Whitelist Server DireWolf20 v5.2.1 5 Slot Open!![Whitelist][10 Slots][No PvP][New Server][Mature][24/7]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: timx222

Age: 15, mature for my age.

Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: Yes.

If so why: I was RPing as a bandit and I wanted to know if people who resided in the protection city the owner set up (where pvp = a ban) could be killed when they were outside the walls. He didn't understand what I meant by that, and he banned be because he thought I was just arguing for the sake of being annoying, which is an understandable mistake.

Time zone: Eastern Standard Time.

FTB experience: I have been playing Feed the Beast for more than 200 hours now, and I specialize in alchemy and complex setups and machinery, I also love building with the new blocks in FTB.

Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Yes, I enjoy speaking to people I'm playing with and love TS3.

What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): I am looking for a server with a strong, generous and fair community with mature players. I really like a server with a smaller playerbase, and I am a big fan of servers which make good use of TS3 and Mumble or other VOIP programs. A lot of servers I have been on have shut down, and I hope that this one will last for a while, and that I can have a good time meeting people, making friends, and generally having a good time. I hope this server will be what it looks to be, which is the perfect server for me.

What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): To this server I bring a lot of experience with all types of mods, from Thaumcraft to Industrialcraft to Modular Carts. I also bring a strong personality and a smart brain to the table. I can help with all kinds of things that I have experience in, everything from mods in game to things out of game. I am known to give away items to newer players than I, and I can preserve the server's lack of bad behavior as I never grief, raid, or steal. At least, not unless I'm on MCPvP. Finally, I can bring to this server one more person to strengthen the community as a whole, and help resolve issues or come up with new, innovative ideas for the game, server, or what someone is doing.

Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): I have been admin quite often on vanilla servers, and I feel have done a very good job.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server:Never
Time zone:US CT
FTB experience:I have ben playing ftb since it came out but i still have allot to laern about ftb.
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak:Yes im always on the ftb ts3 server.
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): I am on/was on the bitlimit server and since it died i am trying to find a new play were i can fit in and make new friends.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences):I love making adanced systems of redstone redpower and most of the mods in ftb. Im also great with redstone.
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful):I have owned my own server and was a admin on several servers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: iole99

Age: 14
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: Twice
If so why: I do take responsibility for one of my two bans, spamming. But, my other ban was a misunderstanding. Diamond blocks used to be the way to protect on the server I was banned on. And a griefer came. I placed a diamond block and called admins. When they banned him, I removed it. The admins thought I was the griefer and that I placed the diamond block so he couldn't destroy on his own land. Both bans were a year ago. I learned from my lessons, please do not judge me.
Time zone: PDT -8 hours
FTB experience: I have been playing FTB for maybe 4 months. I play Mindcrack and Direwolf20. That may not seem too much but I did use to play tekkit. Too much.
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Indeed but there may be some background noise. That will be fixed very shortly because I may be getting a new microphone but if not I'm for sure getting beats with mic on july 1st
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): I don't like big server very much, people ignore you and donators are treated like gold and too overpowered. I want a fair community with everyone helping each other. But what I don't want is a empty server either. I want to be around mature and understanding people not nine year olds spamming the chat because a diamond fell into lava. I also want to see active staff who do their job, not trolling people.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): I may be 14 but I'm more mature than everyone thinks. I'd rather talk with adults about economy than talking with friends about girls (Spoiler alert: Biggest nerd in history). I'm also understanding and willing to support the server on tough times, I know bad it can be having your server in trouble and I do not with for it to happen on other servers. This may not be very important but I travel a lot and I know about many cultures. I can speak, read and write three different languages perfectly. (Except a little bit of accent in English).
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): I used to run an expensive server (50$/month), so I had to take good care of it. I know about plugins, configs, permissions etc... I ran a tekkit server and a regular minecraft server. Until people just left... I may have failed but I have some experience sadly I don't know much about Java but I am willing to learn this summer

Thank you for reading this application and I look forward to hearing from you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you ever been banned from a minecraft server:NO
if so why: -----
FTB experience:Half a Year now
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak:yes
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences):im looking for small private server with friendly ppl(helping no griefing).mature server no 8 year kids cursing.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences):right hand if someone needs help,team up with someone (make TEAM base),friendly person,help someone with my knowledge about some mods


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: MarkillionV2

My timezone is PST.

