Private Pack Dogs of the State: Colony [DotS Pack v1.0]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Dogs of the State is a gaming community that has been playing games together for over 5 years now. We've also been running a Minecraft server since Multiplayer went live, and have gone through several different town/server configurations.

If you are mature, seeking a tight-knit community, and wanting to be part of fun and massive builds while helping each-other survive, "Dogs of the State" is the place for you. We have instituted an age restriction of 18+. We are only looking for the best and most friendly players, who can also communicate well and are looking for a constant community to spread their wings in.


As a fluke, several active duty personnel (and vets) chose to make the Dogs of the State Server their home. The administrator has an intimate knowledge of that life, and in making that connection has chosen to make this an additional selling point. As an added bonus, Military personnel (of any branch, of any country, past or present) be sure to mention your branch, and rank, on your application.

Thank you, for your service and dedication to your country.


  • Be Sure you Can Read and Write (I cannot stress this enough).
  • Be, Mature.
  • We do not tolerate lying, cheating, stealing, or generally annoying immaturity. You will be banned for these offenses.
  • Only apply if you fulfill our age requirement.
  • If you cannot speak eloquently, type full words, or only speak in LEET, we DO NOT want you. Some shorthand, sometimes, is alright. Just, please, try to type for real. "Use your words Billy". If you can't be bothered to type "ok" instead of "kk". We don't want you.
  • Any resources in your house or pocket are yours. Otherwise we are a commune and share our goods. Public chests are public, share with others, refill what you take. Thieves will be banned ( if you’re not sure if it’s public, leave it alone).
  • You may only have one "house" (aka place to store your crap). You will be told where you can build/mine etc.
  • One Last Note: If you have a problem on the server, talk to someone. We are adults. This is an 18+ server. We can "talk". If you can't talk to one person, talk to another, come to -me-. (read the conflict resolution section)
  • If you've read all these rule the last thing you need to remember to survive on our Server is : ROYGBIV
Rules for founding community projects can be found here: link


  • Be Sure you have read and understood this entire post. then fill out the application.
  • Your application will be evaluated asap and you’ll whitelisted and send the modpack key (PM).
  • If you have read this post, you should get through the Noob Challenge easily.
  • Once you are through the challenge. Look around, ask questions, be polite, and get to know us. A mod should be with you shortly to give you the tour.
  • After your tour a Mod will work out a time to interview you.
  • Your maturity is the biggest factor in having your application approved.
  • Those who do not log on for more than a week, without prior notice, may find their houses demolished to make room for regular players.

To be whitelisted you must read this entire post and then complete the application below. Please answer all questions truthfully and post it here in this thread - we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Have you READ everything before this?
  • Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)?
  • How old are you?
  • What gender do you wish to be know by?
  • What is your Minecraft Username?
  • What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis?
  • What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)?
  • Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)?
  • If you are added, how often do you intend to be on?
  • What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play?
  • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State?
  • (Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too?
  • (Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed?
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Reactions: Tesmetron


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

- Whitelist.
- Server Hostname:
- We have an Dallas server with 20 slots (we'll add more if we have a flood of applicants).
- Server is running Feed the Beast (Custom Modpack: link).

Support Us
If you like your time on our Dogs of the State server, add our page on G+ to your circles (we will have more pics there too).
You can also find a Donation Button (that helps keep the server running) at


  • When you are accepted as a probationary player you will be allowed to build a home in The Noobtown.
  • Go to and register your standard in the Hall of Colors.
  • Probationary players are granted access to a 27x27 plot. You can have a free pick from the provided plots.
  • It is your obligation to create a nice looking property. What you build will influence how long it takes you to get out of probation. The classic dirt cube won’t get you very far and pixel art is frowned upon unless it’s *really* well integrated and subtle. All in all build some nice looking architecture and you’re good.
  • Resources may only be gathered in your own plot, in the extra dimensions and far away from spawn (coordinates 1024+)
  • There is no law in the extra dimensions; venture forth at your own risk.

It's pathetic that this section needs to exist. It continues to be a problem either way: so we are spelling it out for all you noobs and Players to read. If you are caught gossiping about a problem you have with another Player, Moderator, or Admin, you will be banned. No questions asked; those who were gossiping with you may risk being banned as well.

Gossip, whining, and the "woe is me" attitude is not productive to having a good time. Players that collude to talk themselves into a frenzy without addressing the heart of the problem do not contribute to the well-being of our server. With these points said here is what you should do, in a simple step by step breakdown if you have a problem.

1: Solve it Yourself: Communicate with the Player you have a problem with. Engage in civil conversation to come to an agreement.

2: Talk to a Moderator: If you have a problem with another player you may come to a Moderator. You may do this ONLY after you have tried to work out the problem with the player in question. If you have a problem with another player, the first thing the Mod should ask you is, "have you spoken to X about this problem".

3: Talk to the Admin: If you have a problem with a Moderator (or a mod could not help you with the Player in question), then you can talk to the Admin. Send a whisper to the Admin and politely engage them IN game. If they cannot be reached you can send them a PM.

4: NO, REALLY, TALK TO THE ADMIN: If your problem is with the Admin, do not contact a Moderator. Talk to the Admin directly. If you are civil and well spoken your opinion will go farther.

Again if you are caught stewing or colluding with other players in unproductive and venomous rabble you probably will be KICKED at the very least: at worse, banned. We are not babies, for the most part we are adults, gossip and keeping our issues festering inside solves nothing. Deal with it.




New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If the code can't be distributed freely do you plan on PMing the current players with the code. I'm excited to see you all again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The code is not ready. Be prepared. Your team s working hard for YOU! Looks like next week release if all goes well.
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Reactions: R8MC


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We will distribute the code among you guys as soon as we have it. Until then, read the OP again. It has a few changes and there's some information in there how the server's going to look from now on.
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Reactions: danw3st


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, Rats... I do wish the mod authors would lighten up a bit. Are plots 10 chunks apart from each other? The player loading distance is fairly large.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In fact, take the time to read the document because I'll go on the record saying right now:
The server is whitelisted and nobody is able to log on. This will NOT change until the private key is released as per agreement. We will let you know when things are kosher.
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Reactions: M!C


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Been busy destroying some other random games and catching up on lots of tv shows as a break from Minecraft. Can't wait to get back into it though :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm trying to understand Compact Solar Panels vs Advanced Solars.
The Advanced Solars work at night at 1/8th power while Compact Solars go dead during night and rain.

Can we have both? That way if you want to make LOTS of basic solar panels and package them up you can, but if you want to have night power that you can make those instead?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the idea is that you should never have more than 8 of a lower tier panel with compact solars but with advanced solars it's cheaper to build a ton of lower tier solars and run them to get your iridium production up enough so you can start making the higher tier solars. Yes there's a tradeoff with night time production of energy. My concern is that is there really a performance improvement? The way I understand compact solars they create an array in a single block. They still send out the same size packets just more of them. That it's to say a lv solar panel is 8 eu/t but it's sent out in the same 1 eu/t packets but 8 of them. Mv is 64 x 1 eu/t packets. Hv 512 x 1 eu/t. So having a hv solar is the same as having 512 solar panels.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The larger arrays send out a single, larger EU packet. An LV array will burn out Ultra LV cabling.

What we need is a Ministry of Iridium that has two fusion reactors, one to fuse iridium and another to power the iridium fusion reactor.
And a Ministry of Chrome that commits daily acts of Genocide vs a Witch generator for redstone dust.

With these things available as common resources the power needs of everybody's builds should be lower.
