Extra Biomes ... Not compelling content.

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Being new to mod packs, I really liked the new terrain generation. Unfortunately I grew tired of searching for a rubber tree, so I removed ExtraBiomes. I think with some tweaks (like more frequent vanilla biomes) and better integration with other mods (like rubber trees in some of the new biomes) it'd be great.
You guys have trouble finding rubber? How is that even possible o.o

I generally see so many rubber trees I chop most of the down looking around for animals(have them added to treecap). I guess that's generally because I only build in swap biomes. Oh and for the record that spawn in the extra biomes just like they're supposed to for me. All the swamps have TONS of them. Every jungle has a decent amount, especially jungles attached to a redwood forest.

Not to mention once you get a portal gun(I usually have one the day I get down to my preferred strip-mine level) you can travel extremely large distances regardless of time and find a swamp that way if you're not building in one or near one.

I would agree through to making redwoods 3x3 and only half their current height.
But I just tested and the gravity gun will move them and keep the tap in tact.
Wait wut? A natural one or one forced to fit in a tree farm?
I stuck the logger down in the middle of a bunch of natural redwoods (with a TC redstone power cell for MJ), waited a while, and eventually there were no trees within the range of the logger, and many saplings on the ground. It went all the way to the top!
In my experience, ExtraBiomes is something just like GregTech: it needs to be configured to suit one's personal style.

I really like how the mod gives you config options to, for example, enable or disable village generation in every single biome, even vanilla ones. And you can toggle on and off each addon biome as well. I love the red stone and the cracked sand and the pale acacia wood as building material. "Cosmetic" is a perfectly viable purpose for an item in a game where the whole point is building something cool.

What I don't like is how similar many added biomes are. For example, there is not one biome where Redwood trees grow; there's at least four, maybe five of them. One type has snow, another doesn't. One type is rich green, the other pale green. One type has lots of grass and undergrowth, another doesn't. These are fine points that are completely lost to the player who is faced with an entire map full of redwood trees, kilometers in each direction, the ground too mountainous to build anything, FPS on older computers slowed to a crawl by the sheer amount of geometry and the task of cutting even a single tree down taking an entire ingame day, if not more. This is also true to a lesser extent for other biome types, but its the redwood trees that really slap it into your face. This by the way is the reason why people feel that there's hardly any vanilla biomes left - because the mods spams an unnecessary number of almost identical extra biomes.

Now, the issues with wood being incompatible with recipes and such might potentially be fixed already, thanks to Forge's resource dictionary expanding to materials beyond just ores. The issues with the biome spam, that's up to the user to correct in the config file, by disabling all of the essentially duplicate biomes so that only a few key ones that truly stand out are left.

Your points are valid but if as a lot of people do, if you play on a server then your not in control of the config, so are at the whim of the server op & I have noticed that most servers I have seen so far the op seems to go for a huge biomes option, this can make finding desert or a jungle for jungle sapling & cacti difficult to say the least, but some of the biomes are beautiful so its a toss up as the the pros v cons on this one, I am still on the fence
Your points are valid but if as a lot of people do, if you play on a server then your not in control of the config, so are at the whim of the server op & I have noticed that most servers I have seen so far the op seems to go for a huge biomes option, this can make finding desert or a jungle for jungle sapling & cacti difficult to say the least, but some of the biomes are beautiful so its a toss up as the the pros v cons on this one, I am still on the fence
I searched for 2 hours for a desert in my world. Traveled 8000 meters and gathered over 60 villagers and tons of potential "oil rigs". Was totally worth it for me since now my iron golem auto farm is going to be SUPER quick.

Oh and I finally found birchwood for my floors <3
(I made a CC turtle program that cna chop down the big 4x4 trees for me).

Please tell! I've just been using "excavate" from the top and breaking the Turtle once it gets through the tree.

