Does building over an ocean matter? You will still spawn mobs under the ground beneath the water and spawn squids, correct?
Thanks for the reply, I guess I know why all my attempts of making a darkroom failed then. Not high enough.
P.s. Not building over an ocean.
I should try quarrying out the 256 area you've spoke of. Seems like building at y=200 isn't working well enough for me. =/I think you still need to build over 128 blocks above the water, as squid apparently count towards the total mob spawn rate.
It seems the only way to not have to build 128 blocks up would be to quarry out a 256 square area and then fill it with cobble completely using a filler. Then if you lit up the whole area outside your spawn building, you could have a grinder at y64. Building one at level 200 seems annoying to me.
I should try quarrying out the 256 area you've spoke of. Seems like building at y=200 isn't working well enough for me. =/
Wisps doesn't despawn? Great. Guess time to visit the end, grab some endstone and make myself some soul shard then.
Well they are supposed to. But sometimes they collect and bug out.
I've seen issues where a node will collect wisps and for whatever reason they just don't despawn even when you go chunks away.
Ssp and yeah, know about the 24 block restriction. I made the room 30 blocks away from the access point/kill room.[DOUBLEPOST=1375152853][/DOUBLEPOST]I should try this on a creative world using the same seed and same pocation.
if you have dartcraft running, you should see quite a few ender 'tots' (baby enders). if you set up a darkroom, they will come in and when they die, they spawn an additional 1 or 2 adult enders (mom/dad revenge). I see this all day with my cursed earth spawners.
Do those tods spawn in a 2 high room and, if they do, are the 2 endermen 'parents' stuck in the ceiling?
Dumb question, how do you get the water to stay in place on the roof like that?
There are cobble stone slabs around the water. Slabs so that no monster can spawn there