Endgame Power Storage Solution?

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What should I use for my endgame power storage?

  • A ridiculous number of Resonant Energy Cells

  • A Draconic Energy Core (or multiples thereof)

  • An Industrial Coil (or multiples)

  • A bank of Auroral Batteries

  • Other (please specify)

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Jul 28, 2013
So at the moment i'm playing Infinity Evolved with some extra mods added, basically i've just added Rotarycraft, Reactorcraft and Electricraft in.

I'm living in the nether, so i'm making use of the abundant lava (not as abundant as it was when I first moved here :p) with a bunch of Magmatic Dynamos, along with standalone groups of various RoC engines as I set up automated systems for various things (currently working on automating all the ingredients for Jet Fuel) with a view to eventually automating the entire process of fuelling a ReC fission reactor.

That is going to be my endgame power setup (may go thorium this time, since i've not done one before).

But my conundrum is how best to store all that power?

I've used Draconic Evolution's energy core on non-RoC worlds before, but usually with Reika's mods in the pack I convert to Electricraft Joules as it's easier to transport, then use Auroral batteries. Wondering which would be the most practical/coolest this time round.


Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
I'd probably use the Draconic Evolution thing, solely because it's ridiculous and it looks amazing and I've never actually built one before (because I'm a lazy newb).

But it sounds like you've built a few of those before, so in your position, I'd probably go for something a little more... offbeat.

I remember reading a post on this very forum a while back where somebody was trying- successfully, I might add- to construct a system to store energy using fish.

Yes, fish.

He found that the MFR fisher will produce one fish for precisely... some certain amount of RF that I don't remember off the top of my head, and an ExtraUtilities culinary generator can burn a cooked fish to return exactly the same amount of RF. There is some loss in cooking the fish, of course, but he used some Factorization steam-powered solar furnace to solve that problem. If you're using Reactorcraft, you could probably use a bit of the steam in a Railcraft steam oven (using whatever that block is to convert ReC steam into Railcraft-friendly Forge steam, or course) for similar effect.

And fish can be stuffed into barrels to effectively store a large amount of energy in a very small amount of space. I don't if Jabba and Storage Drawers were things that existed back then, but even a basic Factorization barrel storing 64 stacks of fish is a fair amount of energy.

Lemme go see if I can find that post...

Ah, here we go: https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebea...hold_project_icthys_the_incredible_fishbased/

Looks like he had to mess around with some mods that may or may not still exist (SquidUtils, specifically) to make sure the Fisher didn't fish up any junk that couldn't be cooked and burned to get the energy back.

And then when I went and looked at the Imgur link, one of the suggestions Imgur threw at me was a screenshot of a Mekanism inductive storage whatchamacallit storing several trillion RF. Welp.


Active Member
Jan 7, 2016
I foresee a bunch of people taking another look at Culinary Generators. And JABBA barrels.

[With an Emerald-level storage upgrade, each JABBA barrel can hold 5,184 stacks?! 331,766 fish per barrel? Whoah! And each fish is worth 21,620 rf, so that's... a lot. 7,172,997,120 rf per maxed-out JABBA barrel of cooked fish.]


Jul 28, 2013
I foresee a bunch of people taking another look at Culinary Generators. And JABBA barrels.

[With an Emerald-level storage upgrade, each JABBA barrel can hold 5,184 stacks?! 331,766 fish per barrel? Whoah! And each fish is worth 21,620 rf, so that's... a lot. 7,172,997,120 rf per maxed-out JABBA barrel of cooked fish.]

Um, my fully maxed JABBA barrels hold 524,288 units each with 127 upgrades in. That's 11,335,106,560 RF per barrel :)

Now imagining what a DSU would provide...


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I'm partial to the Induction Matrices from Mekanism, or the big battery things from Zetta Industries. (The expansion for IE.) Large multi-blockable storages. I know the ZI one is limited output by the number of things sticking into it, but it holds several million RF in it's basic format, and more as you build larger.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Other (please specify):

The Ultimate Battery is a Battery added by GregTech 5 Unofficial, capable of storing 9 quintillion EU, which is exact Long.MAX_VALUE or 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 EU. It is a UV Battery (524,288 EU/t).

To completely fill it at 524,288 EU/t it takes 879,609,302,220 Seconds or 10,180,663 Days or 27,892 Years!

Tooltip Text: Fill this to win minecraft
LOL GregTech rocks!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2013
I've been gone for almost a year and this thread gave me a good chuckle. Lmao


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That.... that is so absolutely ridiculous. Must have one... now... actually... I need five for shits and giggles


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Um, my fully maxed JABBA barrels hold 524,288 units each with 127 upgrades in. That's 11,335,106,560 RF per barrel :)

Now imagining what a DSU would provide...
Hmm, let's math! One DSU is (2^63)-1 fish. Divide that by 524,288 and you get, rounded up, 4096 barrels of fish. Multiply that out, and you get 46,428,596,469,760 RF per DSU of fish!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Yes, I originally posted this GregTech battery: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Lapotronic_Energy_Orb_Cluster

But then I realized there was a battery that was even bigger and more "bad-azz". LOL So I edited my post, apparently at the exact moment you were quoting my changed post. :) Good call on your part, right on top of things I see!

Of course, we'd never spend 27,892 years filling the battery. We're not that insane! In fact we're all quite smart - the obvious solution here is to build 27,892 generators each outputting 524,288 EU/t, and then the battery will only take ONE YEAR to fill. Derp. Get right on that, will ya? :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh! Re: fish battery, you could put the junk thru what amounts to a junk-eating generator from QuantumFlux for extra powah. That, or a recycler of some sort, to add in a wee extra loss.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another cool method of storing power at truly insane densities would be a DSU full of bedrockium drums of hot CO2 from ReactorCraft. Much like fish, you then have to convert the hot CO2 into energy with the appropriate setup but (2^31) * 65,536,000 mB of Hot CO2 running through a nicely efficient boiler/turbine setup will make a monumental amount of power.


EDIT: I did the math a while back and one DSU of bedrockium drums of hot CO2 should yield around 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 RF using an efficient setup. :)
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