Excited for Ars Magica?

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Are you excited for Ars Magica?

  • Yep!

    Votes: 47 74.6%
  • Nope!

    Votes: 16 25.4%

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm really not. I'm at the point where I don't even wanna watch Ddubs forgecraft2 series anymore because it's just alllllllllllllllll Ars Magica and I'm totally under-fucking-whelmed. Like, the transport system is decent, and it's kinda neat having a magical trash barrel / recycler (nexi), other than that though I just dgaf. The spells all seem to poorly do things there are already gadgets for, and the worldgen is obnoxious as a mofo, those flowers are EVERYWHERE, including the moon.


Runic dust is way more interesting imo.
From the sounds of it, it doesn't sound like Ars Magica is going to be in the 1.5.x Beta pack. Slow thinks its pretty broken (his own words) and it'll likely be in a MagicWorld 2
I love the mod.
Love the spells.
Love the fabricator.
Love the essences.
Love everything about it.
Did you know that one may duplicate EE2 using it?
Meh. It looks like a very good mod, but Thaumcraft is about as magicky as I'm going to get. Plus, I watched the DW20 spotlight, and the magic system kinda looks impractical compared to the alternatives.

Plus, I'm not really digging the whole World of Minecraft feel that it's trying to introduce. I love progression in a sandbox game, but I play RPG's when I want mana and shit like that.

That's just me, though. I'm not big on magic to begin with, but Thaumcraft adds a lot of practical items and blocks that I really dig.
I love the mod.
Love the spells.
Love the fabricator.
Love the essences.
Love everything about it.
Did you know that one may duplicate EE2 using it?
Yay, I wasn't around for the interesting things EE2 could do.

But I'm pretty excited, currently mucking around with my own pack with it. Quite fun.
So far I have quite enjoyed messing around with Ars Magica. Would I put it in a techy FTB modpack? probably not..but I could definitely see it fitting in the Magic World modpack.
I recently added it to my FTB server and I'm absolutely adoring it. It is a dream come true. While I think it still needs some balancing in terms of the Fabricator and maybe even the Reconstructor...the spell system....is freaking amazing for PvP. I talk with Mithion almost daily via IRC and suggest new ideas...the coming update...will be freaking glorious. Speaking of, we need more people in #Mithion.
From the sounds of it, it doesn't sound like Ars Magica is going to be in the 1.5.x Beta pack. Slow thinks its pretty broken (his own words) and it'll likely be in a MagicWorld 2
And not Magic World, because you know, we need more modpacks that aren't used. Brony, Yog, Magic, Tech, and every pre-release pack just aren't enough.
Ummm I will try to be as neutral as i can and please understand that this is MY point of view, which may be wrong:

First of all, i do not like it. If it gets into a modpack i use, i would just unload it. Why?
  1. World Gen. I feel it's just too much. If the spawn rate of, EVERYTHING, could be lowered or restricted to just some areas/dimensions i would not complain.
  2. Replacing. Ars Magica replaces A LOT of things that could be done with other mods, but makes them cheaper. For example, blink. Thaumcraft portable hole serves the same function but does it in a harder way. Then, flight, wich everyone here should know that is so OP. Flying is OP, minecraft isn't designed to be hard if you can fly. That's why we need stuff and some high end items to make jetpacks, that's why they need to be feeded with fuel or energy. Making a spell that only needs mana is not right. Furnace touch, there's an item in AE which uses energy to do the same thing, i think is the entropy accelerator, i don't used it too much so i don't remember it's name.
  3. Combat: Combat magic is ok, but again, there's almost 30 new combat related items in modpacks as they are, we don't really need more. As noiro said, it's good for pvp, because of the way spells can work strategically.. But for monster killing, just a diamond sword (or nano..) is ok.
  4. As stevetech said, textures are just awful. I mean, not only the blocks, even the "texture" when you "hold" a spell.. The fire texture is just so.. Textures doesn't feel like minecraft. That's all.

Then.. there is some good things:
  1. Mobs, they're awesome, have a nice AI, damage, and the way they level up with you is just awesome, i would LOVE to have this kind of behavior with vanilla mobs too.
  2. Cooperative functions. Being able to make and modify spells is awesome, but the way you can do it with your friends help is just awesome.
  3. Compatibility. it works fine with almost everything.
  4. Nice idea and design. Yeah, the concept of Ars magica is awesome. It needs some balancing, some texture changes and to be more configurable. But overall, it haves a lot of future.

And as a side note, i recall reading SOMEWHERE that thaumcraft 3 is going to add spells so.. That.
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I've noticed that regular slime spawn is affected by AM. I've spent 2 MC nights in a swamp and have yet to have vanilla slimes generate. I also agree about the amount of world gen. In my world now I have 3 AM structures withing about 120 blocks of each other. Two of the towers are less than 50 blocks from each other. To me the mod just doesn't seem "finished". It really feels like Thaumcraft 2 in many respects. The foundation is there but it just doesn't pull me in the way TC3 did. Only time will tell but I see myself only dabbling with AM until I get a quarry and have resources to grind through TC research again.
I'm currently having a lot of fun exploring it, finding the spells (which is a real pain), and progressing through everything. That being said, I suspect that I won't be bothering too much when I have actually gotten to the top of it. It adds an entertaining new "story", but I doubt it's replayability.
personally I just want configs for the fabricator so I can even out some of the horrible, horrible wrinkles in the Essence system.
Ars Magica is fun. I enjoy the world gen, which gives the impression of a fallen civilization & makes SSP feel a bit less lonely. The buildings are aesthetically pleasing and fun to 'restore'. I lived in one shortly after spawn, way better than sheltering in a cave on the first night. Occasionally, I find a cluster of buildings, but for the most part, they're pretty evenly spaced. I'm not finding the worldgen intrusive at all.

I've gotten less mileage out of the spells, but that's mostly because MPS is so useful. Still, they look nice when cast. The journals are fun to collect, & are decently written. I've only just built my first nexus, so I can't comment much on the machines.
Mithion has mentioned he plans to completely overhaul the worldgen, so for those with that problem, it is on its way. Currently, he has been finishing up and optimizing the spell system so combining spells can do some REALLY cool stuff. Example: There may be spell quarries.
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