How long have you been playing minecraft?
I have been playing minecraft since early alpha days, shortly after SMP was introduced. Long long time ago, I know, but that was on this other account that my brother's friend owned, that I had lost access to about a year ago. In the long time I have played minecraft, I have been banned Once, for having the account name very very close to the server owner, so I got banned to avoid confusion.

How much experience do you have with modded minecraft:
I have tons of experience with Modded minecraft. I played tekkit, shortly after it came out, and am quite literally a master at it. I played the original feed the beast pyramid map when it first came out, and have been playing since then. I have contributed quite a bit to the tekkit, and feed the beast wiki, and have taught computercraft to many players.

What is your favorite mod:
My favorite mod is Applied energistics, due to the simplicity of it. It is really easy to setup automatic crafting, and the entire system is genius! Ever since my friend showed me it, I have been hooked, and personally am unable to play a server that does not have the mod. Prior to my favorite mod being applied Energistics, it was redpower, because it made it simpler to build a factory, and the fact that the pipes didn't overflow made my life so much easier. I like a lot of the mods, and some of my other favorite mods are Enderchests, because of the fact that they are simple, and each player can have as many as them as they want, while still being able to share with other people. In the line right before enderchests is Thermal expansion and Buildcraft. I like thermal expansion, because the redstone conduits and liquiducts handle liquids and power so much better than buildcraft pipes. Liking them is similar to my reason for liking redpower, because they have very few jams, and minimal overflow, which makes my life hundreds of times easier. some other mods I like are Buildcraft Quarrys, Everything Ic2, some thaumcraft, and then it gets into xycraft, however, lately xycraft has been getting better, so it may be moving up the list pretty quick, as fabricators, and the tanks are very very cool.

How often do you play:
Simple response is, I play when I have time. My parents are divorced, so I have to go from house to house now and then, and when I am at my mothers house, I typically can't play that much, and she owns a cabin. At my dads house, I typically can play all day, which I normally do. I feel that I would be a great asset to the community, as my playtime is an average of 10 hours per day. That's a LOT!

Why do you want to join/Why should you be whitelisted:
I would like to join this server because I used to play the Direwolf20 pack with my friend, on his server, but then he could no longer run a server for me, as his mother did not like his computer running all the time, using up tons of power, and eating through their internet bandwidth. I am unable to run a server, as LogMeIn Hamachi for some strange reason crashes my internet drivers, and I am unable to port forward. If I had the opportunity to join your server, I would have no issues anymore. I am really good with most mods in the Direwolf20 pack, I can be very helpful to the players that don't quite understand the mods yet, and I am very patient, so I would be an amazing teacher. I have contributed to the feed the beast wiki, and have added a few pages, along with adding tons of knowledge to existing pages, including adding pictures, making youtube videos that are tutorials for some of the items, and have made a significant impact on the overall well being of the wiki. I would love to be whitelisted because whitelist servers are much much better than non whitelist servers, as the admins have better control over who is allowed in and who is not, which in turn leads to a better player base. Something that I commonly am good at is helping players program computers. I have made multiple touchscreen advanced monitors, and have been programming LUA since I first learned it, playing tekkit. I can type 70 words per minute.

Thanks for the time you took to read my application, even though it was a tad long! Good luck all other people applying![DOUBLEPOST=1370995529][/DOUBLEPOST]er I just noticed the application template was copied wrong from another thread I just applied to, I need to fix it, but there is no edit button?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am really confused now, it will not let me edit my application...Should I redo it in the proper format or just leave it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Sicmaster21

Age: 17 turning 18
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: No I have not
If so why: None
Time zone: EST
FTB experience: My experience with FTB is playing on the Ultimate and on Direwolf20's ModPack. It's very fun and I like to play on it.
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Yes I do
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): I would like to be able to have fun with mature players/people. I'm very good at building IC2 machines. Some maybe a little bit difficult but I'm good at it! I do not curse or use capitals in excessive amounts. For example: Hi everyone!!! Basically all I use is a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. I'd also like to become more interactive with players.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): I can bring in lots of fun. Though I'm pretty sure you have a lot there already. I can also bring help to the server. I'm very good at using plugins and commands. I can help players with whatever they need. I do have admin and OP experiences.
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): I am a Head Moderator (Close to admin because they have OP, at least on the server I play on) on a server I play on. I know most of the commands that were given to me. I'm very experienced with OP and I do NOT obuse powers. I am very respectful toward players and know when to stop an arguement or a fight. I'd like to be able to contribute some of this to your server.

