DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
IGN: johnnymac17
Age: 16
Experience with mods: Ive been using tech mods since minecraft 1.7.3
Favorite Mod and why?: I really enjoy redpower because of its ability to automate and do many of the things other mods have and more.
Slowpoke or DW20: I think im gonna go with Direwolf on this one
he's been missing alot of us, tho he did say he'll be selective in OP

missed me also when you whitelisted the person after me
IGN Name: Saitek2073
Experience with Mods: For about the last year and half I have been using mods
Favorite mod and why?: BC,IC2 and RC. I like the idea of machines and rails. I enjoy making my home with lots of pipes and machines. Lets me feel like I am in charge of a company :)
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: Well that's a tough one to say. I have seen lot of Direwolf20's Let's play videos and Help videos. Just Starting to here about Slowpoke ( all good of course :) ) but I will choose Direwolf20 for President and Slowpoke for his VP

whitelist, welcome.

To those wondering why they are not whitelisted, its because I believe your app is lacking the effort required. Feel free to try again. Many thanks.
IGN: srixer01
Age: 16
Experience with mods: Love all mods!Stared with bc when yogscast covered technic but got the mod myself and than i got a lot of more mods and have benn adding sence.I have a lot of awsome singleplayer worlds i like huge builds and want to be a part of a the growing ftb comunity.Havent played with factorization but am wiling to try it out.
Favorite Mod and why?: I love bc ecause I started with it but i like ic2 more i think tohose too mods together are sometimes overpowering but the posobilities with them are endless.
Slowpoke or DW20: Gotta go with slowpoke because he gave us the wonderfull map and modpack that is ftb.
IGN Name: MysticIron
Experience with Mods: ive been messing with mods since 1.0, mainly because of watching Direwolf20's Let's Plays. Recently tried tekkit, didnt really like it, one server i was one gave banned people waaaaaaaaaay too many chances so i left and now im looking for an FTB server :)
Favorite mod and why?: BC when i first started then red power 2 now ever since frames was added
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: DW20, you can learn alot from him through his spotlights & LPs. Slow as his VP bc i love his drunken stream's and making an awesome Dev supported Mod Pack
Ingame Name: NimeniAltu666
Age: 17
Experience with Mods: Quite alot, except forestry, kinda noob :D
favorite mod and why?: I think redpower2 cause of it's pure awesomness :D, and the veriety of thing you can do with it, and the magical thaumcraft, which is ... magic!
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? => Why not both ?
Ingame Name: Scootee
Age: 22
Experience with Mods: Played Tekkit for around 8/9 month, and vanilla MC for around 18 month. Pretty up to date with my knowledge of most of the mods, although CC and RP2 are a bit rusty!
Favorite mod and why?: This one is a tough one, It's either forestry or Buildcraft. If i had to pick one though i think it would be forestry. Not yet played EE3 so that may take the top spot once it is added to FTB.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Why pick? Why not just have a coalition?!? They both deserve it for different reasons.
Ingame Name: Korsovan
Age: I'm as young as I feel. I'm 28
Experience with Mods: Like em love em. Know Tekkit stuff extensively, a little experience with Forestry, almost none with Mystcraft (no issue with controlled portals). Wish Fossils were here though :)
favorite mod and why?: If I had to pick one (stupid reason too) Redpower 2. I love cutting blocks into leetle pieces
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Can I pick PauseUnpause as a third party candidate?
Ingame Name: Deltabandit
Age: 14
Experience with mods: I know a good amount about mods in Feed the Beast, but Greg Tech I'm currently learning more about. With redpower2, buildcraft, ic2, and forestry I try to make cool machines that are helpful to myself and others.
Favorite mod and why?: Probally a tie between BuildCraft, Forestry, Redpower2, IC2, Railcraft, Factorization, Thaumcraft, and Mystcraft. But I probally like Railcraft the best.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for president?: Direwolf (only because he likes bees more than Slowpoke)
IGN: MLDnumnum
Age: 15
Experience with mods: Extensive, I have written a few mods that add small mobs like a bird and stuff. Otherwise I have been using mods for a long time.
Favorite Mod and why?: My favorite mod is probably Simply Horses, as it adds a great, and useful, mob to the game without ruining the game like Mo' creatures does. Mo' creatures adds too many things not to be considered game breaking, for instance it changes all the spawn patterns to be like the old Minecraft. Meaning sporadic and unpredictable.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Dire as he does great mod reviews and seems like a great guy, but if I could have it my way neither as probably the both hate politics, and couln't do jack for America, or whatever country you are referring to.[DOUBLEPOST=1353098215][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: MLDnumnum
Age: 15
Experience with mods: Extensive, I have written a few mods that add small mobs like a bird and stuff. Otherwise I have been using mods for a long time.
Favorite Mod and why?: My favorite mod is probably Simply Horses, as it adds a great, and useful, mob to the game without ruining the game like Mo' creatures does. Mo' creatures adds too many things not to be considered game breaking, for instance it changes all the spawn patterns to be like the old Minecraft. Meaning sporadic and unpredictable.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Dire as he does great mod reviews and seems like a great guy, but if I could have it my way neither as probably the both hate politics, and couln't do jack for America, or whatever country you are referring to.
I'm sorry, but if that isn't enough effort IDK what is. I refuse to type out my life's story just do join a server :/
Ingame Name: Capindoody3
Age: 15
Experience with Mods: None, this is my first time :P
favorite mod and why?: Forestry, it's awesome
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Slowpoke
IGN: MLDnumnum
Age: 15
Experience with mods: Extensive, I have written a few mods that add small mobs like a bird and stuff. Otherwise I have been using mods for a long time.
Favorite Mod and why?: My favorite mod is probably Simply Horses, as it adds a great, and useful, mob to the game without ruining the game like Mo' creatures does. Mo' creatures adds too many things not to be considered game breaking, for instance it changes all the spawn patterns to be like the old Minecraft. Meaning sporadic and unpredictable.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Dire as he does great mod reviews and seems like a great guy, but if I could have it my way neither as probably the both hate politics, and couln't do jack for America, or whatever country you are referring to.[DOUBLEPOST=1353098215][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm sorry, but if that isn't enough effort IDK what is. I refuse to type out my life's story just do join a server :/

