I am not saying they would do it with hostile intent, but more along the lines of either complete unawareness of its ramifications (a very common thing with RC and the primary reason I do not allow the removal of machines, no matter the intention) or a "everyone can do their own mod their own way" mentality. I have run into both in the past - the former with a mod that allowed a different way to transport RC power (negated the 3D nature of the power system, nullifying gearboxes like the old RF compatibility did), and the latter when asking for the ability to exclude ReactorCraft nuclear waste from "item destruction" machines like TE's nullifier (the response I was given was "well don't make an item you should have to have a special way to dispose of then"). Fortunately, in the former case they were understanding and killed the project, but in the latter case, well...that exploit still exists.
This becomes especially pertinent knowing that people have been asking for CC support for a long time, often asking for control over things for which I would never give control, but another developer, not knowing my reasons, likely would do in an effort to please their users.