Ingame Name: AnthonyL
Age: 22
Experience with Mods:
Finished the first and current ftb maps with one or two other versions inbetween.
Played a bit with the same mods as DW20 back when i first subscribed to him.
Also tried some tekkit untill i got bored of how out of date it was.
favorite mod and why?:
RP2 by a long shot, while other mods add lots of fun gameplay elements Eloraam has time and again implemented things that i wouldn't have thought possible in minecraft and have completely changed the game.
Micro blocks adds a level of detail to any builds as well as means to making any factory more compact and pretty.
The wires and logic have reduced the size and complexity of redstone circuits by a downright ridiculous amount.
Frames just add a new level to everything from hidden doors to flying fortresses.
When it comes to computers i actually prefer CC but even CC wouldn't exist without RP.
Arguably the best sorting/item transporting/whatever you wanna call it blocks, they feel more balanced cost wise and require more thought than logistic pipes.
And the sickles! Why did it take so long for a proper way to get rid of leaves, it's not exactly a complex change but damn did that itch need scratching!
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?
While FTB, the modpack, and the launcher wouldn't exist without him kickstarting the whole thing he's only a small part of it now whereas Direwolf continues to bring attention to the pack and other individual mods, he has the most all around knowledge about mods i've seen from any one player and has the charisma of a leader