Dr. Who is a terrible show

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First and foremost: it's not sci-fi, it's fantasy. When "the power of love" can overcome .... no, ya know what, that's all that needs being said on that topic. If those words are uttered with a serious face it's not sci-fi. Don't even get me started on BS:G

With all of spacetime available as setting somehow these brilliant writers manage to set 90% of the episodes in London.

How many "humans are special" speeches can one show contain? Again, fantasy.

The Daleks and Cybermen are quite possible the stupidest, least intimidating villains ever put on tv. THEY even know how idiotic they appear, shrieking "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" constantly. They have toilet plungers as weapons for petes sake.

The girl companion, can't remember her name, is shallow.. selfish.. manipulative.. and a total *&(*&)& to her boyfriend (who she abandoned in a heartbeat but expects him to be cool with it)

The writing is terrible, I constantly laugh out loud while watching at things that are supposed to be serious.

The effects and sets are laughably bad, like Star Trek TOS bad almost.

I'm just gonna stop there, time to punch out, I could go on though... the show has zero redeeming qualities.

It's popularity absolutely baffles me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*shrugs* This is the off-topic chat forum. I really mean everything I wrote, was just looking for discussion. If I were trolling I'd have just said "Dr. Who is terrible, discuss."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lol, I expected the topic starting with "good, now that I have all your attention"
but I'll be honest, I never watched Dr. Who and I can't really be motivated to watch it either.
same goes for Game of Thrones, I know they are popular series and all, but just... meh


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lol, I expected the topic starting with "good, now that I have all your attention"
but I'll be honest, I never watched Dr. Who and I can't really be motivated to watch it either.
same goes for Game of Thrones, I know they are popular series and all, but just... meh
Don't bother with anything past series 4/the 2009 specials if you do end up watching it. Moffat kinda made Doctor Who bad when he took over as executive producer...

Sent from my phone using black magic


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dear Troll Candidate,

Thank you for your troll. Your troll has been evaluated by
our panel of experts. Here are the results of our tests.

We found that your troll was...
[ ] Incomprehensible
[ ] Offensive
[X] Just plain stupid
[ ] Without merit
[ ] Grammatically incorrect
[ ] Laced with spelling and punctuation errors
[ ] Laden with circular reasoning
[ ] Laced with misunderstandings of basic scientific principles
[ ] Somewhat too revealing of your minimal mental abilities
[ ] Too similar to other trolls submitted by candidates in the past.

You could improve your troll considerably by...
[ ] Including a few actual facts.
[ ] Taking remedial English lessons
[ ] Mentioning the E-10 more.
[ ] Mentioning Memory Sticks more.
[ ] Mentioning that you are a professional.
[X] Stating more falsehoods as facts than you already have.
[ ] Swearing more.
[ ] Including more colorful personal insults.
[ ] Using the phrases "you people" or "those people" more.
[ ] Modifying your insults to cover larger groups of people at once.
[ ] Ranting incoherently.
[ ] Using religious or racial slurs.
[ ] Using the words "junk", "crap", "garbage", "toy", "flimsy" and "Professional" more frequently.
[ ] Using childish taunts.
[ ] Including fake laughter such as "ha ha ha" or "har de har de har".
[ ] Focusing on just one outrageous topic will give your troll more punch.
[ ] Ignoring any facts, and using more absolutes in your troll.
[ ] Using all capital letters.
[ ] Focusing more on those areas in which "your" camera is better than "their" camera.
[ ] Exaggerate more, you need not be limited by facts. Examples: Say that you only used the camera for 10 seconds. Say that it was garbage. Say that the viewfinder was invisible. Say that the grip was unholdable. Say that the shutter was unpressable. Say that the colors were all wrong. Say that you could tell it was garbage by just looking at it. Say that the controls are all in the wrong places. Say that the camera color is wrong. Say that it is too heavy or light or too much or too little plastic or say that it was made by Sanyo or even elves; it dosen't matter what you say. Just say anything that pops into your head, you can do it. Think stream of consciousness.

Please get a...
[X] life
[ ] grip
[ ] job
[ ] clue
[ ] book on basic photography
[ ] note from your mom
[ ] real camera
[ ] basic camera
[ ] film camera

You should...
[ ] Have someone who can read review your postings.
[ ] Save your postings out and think later if you really want to send them.
[X] Take your meds.
[ ] Not have "one for the road" next time.
[ ] Stay in school.
[ ] Go and buy whatever camera you want, we don't care.
[ ] Think about other people's feelings before you post.
[ ] Get your ego boost some other way.
[ ] Realize that by trolling a group you hurt everyone, not just the people you are mad at.
[ ] Go away so we can talk about cameras.
[ ] Put up a web site with your great photos on it to show the world.
[ ] Take down your web site, your photos are horrible.

