OK, don't judge me for wanting this please, and if its against the rules to ask here about this, please can you forgive me for this one, I already know how to use NBTExplorer and already have it installed, the problem is since I and my brother will play on a server (100% private family server here), I'm not sure where to find the correct level.dat file to edit and if there's anything I need to disable to have also unlimited number of lives, I have HQM on the Utopia3 pack but it didn't had any hardcore mode enabled on it so we had unlimited lives already there so I had no problems. The adventure looks like real epic and I want to try it really bad, but we already died 5 times each and restarted from scratch every single time, we've learned some of the basics of this awesome adventure, but I don't want to try again if there's no ways to disable the hardcore mode and HQM lives system.