First and foremost: it's not sci-fi, it's fantasy. When "the power of love" can overcome .... no, ya know what, that's all that needs being said on that topic. If those words are uttered with a serious face it's not sci-fi. Don't even get me started on BS:G
With all of spacetime available as setting somehow these brilliant writers manage to set 90% of the episodes in London.
How many "humans are special" speeches can one show contain? Again, fantasy.
The Daleks and Cybermen are quite possible the stupidest, least intimidating villains ever put on tv. THEY even know how idiotic they appear, shrieking "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" constantly. They have toilet plungers as weapons for petes sake.
The girl companion, can't remember her name, is shallow.. selfish.. manipulative.. and a total *&(*&)& to her boyfriend (who she abandoned in a heartbeat but expects him to be cool with it)
The writing is terrible, I constantly laugh out loud while watching at things that are supposed to be serious.
The effects and sets are laughably bad, like Star Trek TOS bad almost.
It IS terrifically fascinating.Whovian, if you read the rest of the thread and not just my op you'll see that good discussion took place, and that I'm interested now in checking out the the older Who. I watched all of season 1 and half of 2 by the way (of the reboot), there's only so much "wait wait it gets better" before the "better" is the minority of episodesIf you say "wellllllllllllllll that's your problem! shit gets real in s3!" I'd say still not interested, as all my original points are still very much fact to me, I find zero redeeming qualities in the new show, as an American. The older stuff DOES sound terrifically fascinating though and I'm excited to check it out.
Doctor Who doesn't directly compare to any other show on TV and is nothing like Star Trek.
Let me stress: there is nothing to compare it to. It's like comparing apples to black holes.
Dangit, hate it when I'm late. Maybe some music'll cheer me up.stuff
Clearly, mate, you've been watching the wrong episodes.
Indeed, Doctor Who is probably the single most fluctuating TV series I have ever seen, when the episodes are good, they tend to be really good (I'm talking like Blink here), when they are bad, they do rely on a lot of Deus Ex Machina and it does sometimes give it the "power of love" feel the OP is talking about (I mean like almost every season finale in the new series, ever). The rest of the episodes are pretty much in between bad in a good way, and somewhat-good.
I actually rather like some of Moffat's episodes but some need to be improved.
I swear to Kansas that if they do the stupid stuff I think they will in November 23rd I'm gonna go march to Britain and bitchslap Steven Moffat in his face.
Maybe you should fill the butthurt form too Drav.
Don't you find it amazing that those "reality shows" are more distant to reality than a sci-fi show?The Real Housewives of "insert city" are all terrible shows. Marginally worse is anything exploiting teens on MTV and also that Honey Booboo show.
Dr Who, in comparison, is not only a great show, but closer to reality.
Don't you find it amazing that those "reality shows" are more distant to reality than a sci-fi show?
That's kind of hilarious, if you think about it.