Dr. Who is a terrible show

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So.. going out on a limb here.. could you say that Dr. Who is the eqivalent of ST:TOS x Monthy Python? I never watched anything DW vise, so don't throw rocks at me, I'm just trying to to get my mind wrapped around it. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Doctor Who doesn't directly compare to any other show on TV and is nothing like Star Trek.

Let me stress: there is nothing to compare it to. It's like comparing apples to black holes.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First and foremost: it's not sci-fi, it's fantasy. When "the power of love" can overcome .... no, ya know what, that's all that needs being said on that topic. If those words are uttered with a serious face it's not sci-fi. Don't even get me started on BS:G

Clearly, mate, you've been watching the wrong episodes.

With all of spacetime available as setting somehow these brilliant writers manage to set 90% of the episodes in London.

Of course. The writers are English, the audience is English, of course they'll try to incorporate landmarks from England for some familiarity. Also, it significantly reduces the money required for special effects.

How many "humans are special" speeches can one show contain? Again, fantasy.

Humans, individually, are idiots. I think the Doctor took a likeness to them because they reminded him of ... something.

The Daleks and Cybermen are quite possible the stupidest, least intimidating villains ever put on tv. THEY even know how idiotic they appear, shrieking "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" constantly. They have toilet plungers as weapons for petes sake.

They were fairly intimidating in the '60s, and of course they need to base the new designs off of the old ones. And think how mad longtime fans would be if they changed the voices.

And you didn't bring up the Cybermen once other than naming them. Next.

The girl companion, can't remember her name, is shallow.. selfish.. manipulative.. and a total *&(*&)& to her boyfriend (who she abandoned in a heartbeat but expects him to be cool with it)

You're not the only one who doesn't like Rose. She only lasts 2 seasons.

The writing is terrible, I constantly laugh out loud while watching at things that are supposed to be serious.

Clearly, mate, you've been watching the wrong episodes.

The effects and sets are laughably bad, like Star Trek TOS bad almost.

You clearly exaggerating.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually regarding bad special effects, I've still not forgotten the dire fake storm effect from Vampires in Venice. Easily the worst scene since 2005.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whovian, if you read the rest of the thread and not just my op you'll see that good discussion took place, and that I'm interested now in checking out the the older Who. I watched all of season 1 and half of 2 by the way (of the reboot), there's only so much "wait wait it gets better" before the "better" is the minority of episodes ;) If you say "wellllllllllllllll that's your problem! shit gets real in s3!" I'd say still not interested, as all my original points are still very much fact to me, I find zero redeeming qualities in the new show, as an American. The older stuff DOES sound terrifically fascinating though and I'm excited to check it out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whovian, if you read the rest of the thread and not just my op you'll see that good discussion took place, and that I'm interested now in checking out the the older Who. I watched all of season 1 and half of 2 by the way (of the reboot), there's only so much "wait wait it gets better" before the "better" is the minority of episodes ;) If you say "wellllllllllllllll that's your problem! shit gets real in s3!" I'd say still not interested, as all my original points are still very much fact to me, I find zero redeeming qualities in the new show, as an American. The older stuff DOES sound terrifically fascinating though and I'm excited to check it out.
It IS terrifically fascinating.
Also, the seventh doctor is the best doctor IMO.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Doctor Who doesn't directly compare to any other show on TV and is nothing like Star Trek.

Let me stress: there is nothing to compare it to. It's like comparing apples to black holes.

while true, i felt fringe was somewhat in the same sense of style for large portions of its arc. had kind of the same general feel, though both clearly had different focuses for development of characters and plot arcs. well at least for the new dr. who. the older stuff only really got into that realm of "feel" with the lapel celery doctor and the scarf doctor(4th and fifth respectively, more emphasis on the fifth.)

as to kilteroff and the endurance factor. most of the first four seasons of the new were building a branching network tying who, torchwood, sarah jane, and a few other specials/tv miniseries/multipart low budget movies together capping out with the davros revival to the end of what, s5? sarah jane covering reviving an old companion and servicing the kids show side, and torchwood winding up picking up the lgbt push that had been getting slammed into the main series.

the older stuff of course is pretty good if you were a fan of the st original series, and don't midn that tv production at that time assumed lines needed to be temporally spaced out quite a bit for audience comprehension, and plots kept pretty simple compared to today for much the same reason. winds up with a much slower paced feel.

also worth noting much of the original dr who is simply missing because the bbc threw away the film and/ or the originals degraded to useless with time. finding a home copy of some old series episodes is worth real monies if its one of the missing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Comparing Star Trek and Dr. Who is like comparing apples to black holes? That might be a little strong.

