Whitelist Server EclipseCraft|Direwolf 5.2.1|Moderate Whitelist|15 Slots|24/7|

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Don't exactly know what to add... I'm a sociable creature in general. I hate griefing and cheating. Also, being into real-life programming, I know how to handle myself around computers and can usually diagnose when a server is having issues without effort (been server admin a long time on my own servers). If you want any additional details, just ask. I'm not good at this application stuff.
Don't exactly know what to add... I'm a sociable creature in general. I hate griefing and cheating. Also, being into real-life programming, I know how to handle myself around computers and can usually diagnose when a server is having issues without effort (been server admin a long time on my own servers). If you want any additional details, just ask. I'm not good at this application stuff.
Just look at the amount of effort and detail accepted applicants have produced, I would like that, feel free to reply with an application with a lot more detail, thanks!
Well, I'm gonna try to shoot the moon again.

--In Game Name: craio95
--Real Age: 17
--Why do you want to join us? Well, as I stated before, one of my friends is playing here. I like playing Minecraft and FTB, but both tend to get boring after some time if you're playing alone, but multiplayer, completely other world. You get to build stuff with other people, you get to socialize, help others, even make friends 5000km away from you. I like small servers in general. There are several reasons for this. Mainly, the chance of griefing is not that high. I hate griefing or cheating (bug exploits, hacking) and tend to stop playing with a certain someone if he does that. As for other reasons, you can get to make good friends and hold relationships for a long time. Hopefully, you will accept me this time.
--Why should I choose you over other applicants? Really, I have no idea. I'm a sociable person and I like to help others. I'm understanding and do whatever the rules and admin says. I'm a programmer, so I know my way around computers. Usually, I end up helping the admin(s) repair the server if it's the case. I have experience with my own past servers, so I know how to get one running, how to repair and debug one, how to organize and deal with people playing on it. There are a lot of things I can say here, but it will take way too much to write it and read it.
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? Well, yes. Both Tekkit (for a year or so) and FTB (a few months). I have experience with most of the mods, but I especially like IC2 (NUCLEAR ALL THE WAY!) and ComputerCraft (programming turtles). I played Tekkit on my own hosted servers with my real-life friends (before that, I used to make my own multiplayer modpacks). I played FTB on a couple of servers. The first one was a total disaster. Admin was bad and lost the map very often (every update). We tried a community thing, but it didn't work out so well. Some were working their asses while others were griefing and stealing. After I left this server, I moved to a public one. It was really laggy, plus that school kicked in, so I had to leave.
--Do you have a working microphone? Yes.
--Do you have Teamspeak3? Yes.
--Showcase of your work: Don't have any images, but I like to build big and efficient. I'm the kind of OCD guy. I specialize myself in nuclear power plants and decent aesthetic building.

Well, hope I get accepted now. Thanks for the 2nd chance! I appreciate it and hope we'll get along well.
--In Game Name: footykid3
--Real Age: 16
--Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better): I'm looking for a server with a great community. Also, Im looking to start up a lets play series. I Hope that a server like yours will bring excitment to a new series. Im also hoping to learn more about mods Im not the strongest with.
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?: I'm on 6 days a aweek about 6 hours a day. Im always active. Im very friendly.
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!): Yes, Im experienced with Redpower, Industrail craft, and Thaumcraft.
--Do you have a working microphone? Just ordered my steelseries serbia v2 headset
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)YES!----
--In Game Name: hopdog90
--Real Age: 28
--Why do you want to join us? I would like to join you because i love close nit servers due to the fact that you get to know each other vs a server with 40+ miner's that have done it all already. I know all the mods really well focusing on IC2, RP, BC the most. there is also the fact that you do not have any mod's currently banned and i love the fact that you moderate the Mystcraft age's. Above everything else i just want to feel like i add something to the community either with help or just being some one to talk to.
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?: There is no real reason why you should chose me over other's I like to build but i cant say i'm the great at making things look nice and i love to help people but i cant say i've never have had a problem that i couldnt solve. If you do choose me though i will be a constant member you would see on the server and will alway be glad to help those that ask.
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!): I have been with tekkit for almost 2 yr's and switched to FTB (mostly due to the fact that tekkit hasnt updated for ever) about 6 months + now. If some one has done it on youtube so have i. I love to experiment with mods.
--Do you have a working microphone? Yes.
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)? Yes.
In Game Name: DrTyler
Real Age: 29

Why do you want to join us?:

I have been playing single player Minecraft/FTB for a while now and would like to transition over to a server with other people. A smaller server with tighter community feel is more appealing to me than huge ones, I'd like to get to know the other people I'm playing with. I also appreciate that you appear to take recruitment seriously and are discerning regarding granting access to your server.

