Easy-To-Use ComputerCraft Support?

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As a native speaker, I wish you the best of luck in your English-learning career. It's a weird language, and I commend you for getting this far.

Back on topic (again): Yeah, ReactorCraft CC support would also be amazing if it's not already planned. We totally need to be able to do things like force a SCRAM, etc.
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Thought this little code might be related to topic, a peripheral code that can read potentially any tank or device, possibly even energy levels
It comes down to this part:
t = peripheral.wrap(tankSide)
if t==nil then
  print("No tank found!") return
while true do
  value = 0  max = 0
  ti = t.getTankInfo(tankSide)
  for i,j in pairs(ti) do
    for name,data in pairs(j) do
      if name=="capacity" then max = data
      elseif name=="amount" then value = data
      -- print(name)  -- for debugging
My current use with this program is with drums, but i saw it works with no modification with TE portable tanks.
Thought this little code might be related to topic, a peripheral code that can read potentially any tank or device, possibly even energy levels
It comes down to this part:
t = peripheral.wrap(tankSide)
if t==nil then
  print("No tank found!") return
while true do
  value = 0  max = 0
  ti = t.getTankInfo(tankSide)
  for i,j in pairs(ti) do
    for name,data in pairs(j) do
      if name=="capacity" then max = data
      elseif name=="amount" then value = data
      -- print(name)  -- for debugging
My current use with this program is with drums, but i saw it works with no modification with TE portable tanks.
What does this add that is not already present?

Call it a friendly conversation if that is what you think it was but MoosyDoosy got the basic gist of what i meant :)
CC/OC support for RotaryCraft blocks/machines. Does this support also carry over to ReactorCraft? Would be neat to design more complex computer systems for display of fuel status, heat, time run, time left etc :)
It is planned.

As a native speaker, I wish you the best of luck in your English-learning career. It's a weird language, and I commend you for getting this far.

Back on topic (again): Yeah, ReactorCraft CC support would also be amazing if it's not already planned. We totally need to be able to do things like force a SCRAM, etc.
You can already do that by cutting the power (as in real reactors).
The reactorcraft support is present:
  private static final LuaMethod getName = new LuaReactorGetName();
   private static final LuaMethod getTemp = new LuaReactorGetTemperature();
   private static final LuaMethod lowerRods = new LuaLowerControlRods();
   private static final LuaMethod raiseRods = new LuaRaiseControlRods();
   private static final LuaMethod checkFuel = new LuaReactorCheckFuel();
   private static final LuaMethod checkPebbles = new LuaReactorCheckPebbles();
Plus of course the ones from RC which are applicable.
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Is having the getTime method on engines like the gasoline engine return a number something you would consider? Just starting to find computercraft uses for the engines and this would be useful. Its not essential because I can work with the string return but I guess there is no harm in asking :rolleyes:

Unless there is a better way to regulate the amount of ethanol crystals that end up in the engine in which case I will try to work that out.

Is having the getTime method on engines like the gasoline engine return a number something you would consider? Just starting to find computercraft uses for the engines and this would be useful. Its not essential because I can work with the string return but I guess there is no harm in asking :rolleyes:

Unless there is a better way to regulate the amount of ethanol crystals that end up in the engine in which case I will try to work that out.
Does Lua have a Integer.parseInt(String s) equivalent?
Does Lua have a Integer.parseInt(String s) equivalent?
tonumber works with stuff like "4" but I don't think it works with something "00:00:00". I can write my own method to parse it properly though, not done anything like it before but it shouldn't be too difficult. I was planning on doing that anyway, unless you agreed to fulfill my request. I am not suggesting that my free time is any more valuable than your's though so if you don't want to do it for any reason I won't mither you for it and I will work around it myself.
tonumber works with stuff like "4" but I don't think it works with something "00:00:00". I can write my own method to parse it properly though, not done anything like it before but it shouldn't be too difficult. I was planning on doing that anyway, unless you agreed to fulfill my request. I am not suggesting that my free time is any more valuable than your's though so if you don't want to do it for any reason I won't mither you for it and I will work around it myself.
The numerical time is stored (unsurprisingly) in ticks, so if I wrote such a function, you would need to convert it mathematically. I think manual parsing is probably easier, given that it gives you actual time units.