Both shows came out during the space race, both had very low budgets, and came up with creative ways to cut costs (Garbage-can Daleks, transporter rooms), both discuss human social problems using aliens, both have cheesy dialogue (in the case of ST:TOS), and both created revival and spin-off shows and movies.

Given, Star Trek is about a group of people, all competent in their fields, working together to explore away from Earth and Humans, and Dr. Who is about one person who is exceptional, and everyone else is a foil to him, who spend much their time defending against other things coming to Earth. So they are not the same show.

All shows that are famous enough have people who dislike them, and even when two shows appeal to similar demographics, there will be people who like one and dislike the other. I hope that even the people that choose to like one of these shows and dislike the other can see why the show they dislike is popular.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Clearly, mate, you've been watching the wrong episodes.

Indeed, Doctor Who is probably the single most fluctuating TV series I have ever seen, when the episodes are good, they tend to be really good (I'm talking like Blink here), when they are bad, they do rely on a lot of Deus Ex Machina and it does sometimes give it the "power of love" feel the OP is talking about (I mean like almost every season finale in the new series, ever). The rest of the episodes are pretty much in between bad in a good way, and somewhat-good.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Indeed, Doctor Who is probably the single most fluctuating TV series I have ever seen, when the episodes are good, they tend to be really good (I'm talking like Blink here), when they are bad, they do rely on a lot of Deus Ex Machina and it does sometimes give it the "power of love" feel the OP is talking about (I mean like almost every season finale in the new series, ever). The rest of the episodes are pretty much in between bad in a good way, and somewhat-good.

Blink was totally Awesome!!! Scared my sibling silly, and they still loved it, I can't say that about many shows that we watch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually rather like some of Moffat's episodes but some need to be improved.

I swear to Kansas that if they do the stupid stuff I think they will in November 23rd I'm gonna go march to Britain and bitchslap Steven Moffat in his face.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually rather like some of Moffat's episodes but some need to be improved.

I swear to Kansas that if they do the stupid stuff I think they will in November 23rd I'm gonna go march to Britain and bitchslap Steven Moffat in his face.

They're probably gonna.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You clearly weren't paying attention, or haven't watched the older series. If you think the villains aren't scary, then you clearly haven't seen the weeping angels. All those "Humans are special" speeches were because, yes. In the context of the series we were special. We brought a man back to life with our MINDS man. I think that's pretty fucking special. And again, you weren't paying attention because the Doctor was saved with the power of human mind and will. Not with love. Love doesn't count for crap in that kind of situation, and if you don't like it, why do you watch it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Real Housewives of "insert city" are all terrible shows. Marginally worse is anything exploiting teens on MTV and also that Honey Booboo show.

Dr Who, in comparison, is not only a great show, but closer to reality.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe you should fill the butthurt form too Drav.

With the effort you are putting in to call the OP a troll for having a different opinion (He even explained it too) I'd wager as an impartial observer that you should probably be filling out that form.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am English and was brought up on Dr Who. Personally I think it's ten tons of crap.

Unless....You're talking about the Tom Baker era. Jelly baby anyone ? That was the only Dr I enjoyed. The rest can all go to hell.
Sick of herig about the series tbh. Overated, but thankfully mostly enjoyed and talked about outside of this country.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Real Housewives of "insert city" are all terrible shows. Marginally worse is anything exploiting teens on MTV and also that Honey Booboo show.

Dr Who, in comparison, is not only a great show, but closer to reality.
Don't you find it amazing that those "reality shows" are more distant to reality than a sci-fi show?
That's kind of hilarious, if you think about it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't you find it amazing that those "reality shows" are more distant to reality than a sci-fi show?
That's kind of hilarious, if you think about it.

Don't say that! HoneyBooBoo might realize that not a single one of her family members are related to her and that she's really the product of a genetic cloning experiment called T.A.C.O.