I love seeing the builds other people come up with and I would like to help with both the conceptual and construction process.

Why should I choose you over other applicants?:

I consider myself a mature, friendly gamer. I enjoy seeing what others have built and am not interested in griefing. Personally I enjoy working with the technical/engineering aspects of the mods finding ways to automate various processes but I still have a lot to learn and would enjoy seeing how others tackle problems in ways that are still aesthetically appealing.

Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!):

I've messed around with Tekkit and FTB off so I have a basic understanding of most of the mods and have a decent understanding of IC, BC + TE, and TC3 on single player worlds. I'd like to try more of Forestry, Red Power and RailCraft.

Do you have a working microphone? Yes
Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)? Not at the moment but I would install it if accepted (I have used Vent and Mumble).
In game name: weekade
Real age: 16
Why i want to join: playing ftb on my own is boring i prefer playing in a comunity, i would like to join a server so i am not tempted to cheat like in single player, i want to join a good server that is no greifing and is fun to play on, i would like to do big projects with the other player and help in any way i can.
Why me over other applicants: i have played ftb for some time now, and have done almost everything in tekkit, and i would be willing to help any other player with anything they need and provide info (if i know the answer) i am a team player and get on well with others, i also am a decant builder (not amazing but not completely useless).
Past modding experience: i've played tekkit, hack/mine, adventure tech, and have even created my own personal modpack (Tropicraft, battlegear, twilight forrest, buildcraft, ic2, optifine and more)
yes i have a working microphone
No i do not have teamspeak3
In game name: weekade
Real age: 16
Why i want to join: playing ftb on my own is boring i prefer playing in a comunity, i would like to join a server so i am not tempted to cheat like in single player, i want to join a good server that is no greifing and is fun to play on, i would like to do big projects with the other player and help in any way i can.
Why me over other applicants: i have played ftb for some time now, and have done almost everything in tekkit, and i would be willing to help any other player with anything they need and provide info (if i know the answer) i am a team player and get on well with others, i also am a decant builder (not amazing but not completely useless).
Past modding experience: i've played tekkit, hack/mine, adventure tech, and have even created my own personal modpack (Tropicraft, battlegear, twilight forrest, buildcraft, ic2, optifine and more)
yes i have a working microphone
No i do not have teamspeak3
Not enough information sorry.
--In Game Name: antflga
--Real Age: 14 not gonna lie
--Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better): Ive been hopping server to server and have yet to find a good community.Im looking for a good close knit community that doesnt just give away stuff to new users as this ruins the fun.Also i have been looking for a place to put my skills with various mods to use.I would also like a server where there are no greifers as this has happened to me in the past and i hate it.
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?: Im experienced, nice, funny, smart, and fun to be around
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!): I have experimented with all mods except steves carts as i find there are simpler easier and more effective ways to get things done
--Do you have a working microphone? yes... kinda its bad but my replacement headphones are coming soon
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)? yes
--In Game Name: antflga
--Real Age: 14 not gonna lie
--Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better): Ive been hopping server to server and have yet to find a good community.Im looking for a good close knit community that doesnt just give away stuff to new users as this ruins the fun.Also i have been looking for a place to put my skills with various mods to use.I would also like a server where there are no greifers as this has happened to me in the past and i hate it.
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?: Im experienced, nice, funny, smart, and fun to be around
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!): I have experimented with all mods except steves carts as i find there are simpler easier and more effective ways to get things done
--Do you have a working microphone? yes... kinda its bad but my replacement headphones are coming soon
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)? yes
Notr enough information sorry.
In Game Name: DentalViz
Real Age: 37
Why do you want to join us?: Well, I have been playing Minecraft on and off since alpha, and just over a year ago I had my first taste of SMP. After which there was no turning back. Unfortunately, the servers I have tried out so far have either been griefed to death, bugged, lagged out, diminishing population or any combination of the above. Ultimately though, after having browsed the server listing, it was your dedication to finding the right people in this thread, that lead me to type out this app.
Why should I choose you over other applicants?: I am an experienced Minecrafter, I love constructing whatever comes to mind, and I enjoy the company of others and helping other people out with either personal or community projects. My general approach to FTB is to use it to enhance what I would already do in vanilla, rather than focus solely on making machines. That is not to say that I have not made any machines, because I have, and I will.
Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!): I have been almost exclusively using the Tekkit & FTB mod packs since july. Before that I was a part of a server which had quite a few server side mods, most notably MCMMO.
Do you have a working microphone? Yes, I do.
Do you have Teamspeak3? Yes.
--In Game Name: lonelywolfsoul
--Real Age: 20
--Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better): I am wanting to join you because from what information that I have received you don't let people grief, be rude, or abuse the system. Now with a server I am very picky, I do think that this is where I can Find what I am looking for. What I mean by what I am looking for is a server where I can play with a stranger and we become friends and help each other. I am wanting to join this server because I have heard good things about it. There is a personal reason I want to join this server. I have a Huge problem playing by my self and I feel alone so I want to stop playing, so I started to look for servers and after about ~40 minutes I found this server.
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?:Why should you pick me? Well, I like to help people that don't have experience with Feed the beast or Minecraft (I am not a personal wiki over abuse and I tend to log out), I Love playing minecraft and want to share my happyness and Joy with others XD
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!): I dont know how to mod but on how to make or build things, I am your guy. Where did I get my Great knolage of this.... Well I have watched a lot of direwolf20's videos plus other peoples videos on minecraft
--Do you have a working microphone?Yes
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)?Yes, I also Have skype, and vent
--How Often do you play Minecraft: Well that is a good question I usualy dont have a lot of time for mine craft so I only get on for a couple of days every 2 weeks.
"Can I say something? Um, I'm the type of person that if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what, I know how to find the answer and I will find the answer." Quoted by Will Smith
--In Game Name: helfull
--Real Age: 21
--Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better):
i am looking for a mature minecraft server, where ppl gona help each other and build projects together. i saw that you realy take care of who you take so i am sure your server is a mature server where ppl dont grief, flame nor do stupid ****. Playing alone is always boring isnt it? so playing with ppl who have the same goal, having fun and building nice stuff, is always better, i think i can get both on your server.
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?:
i can bring you a nice guy who is always open for questions or help requests, i can program CC and know most of the mods (only thaumcraft is a pain for me right now :o). i ll like to build in groups so if someone wants me i dont say no. Building with BC IC2 and TE systems for automation is my best part.
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!):
I played around 1 year Technic pack(tekkit) before i got my hands on FTB. i started playing with mods once i found buildcraft and ic (not ic2). i was looking at youtube to find some letsplays and got my hands on DW20 and got so into all the other mods. i even working right now on my own mod to fill gaps which i think there are.
--Do you have a working microphone?
yeah i have a working microphone and like to use it, skype, ts3 or anyother VoIP i come and join you there :). i like to speak with the ppl i play with.
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)?
yes ts3 is one of my programs i have installed.

here we reach the breaking up point.
lets taaaake it easy!
In Game Name: DentalViz

--In Game Name: helfull

Not enough information above, sorry

--In Game Name: lonelywolfsoul
--Real Age: 20
--Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better): I am wanting to join you because from what information that I have received you don't let people grief, be rude, or abuse the system. Now with a server I am very picky, I do think that this is where I can Find what I am looking for. What I mean by what I am looking for is a server where I can play with a stranger and we become friends and help each other. I am wanting to join this server because I have heard good things about it. There is a personal reason I want to join this server. I have a Huge problem playing by my self and I feel alone so I want to stop playing, so I started to look for servers and after about ~40 minutes I found this server.
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?:Why should you pick me? Well, I like to help people that don't have experience with Feed the beast or Minecraft (I am not a personal wiki over abuse and I tend to log out), I Love playing minecraft and want to share my happyness and Joy with others XD
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!): I dont know how to mod but on how to make or build things, I am your guy. Where did I get my Great knolage of this.... Well I have watched a lot of direwolf20's videos plus other peoples videos on minecraft
--Do you have a working microphone?Yes
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)?Yes, I also Have skype, and vent
--How Often do you play Minecraft: Well that is a good question I usualy dont have a lot of time for mine craft so I only get on for a couple of days every 2 weeks.
"Can I say something? Um, I'm the type of person that if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what, I know how to find the answer and I will find the answer." Quoted by Will Smith

