DomainCraft Direwolf20 Modpack Server! | 1.4.6 (Dw20Pack) | Whitelist |

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Minecraft Username:apollo_19
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) a little kinda new to mods but i love them and cant go back to vinilla servers!
Are you a mature player? yes i have grown up alot in the last year and feel comfortable on servers
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? none that i can recall.
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? saying "LAG!" doesn't get you any where so don't say it !?
Minecraft Username Cha0tixz
Age: 17
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Yes ofcourse
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? MCbans says i am an alternate acount of croatbag, but i have no idea who that is. I think someone hacked my mc acount once or it must have been an bug.
Did you read the rules? Yes i sure did
What is the policy about lag? Do not complain about lag, we try our best to keep the lag to a minimum, but saying "LAG!" in the chat doesn't help..
Minecraft Username: Shivy011
Age: 17
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? Yes, a fair amount. Have a lot of experience with most of the mods (e.g BC, IC2, RP2 etc)
Are you a mature player? I'd like to think so ;)
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No bans to date
Did you read the rules? Yes I have :)
What is the policy about lag? We shouldn't complain. E.g not say LAG! in chat, as you guys try to keep lag to a minimum.
Minecraft Username:Falloutcarater
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack?: yes i do cuz i watch Direwolf20's Series
Are you a mature player?:Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server: just because i forgot to keep Redstone Engines on That is one Strict server
Did you read the rules?: Yes
What is the policy about lag?: Don't Complain
Minecraft Username: WateverJ
Age: 16
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Played these mods for a long time, in tekkit/ftb.
Are you a mature player? Yes. Cant prove it without playing but yes.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? Yes, I was banned on a hardcore pvp/raid server because i killed an abusive moderator.
Did you read the rules? Yes, I think that they are all fair and good rules.
What is the policy about lag? Try your best to ignore any, dont spam LAG into chat.
Minecraft Username: Jaredwg
Age: 12
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know ) I like to think I know quite a lot :p
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain - you're trying to keep it to a minimum. ( The first rule about lag is that you don't talk about lag)

sorry - didnt see the whitelist was closed...
Minecraft Username: lakris2
Age: 13
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) kinda
Are you a mature player? Yea
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? I never
Did you read the rules? Yea
What is the policy about lag? Dont complain it wont fix the lag
Minecraft Username: Mucanius
Age: 16
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D): Yes i know most of the things about them.
Are you a mature player? : Yes, I am, but sometimes i can be a little troll...( Don't worry i'm not a RichardG clone ;DD)
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? : No I have not been banned.
Did you read the rules? Yes, I read them
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain about it (I don't like lag but i can live with it if it's not so big)
Minecraft Username:Jepikaiye
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Alot
Are you a mature player? Yes.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? dont complain! Dont say on the chat LAG!
Age: 15
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? I am good with most of the mods, except for Computercraft and the Rp2 Computers
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server? Nope never.
Did you read the rules? Yes, of course
What is the policy about lag? Do not complain about lag, don't shout "Lag", and don't generate lag on purpose.
IGN: LuffyNL
Minecraft Username: ParasiteCZ
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D)I know basics and something more
Are you a mature player? I like intelligent conversations and i can handle mature things
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No i am not banned,but i am wrongly banned at one server,i think they misspelled someones nickname
Did you read the rules?Yes
What is the policy about lag? Dont be annoying,dont spam chat if there will be lag
Age: 15
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? Yes, played with ic/bc for a very long time and also know a bit about new mods.
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server? Only by abusive admins and trolls.
Did you read the rules? Yes i have.
What is the policy about lag?
Do not complain about lag, we try our best to keep the lag to a minimum, but saying "LAG!" in the chat doesn't help..
Minecraft Username: superrikje
Age: 14
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) yes, i played tekkit and the FTB beta pack
Are you a mature player? yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? yes, on a server of my friend, and we had quarrel
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? do not complain about it, you try to hold it minimum lag.
(Sorry about my english, i'am from holland)
Minecraft Username:jga620
Age: 14
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) yes, i have watched all of DW20's lets plays, so I pretty much know lots about all of the mods
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? I have been banned from a server once, because one of the admins griefed my home, and I was complaining to the owner, so the admin that griefed me banned me.
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? Do not complain about it, you are trying to minimize lag!
Minecraft Username: MrGman2000
Age: 13
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack?: i dont rally know that much about the modpack
Are you a mature player?: not rally i do ask for a lot of help
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? no i have never been ban fro a server because i dont rally play minecraft that often
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? do not complain about lag and if you do you may get ban
Minecraft Username: Loudrob
Age: 11
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) I know mostly about ic2 build craft
Are you a mature player?: Yes.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why?: No, not that i know of at least. Ill check mcbans. (oh i see someone banned me from a server i was never on O_O)
Did you read the rules?: Yes
What is the policy about lag?: Do not Complain about it.
Minecraft Username:
Age: 17
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) : Ive been apart of the Dire army since his 3rd season and ive played a bit by myself but sadly my computer lags to no end, however, ive been playing on a private sever for about four to five days now with lil to no lag at all.
Are you a mature player? i consider myself a mature player, i hate griefing, and love helping
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? i have not ever been banned on a server before
Did you read the rules? yes i did
What is the policy about lag? complaing about lag doesnt solve/fix it, so do no complain and just wait it out[DOUBLEPOST=1356550444][/DOUBLEPOST]
Minecraft Username:
Age: 17
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) : Ive been apart of the Dire army since his 3rd season and ive played a bit by myself but sadly my computer lags to no end, however, ive been playing on a private sever for about four to five days now with lil to no lag at all.
Are you a mature player? i consider myself a mature player, i hate griefing, and love helping
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? i have not ever been banned on a server before
Did you read the rules? yes i did
What is the policy about lag? complaing about lag doesnt solve/fix it, so do no complain and just wait it out

oops forgot minecraft username
username: shootingdragon
Minecraft Username:Skallnove
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D):I'm watching DW20 videos. I know almost every mod
Are you a mature player?: yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why?:no
Did you read the rules?:yes
What is the policy about lag?:dount complaine
Minecraft Username: enderevil1337
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) I know most of the mods in the dw20 modpack.
Are you a mature player?ill say so because i hate griffers and i love to help out with whatever i can
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why?nope i always fallow the rules of the server that im playin on.
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? dont complain because u guys r trin ur best
Minecraft Username: Leafpaw
Age: 15
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Most except MFFS, Thaumcraft, and railcraft
Are you a mature player? yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? yes, said "god dammit" in chat
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain or say "lag" in chat