Also, all of the code that Lua methods call is pre-existing, often used with GUIs, the Angular Transducer, or functional code; engines do have a "get time remaining" function which returns the string (it is used as the hover tooltip in engine GUIs), but not a (public) "getTimeAsInt".
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For managing to convince you that asking mod authors for things isn't necessarily a bad thing. ;)

And @Lathanael you're English is pretty much perfect. I thought it was your primary language from previous posts and from these.
Agreed. Your english is better than most "native" speakers.
As someone who studies linguistics as a hobby, please do not perpetuate this. The spoken and written languages are different things. A native speaker of a language is by definition better at using the language than a non-native speaker. A non-native speaker or learner of a language usually is unnaturally formal in their writing style, whereas a native speaker is very natural and fluid in this regard, and is much more flexible in their application of the language, both in speech and in writing. Such constructs as "lol it okei" (as seen in the image) are actually internally consistent and very complex, representing a form of English that is very natural and nuanced. It is short because the person who wrote it knew at least subconsciously that it would be understood by fellow native speakers. It is NOT something to be viewed as negative, and we must realize that such constructs made by non-native speakers as portrayed in the above image are almost always consciously determined through memorization and textbook knowledge.

TL;DR: Native speakers know best about their language.


Sorry if this is a little off-topic and a necro-post, but I just watched this video and it reminded me of this conversation.

I think you're using conflicting definitions actually. A native speaker can either be "English as first language" or someone with ILR 5 proficiency. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ILR_scale

In the case of MoosyDoosy, Reika, and myself? We are talking (I assume) about the proficiency, not the technical "native" speaker. Having a language as your first does not automatically grant you some mystical proficiency bonus, as nigh innumerable posters across the internet prove routinely. I know plenty of people who only speak English and SPEAK it at ILR 2. They are (by definition) native English speakers, but they don't speak (or write) with "Native Proficiency".

Back on topic: I'm glad you managed to get CC and OC support working! That will be useful for such a large number of automation tasks.

Proficiency in a language is defined as the ability to use a language effectively compared to a native speaker. Native speakers of languages by definition have the highest proficiency in their language, regardless of other factors of intelligence, education, etc.

(again, sorry for the bump.)
Proficiency in a language is defined as the ability to use a language effectively compared to a native speaker. Native speakers of languages by definition have the highest proficiency in their language, regardless of other factors of intelligence, education, etc.

(again, sorry for the bump.)
If the definition is such that someone who cannot tell the difference between their/they're/there and were/we're/where and who spells 'mistake' as 'mestake' is more fluent because they know nothing else, then that definition is pointless and worthless, because it conveys no useful information.
If the definition is such that someone who cannot tell the difference between their/they're/there and were/we're/where and who spells 'mistake' as 'mestake' is more fluent because they know nothing else, then that definition is pointless and worthless, because it conveys no useful information.
The orthography - the written language - is different from the spoken language. The written language is based off of the spoken language, and proficiency is measured based on the spoken language. Being able to use the spoken language in its written form is ultimately secondary; if you can write in a language but you cannot speak it, you will have a far harder time than the other way around. For that matter, the vast majority of the languages in the world have no written form of any kind anyway. As long as you can communicate in the spoken language without issue, you are doing just fine. Regardless of test results, a non-native speaker of a language can NEVER reach the proficiency levels of a native speaker without spending the majority of their life only communicating in that language and doing so with native speakers.
The orthography - the written language - is different from the spoken language. The written language is based off of the spoken language, and proficiency is measured based on the spoken language. Being able to use the spoken language in its written form is ultimately secondary; if you can write in a language but you cannot speak it, you will have a far harder time than the other way around. For that matter, the vast majority of the languages in the world have no written form of any kind anyway.
This is a different argument than that with which you started. You initally said that a native speaker is by definition the most fluent, regardless of any other factor. I responded by saying that such a definition is useless, and you went on to distinguish between fluency in written and spoken language as if it was somehow relevant.

Regardless of test results, a non-native speaker of a language can NEVER reach the proficiency levels of a native speaker without spending the majority of their life only communicating in that language and doing so with native speakers.
By this logic a native English speaker who is constantly using malapropisms because they are unaware of the actual meanings of half the words they use is still a more fluent speaker than someone who speaks perfectly with no errors in semantics or syntax. I maintain my position that this definition of fluency is worthless.

