Epic Fail stories

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What's the deal with the recycler then guys?

Re the guy with the ender pouch, he may have clicked it on an ender chest that he has set up to sort and recycle stuff. I did that once and watched in horror as my nano sabre, advanced lapatron pack and various other goodies disappeared down the pipe under the floor to my recycler... -.-
If you shift click something into the recycler it goes into the slot to be recycled... bye bye overclockers.
Several hours of nether running gathering materials. Finally decided to head back with numerous backpacks and bags full of loot and a lot of gear. Came around a corner and a pigman surprised me and I swung my sword. His buddies were quick. :(

Extended the fail with pigmen by my overworld-side nether portal killing me multiple times as well. A lot of deaths before being forced into creative to recover, then die again when turning creative off to try and get my armor back off the pigman that stole it... :o
If you shift click something into the recycler it goes into the slot to be recycled... bye bye overclockers.

Ahaha! I see now. Not guilty of that epic fail, but I am guilty of hooking up my machines to my MFSU before putting the transformer upgrades in... many times in fact. :(
Mine is similar to the machines hooked up to MFE/MFSU without the transformer upgrades, but a little later on in game.

I was moving base camp and had decided to start with my IC2 machines, all happily hooked up and running from the MFSU. I went to my macerator, which was in the middle of processing, intending to interrupt and move it. Went into the GUI first and, for reasons unknown, decided it would be a good idea to pull the upgrades (overclockers and transformer upgrades) before I pulled the goods being macerated or even disconnected the wire. BOOM!

Problem was, I was moving because I needed more room. The IC2 section was quite...compact. Transformers and MFSU all really close by. As were two nearly full diamond chests. Why did I choose to move my machines first!?
Firebats without any armor, as who needs armor in the nether normally? So many firebats. So many lost jetpacks/safefall boots.
I havent made much fail but frames are my weakness, testing em and making a misstake CAN take a time to fix.
Ever tell you guys about the time I basically got spawn camped by pig men?

Yeah good times good times.

Pro tip don't put your bed next to your neither portal.
Lol i know that feel.. It was in a friend's server, we had our portal above ground (it was kinda holded in a hand) and since our main base was near that portal we got swams of them hanging around.. And then one of my friends killed one and.. well.. you can guess what happened next :D
Don't leave your mining laser in explosive mode when you're done with it. And if you do, don't leave it on your hot bar when you return to your base.

Glad I use RP glass covers for my windows, at least they don't shatter when they all get blown out.
I once right clicked on my fully charged first MFSU to re-charge my armor, a block too far back, with a Mining Laser on long range in my hand.