Sicmaster21 :]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: kirab12


Have You Ever Been Banned From A Minecraft Server: No

If So Why: N/A

Time zone: East US (La Paz)

FTB Experience: I Have Played Tekkit for a Long time and i stopped and now i fell in love with FTB like for a 6-8 months and i want to play online.

Do You Have a Microphone to use in teamspeak: Yes and i always use it :)

What Are You Looking For In This Server: I Would like to get into a whitelisted server that has a mature audience. I would like to play with people that have a lot of experience with this game and modpack so i can learn from them and help if i can too. Since this server is Direwolf20 pack and i have the most fun with it i think this is the most appropriate server given that GreGTECK is a Real Pain! I would like to Learn With The Bees i dont have that much eperience with bees and i would really want to become an expert with them. I watch Direwolf20's Server Series and i love what he does and since i see him as a teacher i would like to play with other people and if i can even learn some things about programing and things like such.

What Do You Bring To The Server: I Like to help people and i like to see a good community grow big. I make Youtube Videos and (If Permitted) i would like to make youtube videos there. I would like to improve the experience of other players by making public buildings with some stuff that people might like, For example a Bunch of macerators fournaces and stuff like that. I also have a good sence of humor i like to have fun and play with others from the gaming community. Im a Big Compettitive player in Battlefield 3, and In Call Of Duty but dont worry i am not a douche by COD.

Prior OP/Admin Experience: I Ran A Vanilla Whitelisted Server Through My friends for 5 months until my Computer had problems and they stopped playing minecraft .

Thank You For Your Attention And I Hope You Take Me Into Your Server

mason bobbitt

New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: pleased to say no

If so why:

Time zone: gmt: -6:00

FTB experience: haved played on a lot of direwolf 20 servers (my favorite pack) and used to play some ultimate. But got tired of Gregtech. Used to play tekkit back in the day. Before we had FTB. Usually I like to start up a fresh game and play till I am basically out of stuff to do. Then move on to a new server if no reset happens in like 3-4 weeks. I love bees and tree breeding And I love setting up different styles of houses and figuring out ways to wire them up.
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: yes I do

What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): I am looking for a friendly. Small close knot server that doesn't have people coming for 2-3 days then leaving. I want a server where I can work as a team with people. I would love to make a collective workshop/materials building where we can set up a sorting system hooked up to a mining machine. So as to give everyone the resources they need to make what they want. I basically just want a new server to call home. And I plan to be here for a while.

What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): I bring lots of abilities in the function aspect of the mod. I am taking engineering classes ATM and think of myself as somewhat of an engineer. I can make anything work I just need a few minutes to think about It. I also can do anything I am asked between building cosmetics to making mining machines and sorting systems. I can build us a steady power source that only uses bees and make eu and mj's

Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): none. Sadly it is hard to become an op/admin without prior knowledge and no one wants to teach me


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: lazythirdeye

Age: 25
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: no
If so why:
Time zone: -6
FTB experience: been playing on servers for about 5 mouth now
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: yes
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): will i just look for some where safe and fun to meet other and make friends.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): i love breeding bees and i keep up with foresty and extra bees i love teach other have to breed and use bees.
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): i was a mod long time ago i wish never to do it again.

John Batts

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: SherifsDog22

Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: Yes

If so why:due to stupid admins disrespecting players and me outsmarting them.

Time zone: UTC Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

FTB experience: 5/6 Months with dedicated playing.

Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Yes

What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): A great playable, no-lag server with a friendly community. A server i can get stuck in on without any complaints from others of griefing and them whining in chat that they have been griefed. Friendly players that can help you when you need it, also with great dedicated staff that respect players. A server i can play on for 7 - 8 hours at a time and will keep me entertained. Whilst with no other applications to rank - up (except for staff applications)

What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): I can make huge complex machines, Huge buildings and fun games using ComputerCraft. Friendliness and mature behaviour. Friendly chat with minimal cussing used, i can help out a lot and would love to hopefully get a staff position so i can help out players even more. Coding help if it is ever needed around the server. Along with correct grammar usage.

Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful):

I've worked on 5 servers before, but they all shut down due to the lack of donations because the server wasn't well advertised, And admin on 3 servers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Age: 20
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: No
If so why: N/A
Time zone: UTC+12 However my gameplay times are not dictated by my timezone.
FTB experience: Ive been using mods since B1.6, starting with the original IC. Myself and a few friends would gradually build up mod-packs consisting of 100-200 mods, with which we ran a private server. This was shut-down as my friend lost interest in the game.
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Affirmative
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): The main appeal to me in playing on a server is the community, the social interaction and the competition. Playing on a server you tend to get to know your fellow players, it makes the experience more fun when you can have a casual conversation while playing, just don't get distracted. It also adds a competitive element, players racing to amass the most power, even in Non-PvP servers, simply to show that they can. There is also the innovation, creating new contraptions, 'secret bases' that you show everyone to show them how smart it is, and displays. With the right group server-play can be great enjoyable.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): I'm an experienced player, as i said above, i've been playing with mods since B1.6, my client growing into a monstrosity barely recognisable as Minecraft. I started playing back in Infdev. I'm a good person, mature and (for the gameplay perspective) very creative, though often stuck in my ways.
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): None


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Kazuyakevin
Age: 19
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: to be honest, yes.
If so why: I really dont know, i asked it but didnt heard anything back.
Time zone: +1 (netherlands)
FTB experience: I've played the direwolf20 pack from the beginning
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Yea
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): I am looking for a server with a small comunity. i like servers where you know most people in it. I dont like to get griefed or stolen (ofc), so its good that there is a griefprotection on this server. I like it too that there is a teamspeak server, most of the servers doesnt have one whilst i like it.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): I honestly like to help people with buildings and other things. I know alot about most of the mods so i could help people with that too. i dont have to say alot more about this topic
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): I've been an owner on a tekkit bukkit server for almost a year and an admin on a direwolf20 server for a few months.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Shundax

Age: I am 22.

Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: Nope, never have.
If so why: /

Time zone: +1 Belgium

FTB experience: Been playing for some time, I took a break some months ago, so I am not really up to date with the new 1.5.2 versions, but I'm a quick learner !
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: I do, also have TS3.
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): I am looking for a server thats friendly, mature, and importantly has people that talk to each other. Also I like the fact that applications are being taken seriously, because I'm not a huge fan of griefers, which I've had my fair share of. The fact that it's a new server is even better, as there might still be some cool group projects to be done ? And like I said, I'm not up to date with the new versions, and I'm sure that this would be a good server where I could stick around for a long time and get to know you guys !

What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): Well, I'm a friendly guy, never had any problems. My english isn't the best, but I like to help out wherever I can. I like doing group projects, or even teaming up for a base. I also like to build my bases very big, things have to be aesthetically good. And yeah, I'm mature, so I've got respect for the other players, their items, and their builds. I like to think that I have a decent knowledge of TC3, or atleast used to so I can always help players with that.
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): Last server I was on, I was promoted to Admin, as I always helped players, new or old. Never complained or abused it.

Thank you kind sir, for reading my application and I hope I'll hear back from you !
Greetings, Shun


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: ryry9

Age: 15
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: Nope
If so why: N/A
Time zone: Central
FTB experience: I have been playing FTB for a while now, about a year.
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Yes I do. And I have teamspeak installed.
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): I would like a sorta small server where there isn't a lot of bad things going on. Stealing, greifing, trolling. I would like to meet everyone and make new friends. I would like to have lots of fun with everybody and make lots of cool things. I hope this server is all that I am looking for. It seems like its one good deal and I would love to be part of it.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): I would bring my knowledge on the mods I get into in my spare time. I'm a big fan of Thermal Expansion. I also like bees though. They do some really cool things. I could help with the topics I know about and if its not a bother, I would like some help in the topics I lack. But I have big plans for what I would like to do, I just need a server to do them at.
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): Sorry, but no.