Also, I would like to point out the following:
I live in a city where 50% of the population are immigrants from other countries and 40% are less than two generations away from immigrant ancestors, a great many of which primarily speak languages other than English. The city is so multilingual that most government documents are offered in 60+ languages and one comedian once said that this was the city where a traffic collision results in an argument in nine languages. In this city, the country's second official language, French, is spoken natively by fewer people than Cantonese, Italian, Mandarin, other Chinese dialects, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu, Tamil, Portuguese, Persian, Russian, Polish, and Arabic each. And yet when you actually go to meet these people, aside from some of the elderly or a few recluses in Chinatown and Greektown, their English is indistinguishable from someone whose ancestors came to the country before it was a country. Not even an accent (unless they feel like it).
So from my personal experience I know that your statement that
a non-native speaker of a language can NEVER reach the proficiency levels of a native speaker without spending the majority of their life only communicating in that language
is simply false.

If your definition is such that they still have inferior language skills because it is hardcoded in the definition, then it is ultimately tautological; they are worse speakers because they are defined as such. It is not only pointless but also uncomfortably provincial.
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By this logic a native English speaker who is constantly using malapropisms because they are unaware of the actual meanings of half the words they use is still a more fluent speaker than someone who speaks perfectly with no errors in semantics or syntax. I maintain my position that this definition of fluency is worthless.

All information about the acceptability and usage of some word or feature in a language is only able to be received from a native speaker. A native speaker inherently knows the meanings of the words they use in their native language; to them, such "malapropisms" are not actually malapropisms as such, since those pronunciations are the ones that they know and have used all their lives.

Even if this definition of fluency is "useless", it is the one that is used because a native speaker of a language is the ultimate authority on that language, on their dialect/idiolect.
All information about the acceptability and usage of some word or feature in a language is only able to be received from a native speaker. A native speaker inherently knows the meanings of the words they use in their native language; to them, such "malapropisms" are not actually malapropisms as such, since those pronunciations are the ones that they know and have used all their lives.
A malapropism is to use a completely incorrect word, not to mispronounce a correct one.
As it turns out, a malapropism is defined as swapping two similar-sounding words (for example, "electrical" vs "electoral"), but that distinction is irrelevant here, as you have defined any word use by a native speaker as correct, no matter what.

Even if this definition of fluency is "useless", it is the one that is used because a native speaker of a language is the ultimate authority on that language, on their dialect/idiolect.
This is another tautology: No matter what a native speaker says, it is defined as correct because a native speaker said it. It is also absurd.
By this definition, the sentence "my computer is slow" can be equally applied to a unpleasant-tasting fish as it can a poorly performing electronic device. Or any other collection of ideas for that matter. And then the entire concept of language breaks down because no information is being conveyed.
Words have defined meanings. While these definitions do change over time, they cannot be dynamically repurposed to convey any random thought. To argue otherwise is to say that the sentences "It is cold outside" and "My banana is rotten" are functionally identical, and that a native speaker saying "my water is green" is more correctly expressing displeasure at a politician than a a non-native speaker saying "they are stupid".
No matter what a native speaker says, it is defined as correct because a native speaker said it. It is also absurd.
By this definition, the sentence "my computer is slow" can be equally applied to a unpleasant-tasting fish as it can a poorly performing electronic device. Or any other collection of ideas for that matter. And then the entire concept of language breaks down because no information is being conveyed.
Words have defined meanings. While these definitions do change over time, they cannot be dynamically repurposed to convey any random thought. To argue otherwise is to say that the sentences "It is cold outside" and "My banana is rotten" are functionally identical, and that a native speaker saying "my water is green" is more correctly expressing displeasure at a politician than a a non-native speaker saying "they are stupid".
I am not defining any word use by a native speaker as correct; even native speakers occasionally make mistakes. Yes, saying that such utterances would mean such things is absurd indeed, and that is why I never attempted to imply that such a thing is the case. Instead, I am saying that a statement is only considered acceptable if a native speaker finds it acceptable and ties it to the same meaning consistently aside from simple slips of the tongue.