Suggested other activities besides trolling.
[X] Posting something constructive.
[ ] Taking actual pictures with your camera.
[ ] Helping someone else.
[ ] Spending some time with your family instead of your camera.
[ ] Working off that big pot belly.
[ ] Get your ego boost instead by helping out at a local hospital.
[ ] Consider another hobby that does not require contact with other humans such as wood burning, breeding flowers, painting or mortuary science.

Thanks for your submission.

You have [ ] passed [ ] passed with honors [X] failed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dude seriously, I'M the troll?? Who's provoking who lol.

Anyway, like the last line in my op said.. I'm trying to understand it's popularity. Not looking for a fight. Since all I'm getting is fanboy backlash I guess my points were valid.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dude seriously, I'M the troll?? Who's provoking who lol.

Anyway, like the last line in my op said.. I'm trying to understand it's popularity. Not looking for a fight. Since all I'm getting is fanboy backlash I guess my points were valid.

It's called taste.
Some people like it, some don't.
Get over it.
I hate most parties, electro music (Daft Punk and DnB are exceptions).
I don't.

Example: I don't like Avenged Sevenfold, but Lambert does. I like Area 11, but Lambert doesn't.
That doesn't mean we are going to bash at each other.
We both like Queen and Disturbed.
That doesn't mean we are going to go "OMG YOU ARE ANOTHER PERSON WITH GOOD TASTE!".

Your thread name and the things you say are basically this: Doctor Who is a bad show and I don't understand why people like since it's so bad.
If it was rephrased to be like this: Doctor Who is a bad show IMO and I want to know why you like it so much, since I think it's bad; you wouldn't be called a troll.
The words you put as a whole affect how are the results of your questionary.
To quote Virgodess:
"Choose words with caution, for they contain power."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I phrased it that way because I feel the show is actually objectively bad. You are the one who said I needed to be "taught a fucking lesson". I've been civil throughout, but whatever.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're making incorrect assumptions. I suspect you don't realise the show's age. Doctor Who is 50 years old in November.

The show is very British. That's half the point actually. Fundamentally the show is the iconic family show that was never afraid to take kids seriously (formally a children's show but it's been going since 1963 on and off and a show running that long picks up entire generations of fans) and this is the priority concern. There's no doubt that viewed out of context it's going to look a bit odd. Although the show has a very strong sci-fi theme as that was what was the most successful approach throughout the show's history, it is not designed to be primarily a sci-fi show. It never was. It is, as you say, fantasy with a sci-fi bent to it.

The Daleks and Cybermen are guaranteed ratings magnets in the UK (again, the show's age and these enemies' extremely long and storied history in the canon) so they always keep coming back. In fact the Daleks majorly contributed to defining Doctor Who as a whole in the early years.

Also the show's continuity has become a law unto itself which causes the frequent Deus Ex Machina resolutions as after all he's been through the Doctor really should be able to god-mode almost every encounter he faces at this point. He's reset the universe more than once already! With a show revolving around time travel and races of superlative technological ability for 50 years escalation of threat to ridiculous extremes is inevitable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am generally a fan of anything British, especially British scifi. I can't get into Dr. Who though. I don't blame the show though, I can't get into ANY scifi shows at all since they cancelled Farscape and murdered Dune yet again.

Red Dwarf though, I'll take that all day long. I don't care how cold it is outside, or whether there's any atmosphere.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Finally actual discussion, thank you. I'm very aware of the lineage, and I can respect that aspect of fandom, truly. Problem being that literally 100% of people I personally know who watch and adore the show have never seen anything but the new show. That's actually what I think is the heart of the matter, anglophilia. There's a caste of people these days that try desperately to show how cultured they are; usually the people who loudly bray they don't even own a tv anytime anyone around them mentions a show, they yell "there's nothing good on tv, I read" but continue reading books after the release of Twilight or 50 shades of grey, lol. These people will watch ANYTHING on BBC america simply because it's British. Ripper Street for instance, which is (imo) a barely adequate cops&robbers show that would be completely un-noteworthy if not for the setting. I blame the R Downey jr. Sherlock movies for this intense like of anything British.

Bear in mind I play Eve, and play with tons of English players every day, honestly haven't met one I didn't like. This isn't ... an attack or anything like that, please don't think that.

On reflection I should've made the topic something like "why is this show so popular in the states", cause I get the fandom in England, like I said I was aware of the length of series.

Speaking of deus-ex's, the sonic screwdriver is so out of hand. I am 100% aware that it's intentionally cheeky, that it's a winkwink, but it's used like 10 times an episode. The entire show just seems like a winkwinknudgenudge, which doesn't apply to fans who haven't seen the old series.... which is the root of my confusion.[DOUBLEPOST=1369621603][/DOUBLEPOST]
I am generally a fan of anything British.

I rest my goddamn case.

I like Red Dwarf too >_>
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I rest my goddamn case.
I like Red Dwarf too >_>
Don't lump me into your wannabe hipster generalization. The Dr Who I actually did watch was via PBS and he was the 70's doctor.

There's also nothing wrong with liking BBC America. It has horrible shows, and a few winners just like anything else.