Accepted, welcome to the server.
hmm ok then to write more :)

--In Game Name: helfull
--Real Age: 21
--Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better):
i am looking for a mature minecraft server, where ppl gona help each other and build projects together. i saw that you realy take care of who you take so i am sure your server is a mature server where ppl dont grief, flame nor do stupid ****. Playing alone is always boring isnt it? so playing with ppl who have the same goal, having fun and building nice stuff, is always better, i think i can get both on your server.
i joined already some servers but the community there wasnt that nice to each other so i made my way back to the whitelist server promotions and watch out for another server to apply to, i did search all through the promotions, as i found this server. The first thing i saw was "Moderate whitelist", this is my main reason to join your server.
i want to get some new friends to play with because i played now tolong again alone, since the other servers were bad in terms of playing together. i have the hope its on your server much more a server like DW20's SMP

--Why should I choose you over other applicants?:
i can bring you a nice guy who is always open for questions or help requests, i can program CC and know most of the mods (only thaumcraft is a pain for me right now :eek:). i ll like to build in groups so if someone wants me i dont say no. Building with BC IC2 and TE systems for automation is my best part.
if you want someone who is helpfull, friendly and mature, but dont want flamer, kid or griefer? i am one of this.
A server can only work with a nice community, if the community is bad the server cant work as good as is good be, what means ppl who are mature, helpfull and firendly are ppl who make a server.

--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!):
I played around 1 year Technic pack(tekkit) before i got my hands on FTB. i started playing with mods once i found buildcraft and ic (not ic2). i was looking at youtube to find some letsplays and got my hands on DW20 and got so into all the other mods. i even working right now on my own mod to fill gaps which i think there are.
My biggest legit project i have ever done was a full automated selfrefill peat fired peat farm which did power 1 tree farm, 1 wheat farm and a quarry (just 1 block every 1.5 secs), i lost the world save :(.

--Do you have a working microphone?
yeah i have a working microphone and like to use it, skype, ts3 or anyother VoIP i come and join you there :). i like to speak with the ppl i play with.
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)?
yes ts3 is one of my programs i have installed.

here we reach the breaking up point.
lets taaaake it easy!
I've added more info :)
In game name:
Real age:
Why i want to join:
playing FTB on my own is boring i prefer playing in a community, i would like to join a server so i am not tempted to cheat like in single player, i want to join a good server that is no greifing (greifing is pointless and annoying) and is fun to play on, i would like to do big projects with the other player and help in any way i can to achieve great things, i want to join samller server because everybody gets to know each other and it becomes a more friendly environment to play the game in.
Why me over other applicants:
i have played FTB for some time now, and have done almost everything in tekkit (made all items and made many machines), and i would be willing to help any other player with anything they need and provide info (if i know the answer) i am a team player and get on well with others, i also am a decant builder (not amazing but not completely useless). I can work well with other people and do not get annoyed and begin raging or swearing, i also respect other people and will help with tasks no one else wants to do, i also am very friendly and am a likable person (so most people tell me) i am easy to get on with and do not even think bout greifing or stealing, and if someone got greifed i would be willing to step in and help repair the damage.
Past modding experience:
i've played tekkit, and made many machine for example i used ic2 and build craft and ee2 to make a fully automatic emc generator, hack/mine, adventure tech, and have even created my own personal modpack (Tropicraft, battlegear, twilight forrest, buildcraft, ic2, optifine and more), i love using modpacks and figuring out how mods work together to make epic machines.
yes i have a working microphone (but very sensitive)
No i do not have teamspeak3