That will do fine, there is reasoning behind it all but thank you for making the effort :)

these are all whitelisted, thanks

Ingame Name:


Experience with Mods:
Got experience with most of the mods in the pack, except from steves carts!

favorite mod and why?:
My favorite mod will probably be CC or Forestry!

Slowpoke for President!

Reason i want to join the server is that it gets pretty lonely playing by yourself in SSP... Also its fun to collaborate with other people.
Ingame Name: kaikalii
Age: 16
Experience with Mods: I've played most of the bigger mods in the pack (BC, IC2, EE3) semi-extensively. I would like to use the server as a chance to explore them further.
favorite mod and why?: Probably Forestry. I just love the automation, and there is something about the criss-crossing pipes of a tree farm that makes me smile :)
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? I would have to say Direwolf.
Ingame Name: AnthonyL

Age: 22

Experience with Mods:
Finished the first and current ftb maps with one or two other versions inbetween.
Played a bit with the same mods as DW20 back when i first subscribed to him.
Also tried some tekkit untill i got bored of how out of date it was.

favorite mod and why?:
RP2 by a long shot, while other mods add lots of fun gameplay elements Eloraam has time and again implemented things that i wouldn't have thought possible in minecraft and have completely changed the game.
Micro blocks adds a level of detail to any builds as well as means to making any factory more compact and pretty.
The wires and logic have reduced the size and complexity of redstone circuits by a downright ridiculous amount.
Frames just add a new level to everything from hidden doors to flying fortresses.
When it comes to computers i actually prefer CC but even CC wouldn't exist without RP.
Arguably the best sorting/item transporting/whatever you wanna call it blocks, they feel more balanced cost wise and require more thought than logistic pipes.
And the sickles! Why did it take so long for a proper way to get rid of leaves, it's not exactly a complex change but damn did that itch need scratching!

Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?
While FTB, the modpack, and the launcher wouldn't exist without him kickstarting the whole thing he's only a small part of it now whereas Direwolf continues to bring attention to the pack and other individual mods, he has the most all around knowledge about mods i've seen from any one player and has the charisma of a leader :p