config below...


Can anyone with advanced knowledge of the configuration of this mod and how it interacts with other mods, tell me if this will....
1. effectively return vanilla biome and village generation
2. not break anything else in FTB

In addition, removing the mod won't break anything else in the FTB pack.
In addition, removing the mod won't break anything else in the FTB pack.

Thanks for checking!

But going back through the config, I found that i did enjoy a few of the biomes and the resources that came with them. So I keep the ones I like, leave the rest, and it truly is great mod.
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Many really want this. Some don't care. The good news is that this is somewhat already a part of the new terrain generator and those who are so motivated will be able tweak *exactly* how this works by editing the config file. You will be able to fine tune it as much as you would like. Be ready to realize your dream![DOUBLEPOST=1359645342][/DOUBLEPOST]

In addition, removing the mod won't break anything else in the FTB pack.
Does anything require Quicksand, or does Quicksand occur in vanilla biomes?
Quicksand is only added by EXBL, and it's not used in any recipes
Omicron said:
"For example, there is not one biome where Redwood trees grow; there's at least four, maybe five of them." <snip> " task of cutting even a single tree down taking an entire ingame day, if not more. "

I love the subtle varieties of redwood forest, and the second part is something I dearly love about the Redwood forest. Really clearing out an area to *DO* anything requires a significant investment of effort. The resource payoff is nice too, I use wood for about everything, and the color is certainly nicer than that of the Jungle Wood.

MrZwij said:
"Purely anecdotal gripe (YMMV): I spent a good 40 minutes (two full MC days and nights) the other night looking for a freaking birch tree so I could get a birch sapling. Normally that would just require a trip to a forest, but there aren't any within hundreds of blocks of my base."

You should try playing it on Large Biomes... The Ocean goes on FOREVER... Something, again, I love, and the whole reason I use Large BIomes with ExtraBiomesXL.

Mero said:
"The whole point of all these mods, at least for me, is to take out all of the menial labor tasks that you have to do in vanilla and allow yourself more time to devote to build contraptions and stuff."

Odd, I always thought the purpose of all the mods was to allow you to craft your own specific atmosphere and play experience using the tools provided. I tend to be grumpy when the mods I find don't allow me to tweak something to specification. Forestry Farms are disabled on my server, for instance, as are mailboxes and stamps.


But ultimately my thoughts are - "Customization is King". Let the Config file for ExtraBiomes let you determine how frequent, how much, how many, which biomes, etc, and your ills are cured. Every player using it can custom fit it to what they want.
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But ultimately my thoughts are - "Customization is King". Let the Config file for ExtraBiomes let you determine how frequent, how much, how many, which biomes, etc, and your ills are cured. Every player using it can custom fit it to what they want.
...which is a fine sentiment but does make sharing experiences more difficult - I would need your exact config file in order to reproduce your seed. For that reason it might be better to kep the potential for all biomes, but pick a seed that gives the biomes that you want nearby. Which also means that if you decide later on, "I want to visit a redwood forest", or "I forgot to include Small Jungles and now I want some Quicksand", you haven't cut off your options. You just need to travel.

If you remove some biomes in your config, can you still make a Mystcraft Age with that biome? Oh, the mechanics have changed now haven't they? So that makes two questions: In the old mechanics, could you still randomly find a non-config biome, and in the new mechanics can you still find a symbol for non-config biomes?