I really like ExtraBiomesXL--yes, the new wood being incompatible with existing recipes is frustrating, but not the sort of thing that REALLY hinders me--I just use Redwood for chests and crafting tables and the like, and normal wood for all mod-related items. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Autumn Forests (eventually I plan to build an autumn-themed Rivendell-type city in the one near my spawn), they're absolutely stunning. Finding vanilla trees can be somewhat difficult, but I was fortunate and spawned right at the border between a Redwood Forest and a vanilla forest, so I got spruce and oak right away.
The Extrabiomes biomes are really REALLY pretty, and the large trees are a great source of wood (I made a CC turtle program that cna chop down the big 4x4 trees for me). Basically they make getting charcoal in large quantities completely trivial. However, they do cause a problem when you for example need to find rubber or birch trees. With the amount of 'new' biomes and mods like IC2 not really spawning rubber trees in those, you might end up having to create craptons of Mystcraft ages to finally get some rubber saplings.

Many cows lost their lives to provide me with enough books. I finally found some but although I have "Dense ores" I still haven't found the regular 'forest' biome.
Mind if I get that code pastebinned or messaged to me?
I suppose if you really really need vanilla wood from redwoods, you can make chests and then rip them to planks in the Thermal Expansion sawmill. And the sawmill gives 6 planks per log so if you use the sawmill for both steps you get a 50% bonus.
Personally use treecapitator along with the extra biomes add-on. Yeah yeah and before all the hate for using it; save it. Anyway it makes dealing with it fairly easy. Makes some nice charcoal and then I generally use forestry for all other wood I need. The biomes have yet to be a problem since I don't have a problem running ~2000 blocks around once I have a portal gun.

Can you give me detail what version and what config are you using, please?

config modification for treecapitator:
axeIDList=271; 275; 258; 286; 279; 7796; 27276; 27298; 27310; 30199; 30477
logIDList=17; 159; 160; 161; 162; 163; 243|242; 627; 1303; 1312; 1313; 1314; 1315; 1507; 1511
shearIDList=359; 30233; 30479

work very nice, but I am afraid of lag from falling down huge trees.
Well I'm on 1.4.5 but my IDs should be the same so;
S:axeIDList=271; 275; 258; 286; 279; 30233;
And I've not added anything to the shear part yet.

Also for me it only legs for just a second or two so don't be too worried (:
okay, if you really can gravy live rubber logs with taps, is there anything that rotates them and keeps the meta intact?
No but, for me at least, it would be easy to just keep growing and chopping them until I get the number of logs I want in the right direction.
Please tell! I've just been using "excavate" from the top and breaking the Turtle once it gets through the tree.

Mind if I get that code pastebinned or messaged to me?

Is dropbox okay?


Just place the luberjack turtle like this against a tree:


X is a tree block, place the turtle against the tree, one up from the base and to the left. Then just run the program (chop.lua). It will chop the entire tree and return to the bottom. I orginally planned to create a tree farm that way (I actually have another treefarm program that uses normal trees but it's not updated to 1.4.2).

I stopped developing because it's actually freakisly overpowered. You get craptons of wood and those redwoods grow just as fast as normal trees do.
Is dropbox okay?


Just place the luberjack turtle like this against a tree:


X is a tree block, place the turtle against the tree, one up from the base and to the left. Then just run the program (chop.lua). It will chop the entire tree and return to the bottom. I orginally planned to create a tree farm that way (I actually have another treefarm program that uses normal trees but it's not updated to 1.4.2).

I stopped developing because it's actually freakisly overpowered. You get craptons of wood and those redwoods grow just as fast as normal trees do.
Mind if I post the code on a turtle program list that I made?
I'm now picturing trying to move a grove of rubber trees into a configuration of easy access tap sites. I'm liking this idea very much, for as long as it lasts.
I have actually been thinking about making a room in my house out of them. As in the walls being made of the rubbertree blocks with taps. It'd be pretty easy to gather them then c:
I wonder if a crescent hammer can rotate those rubber blocks.

And Kudos for the mention of the logger, vastly under-used in my opinion now that we have redstone cells.
On my server I wound up building my home in a savannah near a village with 8 farms. it is hot/arid conditions so i need bees that can handle that. i've found 1 desert and there were no bees. I've been searching for probably a minecraft week for another desert so i feel the pain from the OP.