DomainCraft Direwolf20 Modpack Server! | 1.4.6 (Dw20Pack) | Whitelist |

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Minecraft Username: dunnyfinbar8
Age: 15
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) I don't know of the specifics of the DW20 pack, but I have dabbled with FTB and that mod pack was the reason I got back into MC. :) I am pretty sure it doesn't include GregTech and I fully approve of that. :)
Are you a mature player? I'm going to say yes, even though my wife would probably disagree. ;)
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No
Did you read the rules? Yes I sure did.
What is the policy about lag? Do not complain about lag as you guys are doing your best to keep it to a minimum.
Minecraft Username: Nacon_TG
Age: 31
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D)
I know the FTB mods, not sure which ones are in DW20 pack.
Are you a mature player?
Id like to think that i am.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why?
Did you read the rules?
What is the policy about lag?
No whining since that's not how you fix it.

I saw the applications are closed on the first post. But if a spot happens to free up, please consider me.
Minecraft Username: PepsimaxL
Age: 14
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) I have been useing most of the mods for almost a year, and i have been watching DW20 since season 4
Are you a mature player? Yeah
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? I have been banned by greifing ( 8 months ago )
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? do not whine abaut it, its not gonna get fixed by spamming the chat.
Minecraft Username: _Xach_
Age: 14
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack?: Well some, but there are a few new ones :P
Are you a mature player: Absolutely!
Have you ever been banned on a server: Sort of , Thiey thought i greifed their last server (Idk why they would think that though)
Did you read the rules: Si.
What is the policy about lag: Don't Complain about the lag
Minecraft Username: T3amTact1cal
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D): a little
Are you a mature player?: mostly yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why?: on a ftb server nope, but normal servers yes :3(reasons- Exploting,ect. ect. But this is why I joined ftb to get away from all that nonsence)
Did you read the rules?: Yes
What is the policy about lag: Do not complain about lag, we try our best to keep the lag to a minimum, but saying "LAG!" in the chat doesn't help..
Minecraft Username:Mumbler2011
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Yes ik all of them and a few im around 85% at. i understand most of the technical mods and that stuff but not the ones that are still in progess like XyCraft
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? Yes because i was giving out stuff on a tekkit server. thats why i left tekkit and joined ftb again. i never liked tekkit only to play with my friends
Did you read the rules?Yes
What is the policy about lag?Dont complain about lag
Minecraft Username: corinator1
Age: 13
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) yes
Are you a mature player? yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? yes, someone built their town on my house and the server banned me ):
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? NO COMPLAINING! (basically)
Minecraft Username:zigcraft
Age:12 almost 13
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) yes yes I do
Are you a mature player? yes I be leave so
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? no not to my knowledge
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? do not complain about lag you try your best to keep it smooth and saying LAG in chat dose not help
Age: 16~
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? I know a little. new to alot of the mods though.
Are you a mature player? Yes most of the time~
Have you ever been banned on a server. nope :D.
Did you read the rules? why yes, yes i did.
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain about it in chat by saying LAG!. or such.
Minecraft Username:Manuel033
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know )Not a lot but some of buildcraft.
Are you a mature player?Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why?In a FTB server no this is going to be the first time
Did you read the rules?tes
What is the policy about lag?Dont complain.
Minecraft Username: gamer556
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D)I know about most mods but not all of them (Industrial Craft/Thaumcraft/etc.)
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? Yes, for griefing, but I gave that up a long time ago and only on 1 or 2 occasions
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain about lag as people are doing their best to keep it running smoothly
Minecraft Username:XxPULS3KILL3RxX
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) I know some thing but not all i am also watching Direwolf20's lets play series on youtube and have been learning
Are you a mature player? I believe i am but if you think im not feel free to kick/ban/ip ban me
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No i havent i had minecraft for almost 2 weeks and play solo
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? Not to complain about it, Also the saying "LAG" on chat wont help either, you also said that you might remove mods to keep lag at minimum.
Minecraft Username: thePeacebro
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) yes
Are you a mature player?yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why?no
Did you read the rules?yes
What is the policy about lag?Do not complain about lag, because you guys are trying your best to keep it at a minimum.
Minecraft Username: Impossible4
Age: 15
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack?: Yes, I've been playing mods since beta 1.6.6
Are you a mature player: Yes, but the question is, are you?
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!): No
Did you read the rules: What rules? Just kidding, yes I did.
What is the policy about lag: Don't complain, you're doing your best with what you have.
Minecraft Username: enake
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) i know 99% of the mods very well
Are you a mature player? yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? yes misunderstanding and the moderator being silly
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? dont complain and dont say LAG!
Minecraft Username: zappgun
Age: 14
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? Almost all of them.
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server? No
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? Do not complain and say "LAG" in chat
Minecraft Username: Sacar
Age: 23
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) - Know all of them, I have been following direwolf20's youtube channel since season 1 :) And played a homemade ftb-like pack since the mods were available.
Are you a mature player? I'd say I am.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? I have not. The only server I have played on that was not my own was Misguided Theorem, a FTBA server that stopped to exist sometime here in december.
Did you read the rules? Yes I did.
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain about lag, you're trying your best.

I am a danish guy, living in luxembourg, I love to talk and chat with people when I play minecraft, but all my IRL friends stopped playing MC and went back to WoW or girlfriends, while I still enjoy the techpart of modded minecraft.

Minecraft Username: lolface1008
Age: 15
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) yes, played with them for around 2 years and am playing with DW20 pack now.
Are you a mature player? Depends on how you look at it. Mostly mature though.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? Nope
Did you read the rules? Yes,
What is the policy about lag? Don't whine about it, 'cause you are fixing it.