hmm ok then to write more
--In Game Name: helfull
--Real Age: 21
--Why do you want to join us? (Write at least 4 good sentences here, more the better):
i am looking for a mature minecraft server, where ppl gona help each other and build projects together. i saw that you realy take care of who you take so i am sure your server is a mature server where ppl dont grief, flame nor do stupid ****. Playing alone is always boring isnt it? so playing with ppl who have the same goal, having fun and building nice stuff, is always better, i think i can get both on your server.
i joined already some servers but the community there wasnt that nice to each other so i made my way back to the whitelist server promotions and watch out for another server to apply to, i did search all through the promotions, as i found this server. The first thing i saw was "Moderate whitelist", this is my main reason to join your server.
i want to get some new friends to play with because i played now tolong again alone, since the other servers were bad in terms of playing together. i have the hope its on your server much more a server like DW20's SMP
--Why should I choose you over other applicants?:
i can bring you a nice guy who is always open for questions or help requests, i can program CC and know most of the mods (only thaumcraft is a pain for me right now

). i ll like to build in groups so if someone wants me i dont say no. Building with BC IC2 and TE systems for automation is my best part.
if you want someone who is helpfull, friendly and mature, but dont want flamer, kid or griefer? i am one of this.
A server can only work with a nice community, if the community is bad the server cant work as good as is good be, what means ppl who are mature, helpfull and firendly are ppl who make a server.
--Do you have past mod experience? Where? (we are noob friendly!):
I played around 1 year Technic pack(tekkit) before i got my hands on FTB. i started playing with mods once i found buildcraft and ic (not ic2). i was looking at youtube to find some letsplays and got my hands on DW20 and got so into all the other mods. i even working right now on my own mod to fill gaps which i think there are.
My biggest legit project i have ever done was a full automated selfrefill peat fired peat farm which did power 1 tree farm, 1 wheat farm and a quarry (just 1 block every 1.5 secs), i lost the world save

--Do you have a working microphone?
yeah i have a working microphone and like to use it, skype, ts3 or anyother VoIP i come and join you there

. i like to speak with the ppl i play with.
--Do you have Teamspeak3 (free)(not required)?
yes ts3 is one of my programs i have installed.
here we reach the breaking up point.
lets taaaake it easy!