Rex the Engineer

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

IGN: Rexxae

Age: 16 (17 in September)
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: Nope, proud of it.
If so why: N/A
Time zone: +1:00
FTB experience: I have only played Tekkit and FTB since around the release of Minecraft, I havent played recently thought and I understand a lot of new content has been added, I hope to learn all of this again.
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Yes, right now im using my laptop built-in mic, trying to configure my headset.. to no avail.
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): Well as of right now I am bored with playing with my clan in Mount and Blade, or keeping my lp up in League of Legends. I just looked at my desktop and said: "I want to build shit.", And what better place to do that than with Modded Minecraft? I hooked up with a very private server group I played with some time ago, but the owner told me that nobody was willing to pay anymore and most left, the group was kinda dead. (And I even payed 10 euros when I left!). I want to start playing again in a small and secure server, and build stuff that would take ages.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): A great helpful player who would love to play with others. One of the reasons I am looking for a server is that I start cheating in a non-regulated enviroment, even if I have the possibility to cheat in Multiplayer I wont, because there are other people who are at a disadvantage then. (I dunno, im weird like that) I am very loyal to servers, I normally last a good few months and if it is still fun for me to play I stay, but after that I *snap* and go back to other obscure games. I like having a tightly-knit playerbase who help each other, not that we all just go off into the distance and only talk as if were just some kind of Pen pals.
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): I was an admin on Legitminer (Tekkit) and on that small server (FTB) I talked about. I try to be fair to all and never give out stuff unless called for.

I had a picture of a sick arch bridge I made in vanilla a long time ago, but it is lost now. Im trying to make some builds right now.


Ben Edmondson

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server:Not that i know of no.
If so why:
Time zone:GMT
FTB experience:None other than with AE BC and IC2
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak:Yes
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): To make new friends and find a community i feel comfortable around
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences):A person that enjoys a laugh and is up for all kinds of challenges :)
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful):Owner of own server and admin on another both closed due to lack of funding

Please let me join and thank you for taking the time to read

Yours sincerely

- TheBennyBoyJr

TJ Williams

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 15
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: No, Happily
If so why: (N/A)
Time zone: Central time zone
FTB experience: Played ftb for almost one year now :)
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Yep!
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences):

On this server I am looking for a good community. I am also hoping to make some community builds as well as some private ones. (nothing bad just private) I like to see other peoples things, and I am trying to make some things actually look good by seeing other styles. I love servers where the admins are on often, and although that doesn't always happen, it's still nice to see them around once and a while :). Hopefully I don't cause any accidental lag, though without chunkloaders I shouldn't have any problem with that.

What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences):

I hope to bring cool mini games, nice workshop for all, big smiles (I know, I'm all about the cheesiness), and much more (when I think about things that sound cool). I will try to leave all of my lag-creating abilities in my creative test world, although no promises. I will NOT and will NEVER bring griefing and raiding. If I borrow something, I will pay it back, and I don't borrow things often. Over all I hope to bring cool things to the other cool things that are probably already on the server. I hope that I don't get in trouble for a good invisible prank once and a while....

Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful):
I was an admin/OP on my brother's vanilla server. It didn't get popular except for a few eight-year-olds looking for somewhere that they could become admin somehow...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Mplemstr

Age: 16
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server: No
If so why: N/A
Time zone: Eastern US
FTB experience: 8 Months on and off.
Do you have a microphone to use TeamSpeak: Yes.
What are you looking for from this server(minimum 5 sentences): Friendly Community, a place to play that is reliable.
What do you bring to the server(minimum 5 sentences): I'm a friendly player that has played Minecraft since release date. I am a decent builder not anything amazing. I'm fun to talk to, mature for my age and a calm person, it takes a lot to get me mad. I honestly am not great at machines and things of that nature in relation to the mods but I am very open to learning! I'm a helpful player and a positive one too. Looking forward to seeing your answer!
Prior OP/Admin experience (not required but helpful): Used to run a Ultimate server but have since closed that due to bandwidth issues.