Whitelist Server Direwolf20 Server (New)(Small)(Whitelist)

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Why:Looking for a FTB Server to play on that isn't filled with Griefers.
On your own, or with others:I would like to work with others. If they are nice that is.
how much you can play: About 2,4 Hours a Day.
Additional:I really Don't like giving out my Age so i hope that if fine. I also have Skype the IGN is the same as my username. I also am a fan of ComputerCraft And IC2 so im not lost.
IGN: netugi
Location: Canada
Why: I did join a FTB server before this, but it's a collab server, and being the FTB amateur I am, I feel quite left behind on it. I'm hoping this one's the kind of server where you can go off on your own business for the most part, then I can work at my own pace. I wouldn't mind a companion, but a whole server's just too much. I've also been playing quite a bit with my friend, who's also a FTB amateur, but he's always having problems with making his server work.
On my own, or with others: Stated above
How much can I play: Many hours per day usually.
Additional: I know a lot of the basics, so I'm not completely lost in the woods. I mostly focus on computercraft, though I don't know a whole lot of Lua. I like to experiment and see how that works out.
I'm also 18 years old, turning 19 in April.
IGN: pureawesomness
Location: Canada
Why: I would like a server that's always working so that I can simply play. I've tried my own server but it's prone to failure
On own, or with others: I plan on playing with a friend mostly, but I also wouldn't mind playing with others every now and then
How much can I play: When I start seriously playing it can be for several hours, other than that it varies quite a bit.
Additional: I know my way around a few mods. I'm 17.
I'm applying for 2. We would work together, and for the most part log in together.
IGN: iiamghostt saiuzaru
Location: New York, USA
Why: Me and my friend are trying to get on a server, so we can build awesome stuff. I'm experienced with FTB, and i'm teaching him how to play ftb. He's proficent with vanilla
On own, or with others: I would like it to be me and my friend in one base. But am open to a small town!
How much can I play: We can play around school and work.
Additional: We should be treated as one. I may be on once in a while when he isn't, and vice versa, but we should mostly be working together. Also, i'm 22, he's 21
IGN: dtbarnes7
Age: 22
Location: Southern California
why you would want to play: I want to join a small group of guys and girls to hang out with and just play some ftb minecraft.
would you go on your own or with others: I would make a base with another person
how much you can play: I work, so ill be on everyday in the afternoon, PST.
IGN: Zaelesis
Age: 25
Location: Eastern Canada.
why you would want to play: I have been playing SSP using similar mods to DW20 for a while now and looking for some people to play with.
would you go on your own or with others: Id like to have my own little base somewhere but not against building with others or with someone else.
how much you can play: I tend to play about 2-4 hours a day on average, sometimes more if im in the mood for large scale legos. :P
I will be taking more applications now. this doesn't mean the above aren't taken into consideration just an update.
IGN: bgutten
Age: 14
Location: norway
why:i want to join a server with a small community becoaus it is easyer to get conntact with people then
On your own, or with others: i would like to play with other yes
how much you can play: just about 2 and a half houer a day
additional: i do record stuff but havent got to record a ftb yet
Hello everyone

IGN: Dman77
Age: 16. Turning 17 in July
Location: Michigan, USA
Why: I always have wanted to play on a small community server where everyone is friendly and we can play and build together. I have been playing FTB for a while and I know loads about the mods that are in the pack.
On your own, or with others: I love community building but i also like to build smaller or maybe some big projects by myself or with another person, since minecraft isn't as fun if you can't play with others.
how much you can play: How much I play varies, I tend to play more when other people are on and I do play a lot on the weekends. So 3-8 hours a day.

Hope you add me and can't wait to play with ya :D
IGN: jackoman1999
Age: 18
Have you ever been banned from a server?: No
Have you had experience with any of the mods in the modpack?: Yes. I have been using forestry Ic2 and a few other mods for a very long time. I especially enjoy the challenge of bee breeding:) I also have alot of Redpower experience and some LUA.
Why would you like to join this server?: I have always loved the idea of joining a cool FTB server rather than just playing single player to have fun and to donate to the FTB community. Also i always love to help others out and try new things!

Thanks, Godelex
anyways just leave your IGN: Alexander_18
why you would want to play: Looking for a fun easy server where i can work with poeple on cool builds
would you go on your own or with others. I would definitly go with others.
how much you can play: A little bit every day
hi, here's my application:

IGN: gwtje
Age: 15
From: The Netherlands
i like to work together in teams from 2 or 3
i like to join youre server because most the servers i see have lots of plugins and crazy stuff. but i like a "vanille" FTB server. also since on my yt channel i only have a slow tutorial on my singleplayer i would like to be able to record some on youre server and build a bit more off camera.
i play about 4-6 hours of minecraft daily. I know that's a lot, but im not fat.

hope to join you guys soon.
if i'm white-listed just mail me: [email protected]
I will give you my skype than.
Hello i am really interested in joining your server.
my ING is: 0wns2Build
my age is: 14 almost 15 and very mature
i live in Holland (thats timezone UTC +1)
why i want to join the server: i really want to join the server cause i like to do stuff in a small comunity and have optunitys to do stuff together.

why you would want to play: I am looking for a good server with nice community and this server seems very nice, I also want to start playing in a new server.

would you go on your own or with others: I hope my friends will join me on this server, If it will be a good one i will convice them to ocome for sure so i gusse i will go with others.

how much you can play: About 3-7 hours a day
why you would want to play: I want to play because all my single player worlds get deleted and I don't want that to keep happening so I want a server to play on.
would you go on your own or with others: Well I don't know I would most likely go by myself
how much you can play:1-2 hours on weekdays then whenever I want on weekends

Thanks for reading if you do
why do i want to play? i want to play on this server because its really hard to find a server that dosent advertise like servers youtube channels im just the only reason i need to play on a whitelisted server is so i can rec awesome things
i really hope you add me.:)
email me if i get on the white list its [email protected]
and if you have skype add me it my ign
This server looks pretty awesome just what im looking for Here is my application:
IGN: KnowingMan
Location: Israel(Hope it wont be a problem)
Why: I joined lots of server that run direwolf20 they ban all the cool stuff and have realy realy bad community I find this server with good community all sounds nice when i saw the applications just hope to join this one and be part of a good community FTB Direwolf20 pack server.
On my own, or with others: I hope to get my friend here but i dont think he will like the mod as i do so take that as on my own.
How much can I play: Many hours per day Most of the time.
Additional: I saw somthing about 35 episodes of direwolf20 lets play realy helped me understanding the mode and knowing what i realy want to focus on which in this case will be mining alot and then just Some buildcraft and IC2 machines for early on. And Im 16 years old im nice help every one that ask for just want to be part of a good community and hope just hope it will be good.:)
IGN: GavinCorkery
Location: USA, Michigan
Why: I need a server to pay on that will allow me to practice my expertice and have fun with people
On my own, With other players: On my own
How much can I play: As often as I can
Additional: I have been playing FTB from the begginging and I am very used to FTB Direwolf20
IGN: NimeniAltu666
Location: Romania
Why: Cause i really like Direwolf20, and i'm searching a good small server without griefing :D
On my own, or with others: On my own :D
How much can I play: Weekdays probably 2-3 hours a day, weeknd up to 8 hours a day :D
Additional: I have experience with mods, all the mods except Thaumcraft :( i suck at reasearch lol :)
IGN: bubblesayoyo
i'm 27, usa. i would like to be a part of a community, maybe team up with someone to get the best out of both of us. i play just about everyday. Just looking to have some fun playing MC and I think this would be perfect. I'm pretty well versed in all the mods and have been playing for a few years with them.